All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
462 chapters
Wings of the Crowned Eagle.
The journey using Magical Animals from Azalea City to Morning Star City was estimated to take seven days, longer than the previous journey with the Cloud Sword Sect team to the seven sects' genius tournament event.For this journey, Yuan Fen used a giant White Crane, a Magical Animal capable of flying for days on end with a flying height of up to 30,000 feet. Yuan Fen enrolled as an Inscription Master Expert, granting him convenient facilities in almost all regions of the Silver Continent. So, the traveling cost from Azalea City to Morning Star City, which should have been around 10,000 energy stones, became free this time.On top of the White Crane was a wooden building with six small rooms. Inside, Yuan Fen cultivated all the time and made many war amulets that were sought after by various practitioners. He intended to use them as souvenirs when meeting old acquaintances.After seven days in the air, Morning Star City appeared in front of all the White Crane Magical Beast passengers
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Inscription Writing of an Earth Master Lev. 3.
The toughness of this type of Magical Beast is unquestionable. With its mighty wings, it can fly far and high and attack prey quickly. After gripping the prey with its two claws, it carries it flying as high as possible and then releases it to the ground."I have modified the Crowned Eagle's two wing frames with strands and strands of various metals such as steel, nickel, and chrome mined from the Bor mountains in the Western region of the Continent.""The materials used were very expensive as we imported them from very far away. But the result... look at it. It was so beautiful when I inserted strand after strand of iron feathers into the skeleton of the Crowned Eagle's wings."Mr Mr Liang Zhang continued to stare and admire his handiwork. This was one of the best Masterpieces he had ever made."This thing made the two Inscription Masters earlier force me to sell to them. But I flatly refused."There was silence for a moment. Yuan Fen thought about how much power he would gain when w
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Sunlight Sword Skill – Part One.
Initially, it was as if the wings did not respond to Yuan Fen's commands through spiritual power. With a loud voice, Yuan Fen increased his spiritual power by 60%, equivalent to a Level 1 Earth Master's spiritual power."Move!!!"The wings shook violently. The spirit within the wing tried to resist Yuan Fen's command, which carried the spiritual power of Earth Master 1.However, after fifteen minutes, the wing remained violently shaking, unwilling to move from its place."Stubborn... I command you to move!!!"Yuan Fen directed a spiritual attack that carried 80% of his power towards the wing. The power of that spiritual energy reached 80%, and the wing was seen shaking violently. Then, with a loud gurgle, the wing flapped its wings. The resulting roar of wind was mighty, disrupting the entire room."Enter!"The final command from Yuan Fen, who carried the strength of a Level 2 Earth Master's spiritual Qi, was followed by a loud howling sound from the wings.With a speed that seemed li
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Sunlight Sword Skill – Part Two.
"I have changed all the spirit inscriptions stamped on the surface of all those items from Earth Spirit 1 inscriptions to Earth Class 3 Spirit symbols. So naturally their abilities have increased compared to their previous state.""To complement all these armour and weapon items, there is also a copy of Trenta's Earth rank sword technique called 'Sunlight Sword Technique'.""I got this sword technique from the auction of the Azalea City Treasure Hall. According to the seller's information, this Sword Technique was previously owned by a single-armed practitioner hundreds of years ago. This technique made him one of the most respected sword practitioners.""I think this technique will suit you very well. I hope you like it."Peng Fai then explored the inner contents of the spatial ring. He was so happy when he found the item mentioned by Yuan Fen.After finding the copy, Peng Fai let out a slight exclamation, "Sun Light Sword Technique. Hopefully, this technique will be my ace card to r
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Fisherman and Bing Jinglin Lake.
The Cloud Sword Sect Mountain Range was abandoned by Yuan Fen. He was headed for the Fairy Cliff Forest next. He just needed to trek toward the heart of the jungle and then follow his Master's directions, based on the knowledge he learned from his late Master, Suma Chen. Flying quickly allowed one to reach the edge of the Fairy Cliff Forest quickly, and Yuan Fen was there in a matter of moments. He made the decision to proceed on foot into the woodland. Using the air path was too risky because flying could cause him to miss a lot of evidence. Based on the clues, Yuan Fen discovered a river named Xian Ge River, also known as Fairy Song River, while traversing through the forest towards the west. This river flows eastward from the north of the woodland. Once the Xian Ge River was located, Yuan Fen followed the river's source and proceeded northward along it. It took more than two days to walk to the river's source. On the other hand, Yuan Fen was at ease during the trip. Every now a
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Part One of The Forest of the Xianren World,
Once his rite of melancholic singing was complete, the Xianren begged Yuan Fen once more. "So, you young knight will pass through the portal connecting the Xianren and Human worlds?" Did you realize that there will only be one weekly opening for this portal? You won't be able to access the portal for roughly three days." "The Xianren nobility in Runya Oira City uses their high-ranking magic to restrict access to the portal to once a week. The biggest city in the Xianren's universe is Runya Oira." "Some time ago, there was a demon race that managed to break through the guarding of this portal and took some rare plants that we cultivated." "Of course, after that, access via this gateway could only be made once every week. The Xianren never kept watch over this doorway in the beginning. But we have been switching out the guards at this entryway on a regular basis ever since the demon race breached." "My duty schedule, the old one, is for this month. Yuan Dewei is my name. I'm known
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The Forest of the Xianren World, Part 2.
As night fell and the Full Moon rose, a most lovely aura enveloped the surroundings. Yuan Fen kept walking up the trail, which had a tunnel-like top covered in twisting forest roses and bougainvillea. The aroma of flowers filled the night air, making it incredibly fragrant. Yuan Fen had a wave of excitement while feeling as though he was in a dream. "Its beauty is captivating. This seems so surreal," Yuan Fen pondered. "Here in the world of Xianren, the old legends seem to still be alive." Yuan Fen paused when he eventually came to a little grass area situated between the river and the woodland. Then Yuan Fen sung a traditional song that Yuan Dewei had taught him. It proceeded as follows: Taure Edhel on a starry night The nose is filled with the aromatic perfume of the forest. This self feels at ease because of everything. When else is Taura Edhel wine good? * The forest is called Taure Edhel, which translates to "fairy forest." "My brothers, don't worry. I arrive in harmony
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The City in the Middle of the Forest.
Yuan Fen woke when the Taure Edhel Forest was bathed in the morning sun. The scent of flowers filled his nostrils. His lungs expanded in size due to the fresh morning air.As he gazed up at the clusters of foliage of the old oak trees that dominated the forest, a sense of tranquillity completely enveloped the Taure Edhel Forest. Soft, green moss thrived on the trunks of the oak trees, giving the feeling of looking at an expanse of smooth, green velvet that was a feast for the eyes.The four Xianren, Ren Gazian, Ren Guang, Ren Gaotin, and Ren Jiao Long, were seen preparing their belongings for their departure to Runya Oira City. After packing, they took Yuan Fen to the bank of the Niire River, which means the River of Tears.From within the shrubbery on the bank of the Niire River, Ren Gaotin and Ren Guang pulled out a small boat that was enough for six adults to ride. The ship looked so light that the planks were made of Oak wood and Cedarwood (sharp-leaved needle-like pine).Both tre
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A Lady of the Elf Race – Part One.
Runya Oira City was the remaining city of the Xianren. It was the largest city belonging to the Xianren, where the other groups only lived in groups in the forests. The town sits on the banks of the Niire River, the longest river through the portal of the Xianren World to this Xianren city.The houses of the Xianren are generally built on trees and are naturally formed. There are paths with enough space for four adults to walk on them, connecting one cottage or house to another.All the paths are lined with flowers, predominantly forest roses and bougainvillaea. The protective flower arrangements stretch out beautifully, forming a canopy at the top of the path. The impression created was an unfamiliar feeling as if passing through a passage in a garden full of fragrant flowers.Yuan Fen was amazed at the beauty of Xianren's City of the People. It was like being in a dream when passing through the alleys full of flowers as a canopy.In this City of the Xianren, there had not been a kin
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A Lady of the Elf Race – Part Two.
Lady Zhang Haiyun looked quite surprised when she saw Yuan Fen able to execute the Sword Intent. It was a sword intent. Not the pseudo-Sword Intent that some Xianren were able to comprehend. Even this youngster's Sword Intent was at level 2."You are a genius capable of comprehending sword intent. Even your sword intent is at level 2.""You know, in these nearly 1000 years, it has never been heard of anyone in the Northern Hemisphere comprehending sword intent. Whether it comes from Xianren or humans, there has never been anyone who understands it.""Yet at this moment, you a young knight of the human race even comprehends sword intent, and that sword intent is even level 2. I don't know what kind of monster you will become after practicing the Sword King ability."Lady Zhang then looked thoughtful for a moment. Then subtly asked Yuan Fen to take a break,"Young human warrior, you can take some time to rest. Wake up quickly so that tomorrow morning you can meet me. There is something
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