All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
462 chapters
Lake of a Thousand Icicles – Part Two.
I suggest you cooperate with secret information-hunting organizations to discover the opening of ancient heritage."A moment of silence..."One more thing, you are not allowed to leave this Elven Domain before you set foot in the Great Spirit Realm Cultivation Domain. I hope you understand."Such was Lady Zhang's lengthy explanation that Suma Fen understood better what she was about to do.Hunting Dao Rank Sword Techniques and Dao Rank Sword Weapons would be his priority when he was in the outside world later.Then, Suma Fen explained that he was changing his name to use his master's surname. It was as per his late master's request.Lady Zhang was delighted to hear Suma Fen's story. She then gave another gift: a set of Elven royal clothes. This dark grey ash metallic outfit looked very elegant.Lady Zhang asked Suma Fen if he should pay a visit back to Lady Zhang's residence when he finished cultivating at the Lake of Thousand Icicles.Lady Zhang would bequeath a secret magic techniqu
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Lake of a Thousand Icicles - Three.
At the legendary lake known to the Elven as the Lake of a Thousand Icicles, Suma Fen took off his clothes. He jumped in and plunged into the ice-cold lake.He almost screamed and ran out of the lake.He immediately adjusted his breathing and mobilized the Qi energy from his dantian (dantian is a source of energy processing, located in the stomach, near the navel). Warm air enveloped his body. When he plunged his body back into the Ice Lake, he didn't feel frozen. He began to absorb all that cold energy through his skin.The cold energy penetrated and seeped into his bones. The chill was unbearable, but that was just the beginning. After he began to regulate his breathing and mobilize the warmth from his dantian, he slowly began to absorb the cold qi and circulate it throughout his nervous system. He was trying to break through all the dead ends in his nervous system.He piled up the excess bone-chilling cold energy in all his dantian to strengthen the Ice Element that was the basis of
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Lake of a Thousand Icicles - Four.
"I think the Qi energy in the ice water of this lake will soon be exhausted. That soul oracle has always been very greedy to absorb cold energy. It's time to end cultivation training in this Lake of a Thousand Icicles."Suma Fen decided not to absorb any more Ice energy from the lake. It felt like the amount of Qi contained in the frozen liquid was getting thin.It would be nice if he left a little source of Qi in the lake. Didn't the wise say it was better to go a little of everything rather than greedily devouring all the natural materials available?Wouldn't the leftover energy re-evolve itself and then fill the Ice Lake with new Qi energy? Leave that as a legacy for future generations, even if it's ten years, a hundred years, or even a thousand years. What is certain is that Suma Fen left some energy in the Ice Lake.++++Meanwhile, Suma Fen opened the spatial ring his Master had given him. he moved his mind and searched for what he needed to wear.Inside the ring was a box that h
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Welcome to the Real World!
Meanwhile, during his training at the Lake of a Thousand Icicles, his sword intent comprehension had reached a new level, the "Sacred Heart Sword" sword intent. This sword intent was the second rank after passing through the primary purpose of sword intent from level 1 to level 3.When he was about to leave the elven Domain, Baron Wei gave him a gift of the harp that Suma Fen often used to practice.It was a heavenly rank spirit harp, which would be used to accompany Suma Fen on his adventure as a Sword King. "Well... it seems that he should be familiar with being called a Sword King from now on. The abilities and qualifications of a Sword King are complete. Even his comprehension of sword intent is at the level of the Sacred Heart Sword!"Two months after Suma Fen finished Baron Wei's and Lady Zhang's last lesson, he rushed along the Niire River to head towards the portal where there was an exit from this Domain. When Suma Fen exited through the portal, he arrived at Bing Jinglin's s
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The First Battle.
A thin wisp of smoke that was barely visible to the naked eye moved above the roof of the Morning Star City Mayor's house. Then, the thin smoke formed a human figure dressed in a dull green that fluttered in the night breeze. Even though his clothes fluttered in the wind, the sound of the flowing fabric could not be heard, as it was cloaked in the silence of the night.Suma Fen opened the roof tile of the Mayor's residence and looked down, precisely below him, at the meeting room. The scene below showed two practitioners of the Xue Chang Empire pounding on the table while uttering loud words that could be heard outside."Tell me where they are hiding..!!!!"Surprisingly, none of the bodyguards entered and accompanied the Mayor when the sound of pounding on the table was heard. Suma Fen thought it seemed that even the bodyguards had been paralysed and frightened by Xue Chang's Imperial envoy.Then, with a hand gesture, the demon race figure wearing a dou peng aimed his hand and sucked
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Chapter 89, Sword Sect Danger Signs – Part One.
Suma Fen did not answer the demon race's question. Instead, he began to strum notes resembling a ditty.With the atmosphere of the night getting late, plus the blood splattered on the floor, the sound of the harp strumming felt like death music to the listener."Tell me again.... Are these martial practitioners in the Great Ying Empire so weak?"Suma Fen plucked another string with the exertion of Qi. Then, another wave scroll filled with the giant sword's air shot out and cut off the demon race's other arm. It was as easy as a bread knife cutting through butter.The demon race was dying more and more. The blood splattering on the floor was even more sickening."My Lord Mao Jianheeng will avenge this death of mine...."Then he jumped while enduring pain towards Suma Fen. The demon intended to explode his cultivation point to die with Suma Fen.Suma Fen only smiled and then let out some mocking words,"It's too naive for an ant like you to wish to commit suicide to die together.Suma F
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Sword Sect Danger Signs – Part Two.
Suma Fen shot through the sky using the Heavenly Eagle's wings. He had to immediately head to the Cloud Sword Sect to see first-hand the state of the sect. In his heart, he was very worried about the sect's existence.When he arrived at the Cloud Sword Sect's Five-Coloured Mountain Range, he could only see that the disciples' dwellings were very quiet.Then, when Suma Fen checked by going downstairs, it was true. All the student residences were empty. When he visited all the peaks in the Cloud Sword Sect, they were also deserted, deserted, and completely unoccupied.He saw so many meaningless graffiti on the walls of the halls. Those seemingly meaningless scribbles were secret codes that only the sect disciples could understand.When Suma Fen tried to piece together the words implied in the graffiti, he was able to summarise them in sentence form as follows."The sect is in danger, all sect disciples and higher-ups must hide themselves. It is suggested that all join the Seven Great Se
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The Duel of Two Great Spiritists - Part One.
Suma Fen hovered over Lanhua City to keep an eye on the city. She hoped that she would run into the figure mentioned by the guest at the restaurant this afternoon.He was very curious, what kind of person always stole girls and then sucked their blood? And also... what kind of cultivation was that person practicing that required so many blood sacrifices?It was almost early morning. But there was still no sign of anything suspicious. Suma Fen thought about going back to her room to rest.But Suma Fen's thoughts were quickly put to rest when a hysterical scream was heard coming from one of the houses, followed by the sound of bells ringing, signaling something out of the ordinary. The residents of Lanhua City were awakened by the loud sound of night bells.Suma Fen, in the form of a thin vapor, floated towards the house where the screams were heard.When people began to gather at the house of the family the screams came, all marked that it was the house of a wealthy merchant family in
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The Duel of Two Great Spiritists – Part Two.
Suma Fen replied and rebuked Mao Yuwen's cultivation method. Her demeanor and gaze were extremely serious. The opponent in front of him was a demon race, Warlord."The pleasantries are over, let's determine the winner of this duel."Mao Yuwen then re-formed the Fire seal, and in a movement that looked strange, he again shouted,"Long Huo Palm second strike, Fire Dragon Rage..."The fiery red-colored giant hand shot toward Suma Fen.Suma Fen was no less terrifying. With a voice that sounded sedating to the audience but was quite low, he chanted to unleash the second attack of the Nirvana Painting Sword technique."The second attack of the Sea of Orange Nirvana..."Five great sword auras that emitted the color of the evening sky shot out rapidly. As if not to be outdone and overflowing, the swords welcomed the arrival of the giant, fiery-red palm.Again, an even louder explosion rang through the atmosphere of the rocky hill. Its echoes reached all over Lanhua City.Suma Fen saw that his
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Sacred Heart Sword - Sword Intent.
While muttering a mantra that more or less read like this,"A sword is a sword... a sword is a weapon without eyes, but the eyes of the heart can control it."From within Suma Fen's body came a thick aura resembling smoke. That smoke eventually looked like the spirit formation of a woman holding.The Moon Heart Sword was now in her right hand.This was the Next Level Sword Intent, which was the Sacred Heart Sword Intent."Restttt....."After Suma Fen finished chanting the sword intent incantation, both her hands waved forward, and the condensed aura in the form of the beautiful woman charged towards the demon race's artificial flame skull aura."Slaassh.... Blessssh....."The impact that occurred did not cause a boom or a thunderous sound. Rather, it was a sound akin to someone cutting a soft tree trunk in half.It happened so fast that everyone in the audience held their breath with their eyes wide. No one wanted to miss the crowning moment.At that moment, the bustling atmosphere at
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