All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
462 chapters
The Jungle Tiger Band – Part Three.
"Srreeeettt..." One of the red strands of light cut into Pan Li's neck, who was left stunned before he could utter a word of praise.Pan Li, the Jungle Tiger Group's champion, died without leaving a word. The pale green-clothed figure, who turned out to be Yuan Fen, immediately extended his hand, and Pan Li's spatial ring transferred into his hand.Yuan Fen touched the spatial ring with his mind and then imprinted himself inside the ring."The treasure owned by this bastard is quite a lot. Obviously, all the gold and energy stones are looted."Not waiting too long, Pan Li's corpse turned into a puff of white smoke and disappeared after Yuan Fen threw an amulet.Yuan Fen had become more cautious after experiencing the great battle in the Eternal Ice Field. He didn't want to leave any traces of aura that could detect him by anyone.Yuan Fen flew back to the Forest Tiger Group's wooden fortress. His curiosity about what Pan Li meant, especially regarding the Secret Heirloom that the grou
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Young Master Gao.
Yuan Fen returns to the Eagles Village and meets Du An and Madam Du. He then reveals that his body condition has improved, so it is time for him to leave Rajawali Village.Yuan Fen only told them he was a traveller and would only stay in one place briefly. His young age requires him to leave and experience new things.Before leaving, Du An gave Yuan Fen some advice,"Aheng, as an elder, I can only give you advice before leaving. Be careful out there. The Great Ying Empire is not in a good state. I heard that there are a lot of high-skilled people out there these days.""For some reason, there have been many cultivators spotted on the outskirts of the Snowy Forest lately. I hope that you will be careful on your journey."Yuan Fen frowned thoughtfully,"Many cultivators roaming the Snowy Forest? Does their existence have anything to do with me? Hmm, is this a sign that I'm being hunted? Alright, I'll act very cautiously."After receiving a lot of advice and a few words of encouragement
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Yinying City – Part One.
When he was able to split the robe, it proved that it was very easy for the man in green to take both of their lives."Forgive us, sir. My name is Dong Che and he is Young Master Gao Bin. We are indeed in a hurry to Yinying City for some business. Yinying City has some guests from the Great Sect of the Xue Chang Empire, namely, the Western Horizon Sun Sect," Dong Che said.Yuan Fen instantly became very interested; the name Western Sunset Sect made his blood boil,"Then what does your rash actions have to do with the Western Sunset Sect?" Yuan Fen baited the question.Dong Che then revealed the reason and the connection between them and the Western Horizon Sun Sect's arrival."Actually, Xue Chang's Western Sunset Sect intends to make an offer to anyone in the city, who can provide information regarding a young man named Yuan Fen. Yuan Fen himself is a practitioner who won the Great Ying Empire's inter-genius contest.""If the latest information regarding Yuan Fen's whereabouts can be
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Yinying City – Part Two.
Yuan Fen laughed inwardly. "I'm not a Symbol Master? Oh, you're joking. Alright, no problem." However, he showed a face satisfied with the information obtained."Alright, big brother. I, Aheng, would like to thank you. The information you provided really helped Aheng to get to know Yinying City better. I'm sorry that as a new person in this city, Aheng is still not too familiar," Yuan Fen said, then felt the need to end the conversation abruptly.His instincts as an expert told him that there was another expert with the Spirit Condensation Realm cultivation realm entering the restaurant. The man entered the restaurant, followed by 10 other people, all of whom were in the Mortal Realm 9 realm and were people from the Xue Chang Empire.Yuan Fen took a glance to dispel any suspicions. He then sent his mind to touch that person, and it should be done as quickly as possible, setting a target of 2 seconds.After touching for a moment, his mind quickly faded away to leave the newcomer of the
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Again – Azalea City Part One.
Yuan Fen looked at the wisp of smoke that disappeared before his eyes. The smoke had engulfed Meng Feng's rigid body, smoke that had come from the vanishing amulet.Afterwards, Yuan Fen checked Meng Feng's spatial ring. Only 100 Stone energies and a copy of a rank Incorruptible Sword Technique were found by Yuan Fen."There aren't too many valuables. Just a few energy stones and a copy of an incorruptible-class Sword Technique," Yuan Fen said as he shook his head after looking at the contents of Meng Feng's spatial ring.Luckily, he obtained the loot in the form of two Venti Earth rank twin swords, Demi Earth rank armour, and Incorruptible Trenta gloves and shoes."I'll keep them, in case I need them later or I can give them to someone else," Yuan Fen thought, his spirits seemingly high as he left the Rongyao Hotel.++++That morning, Yuan Fen was already at Yinying City Hall. He was checking the availability of seats on the Magic Animal that would fly to Azalea City. The guard girl t
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Again – Azalea City Part Two.
Yuan Fen then told the story of being injured in the ice field battle. He was sent through the teleportation passage until he was stranded in Rajawali Village. The key points regarding the acts of execution he performed during that journey he should have revealed to Mr Yan Bai. Yan Bai.After explaining his story, Yuan Fen asked various questions so that he could deduce some things from Mr Yan Bai's explanation. Yan Bai's explanation, he was able to deduce a few things.The Cloud Sword Sect Leader, Dugu Taoran, and Green Peak Master, Yi Zuthing, died in the battle. Meanwhile, the Red Peak Master, Niu Juan, survived and quickly returned to the Cloud Sword Sect. The woman left with one of the disciples, Peng Fai, who had a stumped arm.However, the whereabouts of the Cloud Sword Sect's other two female disciples were still unknown. Their bodies could not be identified among the many corpses collected.Several Sect Masters also died in the battle. One of them was the Black Cloud Sect Lea
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The Triumph of the Treasure Hall.
Within that special room, Yuan Fen began his cultivation. He had to improve his abilities and all his sword Techniques quickly.After going through all the events in the Eternal Ice Field, he began to review and realize that he was nothing compared to the many wonders of other practitioners' sword techniques.Yuan Fen felt he had to reach the realm of the Enlightened Spirit Realm soon. He recalled Master Suma Chen's words in the Fairy Cliff that inside the spatial ring his Master had given him contained some Heavenly Techniques and Heavenly Grade Weapons. However, he could not open the box because it was hindered by his state of still being in the Spirit Condensation Realm.No... Yuan Fen was determined to learn those Heavenly Grade Sword Techniques. And the enlightened spirit realm was his only ticket to access the secret box in the spatial ring.When his mind touched the spatial ring his Master had given him, he discovered a crystal-clear sword, like an ice crystal."Isn't this an E
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The Hall of Treasures became increasingly popular among practitioners in a short period. Sects in the Great Ying Empire requested numerous orders for amulets. Even sects from the neighboring Xue Chang Empire and other empires, such as the Fanrong Empire and Bing Gong Empire, came to purchase amulets at the Azalea City Treasure Hall.Thus, the economic level in Azalea City progressed. Many cultivators came to the city, followed by merchants. A flow of buying and selling ensued, and Azalea City's economy grew.When practitioners heard that the Treasures Hall also provided repair services for inscribing symbols on weapons or armor, it fuelled practitioners' desire from neighboring countries because it is rare for an Inscription Master to trade symbol writing services like this.Moreover, they heard that the writing quality of these symbols was pseudoperfect. This caused Azalea City to be increasingly visited by various practitioners and merchants from the three neighboring empires.With
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Goodbye – Part One
Azalea City Treasure Hall,On that day, the Hall of Treasures would hold a big auction. Besides spirit weapons, pills, and medicinal herbs, the talisman auction was the most anticipated.The major sects always waited for this opportunity because war talisman items were indispensable to strengthen their front lines. Sect missions, Dark Beast hunts, or battles against enemies required the help of talismans to speed up victory.The auction room was filled with practitioners from various sects and independent cultivators. Most bidders were interested in purchasing the talismans made in the Treasure Hall.Yuan Fen was also present inside the auction room, but as usual, he was in disguise. His appearance was distinctive with his pup's green clothes, which were slightly saggy and molded the silhouette of his thin yet tall body. His hair was down without being tied up.Yuan Fen was quite surprised when he saw the situation inside the auction room. All the bidders had come specifically to buy
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Goodbye – Part Two.
Yuan Fen stated his condition, "I hope that from now on, the distribution of talismans will be reduced in the auction. As for the schedule for this talisman auction, it is no longer once a week but once a month.""Another request from me is for the Treasure Hall to help the Cloud Sword Sect in the future. At least supervise and protect when my sect is in danger," Yuan Fen said."While preparing for departure, I will shut myself down for two months. Within that period, I will prepare many battle talismans that the Treasure Hall will still be able to market for the next two to three years," he added."Of course, by following my rule of auctioning once a week to once a month to maintain the availability of talismans."Mr Mr Yan Bai immediately agreed to the terms. He had every intention of making the talisman somewhat rare. Although sales are only some weeks, Mr Yan Bai is confident that the continuity of supply will be maintained. Yan Bai believed that the continuity of supply could be
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