All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
462 chapters
Demon Musician Magic.
The sword training ground was located at the edge of the forest called the Black Forest, or Mor Taure. The field was vast, with sloping green grass as its base.When Yuan Fen's feet stepped on the field's grass, the sensation was like a soft velvet cloth. The field, which had an area of about 200 square meters, was divided into six mini-courts that were enough for sparring practice between six pairs of Elven.Yuan Fen arrived at the practice field. At that time, the field looked quite quiet; only a few Elven were seen practicing using spears and arrows. No Elven were doing sparring practice.When Yuan Fen arrived, he was greeted by an Elven named Ye Feng."Greetings, may the stars be with you," Ye Feng said as he bowed and greeted Yuan Fen. The human race youth also gave a respectful greeting back."An Elven with a 3-Star Enlightened Spirit Realm Cultivation realm. How could I, who is only at the Spirit Condensation Realm realm, be able to compete against her?" thought Yuan Fen with a
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Pearl of Life Artifact – Part One.
"In the past, a group of sorcerers from different races formed an association for the purpose of attacking others using magic tucked into the beautiful notes of a song.""They were known as the Magic Masters and called their sect the Musicians of the Death Stream. For those who hate them, they call this group a group of demonic musicians. In fact, far from the cruelty attached to demonic Musicians, these witchcraft techniques are intended for the treatment of the soul and relaxation of the soul.""If played correctly, the rhythms of this death music can heal the wounds in one's soul. Unfortunately, this branch was later used for evil, namely in the battle for personal obsession.""Let's begin; listen to the theory I'm about to recite and memorize the magic spells," Baron Wei said, explaining the Demon Musician's Technique.Baron Wei recited the theory of the Demon Musician technique and the spells that could be used in this Technique. Yuan Fen concentrated on training herself to play
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Pearl of Life Artifact – Part Two.
"Once he has taken a liking to you, he will be so loyal that he will even give away his creations for free.""Besides, for us Elven who have lived so long in this world, we are not after worldly treasures. Elven are only interested in creating new things."After finishing the Demon Musician lessons, Yuan Fen on this day began to learn the art of speed and movement. According to Baron Wei, Elven's speed and agility were natural factors difficult for the human race to replicate.However, Baron Wei had a training technique that could help Yuan Fen to be able to perform movements as fluid and agile as Elven.Yuan Fen was brought to a large field. Baron Wei first chanted an incantation so that the large field looked like a rectangular light surrounded it.Then, in the large field, Baron Wei released five swallows. Yuan Fen's job was to catch all five swallows quickly.The swallow itself is a small and slender eagle. With a body length of about 30cm and a wingspan of about 80cm, they can fl
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A day of rest - One.
That day, Yuan Fen was invited by Baron Wei to take a walk in Runya Oira City. During the journey, Yuan Fen saw many interesting things. Like when he saw two twin Elven figures singing to a tree, so that the tree seemed to form a new staircase connecting the two Elven's residences with the path connecting one house to another.There was also a fairy sitting pensively smiling, lingering while watching a butterfly fly around him. What that Elven was doing, he really didn't understand.Then, after they had walked along the road that was full of the fragrant roses that made up the canopy of the road, they finally arrived at a fairly large tree house. On top of the house were the words "The House of Niu Gazian" or "Elven Niu Gazian's Residence."The first interesting thing Yuan Fen saw was that Elven seemed to be forging a weapon by hand. Yuan Fen was really surprised. Wasn't this Elven a figure who was very good at using magic?Even the magic they cast was generally without loudly chantin
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A day of rest – Two.
He stared for a long time and said nothing. Yuan Fen became uncomfortable when being stared at like that, but he tried to be reasonable.After a while, Niu Gazian then said,"I, old Elven, believe in the prophecy of D Elven aa, my witch cat. D Elven aa has never been wrong in his judgement. Therefore, I am willing to give you the Pearl Ring of Life.""For now, I have not thought about what you humans will pay for the Pearl of Life Ring.""But my request is that in the future, when you have become someone special, I will ask you to do three things for me.""The three things I'm requesting are not something that goes against the norms of life. They are tasks that I haven't had time to do during my adventures in the human domain hundreds of years ago."Yuan Fen nodded his head. In principle, as long as it was a task that did not go against the generally accepted, he would not mind doing it."I'm willing to do any task you want in the future, as long as it doesn't go against the prevailin
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Seven Hail Spells.
Yuan Fen practiced the seven spells, but specifically for the seventh spell, he was only limited to memorising the theory and pronunciation of the spell in Elven language. Although it was just practice, it was best not to chant the seventh spell, according to Baron Wei.During this Seven Ice Storm Spells lesson, Yuan Fen was truly horrified. He could imagine how great that Northern Territory Sword King was 1000 years ago. With such terrifying combat techniques, he was indeed worthy of being nicknamed the Sword King.Notes: All of these techniques are indeed from the Sword King's legacy.Meanwhile, Baron Wei was overjoyed to see Yuan Fen so easily learn all the magic created by the Elves. He realised that Yuan Fen was able to execute all these Seven Ice Storm Spells lessons because Yuan Fen's spiritual energy ability had reached Earth Symbol Master level 4.Baron Wei even intended to improve Yuan Fen's spiritual ability so that it became equivalent to a level 1 Heavenly Symbol Master.
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The Feast of the Elven and the Intoxicating Fion – Part One.
The Aran Megil Festival is a festival that has been observed in the Elven Domain for hundreds of years. It has always been celebrated regularly every five years.This celebration ceremony is nothing more than a ceremony of honor remembering the glory days of the Sword King from the Elven Domain.But since 500 years ago, it has also been a ceremony to seek recognition from the Ice Dragon and the Sword Emperor for the person chosen to be the next Sword King.In the center of a forest of old oak trees, as old as the Elven of the previous era, was a hill called Tan Olish Hill.At the foot of Tan Olish Hill was a small field full of soft, green grass. The Elven would gather every Aran Megil to sing, dance, and contribute their magical creations.Tan Olish Hill itself is more like a natural rock cliff. Where on the cliff wall is painted a sword of ice and a beautiful image of the Ice Dragon.It is said that the King of Swords made the picture 1000 years ago using his Spiritual ability (soul
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The Feast of the Elven and the Intoxicating Fion – Part Two.
Yuan Fen was very grateful to have the Pearl of Life Ring, so he didn't have to worry about his Qi running out.(Qi is the basic energy or vital force gained from meditation and training called cultivation.)Just as night was approaching, jars of Fion were distributed. All the Elven touched the Fion and drank it like water. Yuan Fen was not to be outdone. He casually sucked a large spoonful of Fion into his mouth."Sluuurrpp....."When Fion entered his stomach, Yuan Fen instantly felt floating, and the liquid made his mood very happy.Without hesitation, he grabbed another large spoonful of Fion and drank it. Lady Zhang, the center of attention at the event, laughed at the sight of Yuan Fen reaching for a large spoonful of Fion. However, Baron Wei came up to Yuan Fen and warned him.Fion is a forest wine that is grown using magic chants. The distillation technique also used Elven magic. Because of this, Fion was a highly intoxicating drink, so Yuan Fen was only allowed to drink two sp
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A New Name.
Ti Lung's Dragon Painting and Bing Di Jian's Sword thrashed about, wanting to break free, emitting light like brilliant starlight. Both began to move as Elven's magic-filled humming grew louder. Then, when the humming peaked, the two paintings were wholly transformed into living figures.The Ice Dragon and the Bing Di Jian Sword floated towards the crowd of rejoicing Elven, emitting a mesmerizing glow. Although some Elven were aware of the two creatures from the painting on Tan Olish's cliff, they did not show any surprise. Instead, they became even more immersed in song and joy.All of the Elven welcomed the appearance of the Ti Lung Dragon and Bing Di Jian Sword as if inviting the two to join in on the merrymaking. There was no fear, and the two creatures dissolved into the festivities as the Elven danced around.Yuan Fen was not surprised at the appearance of the two strange and fantastic legendary figures. The magical influence of Elven and Fion's humming was so strong that it mad
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Lake of a Thousand Icicles.
Ye Feng was a little dumbfounded at the physical changes of the human before him. However, as an Elven, he was used to seeing an Elven's shape change or metamorphosis into another form, which was strange to human eyes.After all, all Elvens have heard and witnessed it themselves. The human was blessed and chosen by two legendary figures in the Aran Megil celebration held once every five years.The two figures clashed and attacked each other when the wooden sword was drawn from its sheath. Unlike the previous time, Ye Feng could not even touch the hem of the human's clothes in front of him this time.Ye Feng became increasingly curious and then increased the speed of his sword movement.After some time passed, after exchanging blows for dozens of moves, Yuan Fen finally slashed toward Ye Feng's sword."Kraakk....."The sound of Ye Feng's sword being broken by Suma Fen's strike. They were followed by a wooden sword stab that was aimed directly at Ye Feng's heart.The Elven was thrown fa
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