All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
462 chapters
Two Sword Sect Geniuses - Four.
Everyone suddenly became busy breaking up the fight in the audience. What a mess! When the two finalists exchanged swords in the arena, their teachers were also ready to trade swords in the audience seats.Things settled down again. Everyone looked at the two figures fighting in the Eternal Ice Field arena.More and more, all the experts had their eyes opened. Ultimately, they understood that the "Legend of Sword Intent" was extremely terrifying.The Snow Lotus Pure Heart Attack was executed, and thousands of tiny Snow Lotus flowers flew out beautifully towards Fang Pen. When the petals fell off and turned into a sharp little weapon, it seemed to stab Fang Pen viciously.Fang Pen released energy into the right hand holding the sword, instantly forming nine kinds of flames. When the nine flames called the Ninth Hell approached the ice lotus petals, they easily devoured all the ice petals like those thousands of sharp weapons.The ice petals vanished in the ninth Hell technique."Yuan F
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Two Sword Sect Geniuses - Five.
However, Yuan Fen quickly responded. With the pounding of Qi energy into his legs and the exertion of his mind to operate the four propellers, he flew into the sky to meet the fire attack.When the distance between them grew closer, Yuan Fen shouted, "Level two Sword Intent!"He made a slashing motion toward the flames, and instantly, a giant sword shadow appeared, slicing the fire of the Nine Hells in half.There was a moment of silence, and then the Nine Hells fire dispersed, vanishing along with the horror it had caused.Along with a thud, someone fell from the sky."Braakkkkk!"Fang Pen's body fell lifeless. There was a straight slice of the sword from head to body. It was a horrible death for a genius who understood the Sword Intention.The audience was still in awe of such a quick scene. It seemed like they couldn't believe that Yuan Fen could split the energy of the Nine Hells Heavenly Technique.The match judge shouted in a voice with powerful Qi energy, "The winner of the Sev
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Strange Demonic Musician.
The suddenly dark sky brought an atmosphere of silence. Black clouds rolled in, causing the sunlight to dim. From the horizon, a black-robed human figure emerged, floating without aids. A mask covered his face, and horns rose from his head. His sleeves waved with the wind while his cloak rustled, giving the impression of an angel of death.SUIIIITT!His hand held a flute attached to his lips, and the tone sounded terrifying!The sound of the flute caused madness. While floating, that person was enjoying playing that wind instrument. An extremely strong vibration of mental power was contained in every note.As many people could not withstand the deadly rhythm and the mental power of the soul, the figure in the sky removed his mask.A pale white yet handsome face appeared. The stature was beautiful but gave off a cruel impression."Hehehehe... well done you humans of the Northern Region. You've given a gift, so that I don't have to struggle to find the owner of the sword intent.""And y
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War in the Eternal Ice Field – Part One.
Meanwhile, Master Yi became extremely agitated. He said back to Yuan Fen, "This is a precarious matter. You will eventually end up representing us from this entire seven sects to seek revenge if anything happens. That Demonic Musician guy is not a figure we can fight easily.""You'd better train and then mature as a Sword King. If we all survive this disaster, we will definitely meet again," he looked deeply at Yuan Fen.Yuan Fen was speechless. The love shown by Master Yi deeply moved him. Then, Master Yi agreed with Sect Head Dugu Taoran and Master Niu Juan of Red Peak.They agreed to send the disciples home using Master Yi's Earth-class teleportation talisman. At the very least, the talisman could still throw the four children 250 km away from this place. The teleportation area was limited because Master Yi was only in the realm of a fourth-grade Earth Master.The officials of the seven sects exchanged codes to determine the emergency measures they would take. All of the Cloud Swor
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War in the Eternal Ice Field – Part Two.
So many small groups were involved in the battle, and all the scenes were plastered before Yuan Fen's eyes. Each of the Great Ying Imperial Sect chiefs fearlessly fought against the Xue Chang Imperial Alliance.Yuan Fen felt moved. He saw that no one among the Great Ying practitioners complained in battle. The target of Mao Jianheeng and the Xue Chang Imperial Alliance was someone with the Sword Intention.Although Yuan Fen was from the Cloud Sword Sect, the average practitioner did battle in defense of the Great Ying Empire. The greatest hope was that the owner of the Sword Intention would one day become a Sword King here in the North."One day, if we all live long enough, Yuan Fen will repay your kindness and sincerity," Yuan Fen vowed silently. His eyes glazed over.Just then, he came to his senses when he saw that not far from where he was standing, Yu Long of the Black Cloud Sect was hit by the sword slashes of his two attackers. Yu Long was knocked to the ground, while alliance
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War in the Eternal Ice Field - Three.
Fang Ming Hoa, Headmaster of Ling Jian Academy, greeted Liu Feng's attack by swinging his sword, executing a Sacred Heart Maiden Sword Art move.The sword in his hand emits dozens of long sword shadows, confining Liu Feng, who instantly feels staggered as he did not expect to be attacked with full force.However, as a Sect Leader, Liu Feng has sword techniques and Qi abilities that are beyond ordinary. Despite being able to dodge the Sacred Heart Girl's Sword Technique attack, Principal Fang Ming Hoa's sword shadow still cut the edge of his sleeve.With a growl, Liu Feng stomps 90% pure Eve onto the hand holding the sword, then executes the Polaris Light Sword Art, an Eternal Star Palace Sect's ultimate sword technique. Liu Feng's hand glowed dazzlingly as the bright light, like the light of the North Star, was explosively shot toward Fang Ming Hoa. Both of them were thrown back ten steps."This human bastard really has unexpected abilities. I didn't expect the Xue Chang Alliance Sect
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War in the Eternal Ice Field - Four.
Meanwhile, Lord Tang Deng Hua read the communication Amulet in his hand on the other side of the Imperial Palace. His face turned serious. He directly led 2000 royal soldiers to move towards the Eternal Ice Field.In a tall building called the Sky Tower Organisation, a man in black read the communication Amulet sent by the leader of that organization, and he became furious. He gathered 25 of the organization's best assassins and sent them flying with their swords toward the Eternal Ice Field.At Ling Jiang Academy, hundreds of cultivators who were both Teaching Masters and Academy Elders could be seen flying with swords towards the Eternal Ice Field.The great battle in the Eternal Ice Field would not stop anytime soon. The bloodshed was continuing...+++When the teleportation portal's door was about to open in a few seconds, a beam of sword pure air at an extremely high speed was suddenly seen heading towards the portal, where the talisman emitted light to open the gate.Tang Shilin
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War in the Eternal Ice Field - Five.
There was a moment of silence... when Yuan Fen had disappeared his entire shadow from the Eternal Ice Field. The effect of the teleportation talisman also faded after the transfer of one's body. Yuan Fen collapsed inside the teleportation passage.He was too tired and could not accept that he was the only survivor among the Cloud Sword Sect's group. After all, hadn't he been seriously injured when trying to block that Sword pressure from Tang Shilin? Yuan Fen didn't want to remember anything. Sleeping might be better.++++The fourteen-year-old teenager woke up from his unconscious state. He found himself in a moving cart. His body felt stiff, every movement causing discomfort. Even taking a breath felt tight in his chest.The sword strike from Tang Shilin, a person in the realm of the Enlightened Spirit Realm, was a serious threat to Yuan Fen. If it weren't for his strenuous efforts of interjecting level 2 sword intent in his resistance, perhaps his body would have already been disme
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The Jungle Tiger Band – Part One.
In Rajawali Village, Yuan Fen stayed with the Du An Family. Every day, he diligently cultivated to heal all wounds visible on the skin and hidden within his body. One of the saddest things for Yuan Fen was the damage to his robes and magic shoes when he was involved in the final battle in the Ice Field.The propeller on his robe was broken in several pieces, and his shoes also suffered similar damage. Even so, he was grateful that he could still breathe. Now, he had to recover quickly to go to Azalea City, looking for information on all his Masters and friends.During his week in Rajawali Village, Yuan Fen lived the life of a typical farmer in the village's lifestyle. No one in the family knew that he was the top genius of the Great Ying Empire.Sometimes, Yuan Fen would even help Du An hunt animals in the forest and sell the game to Juragan Liu. Juragan Liu, the richest man in the village, received all the people's harvest and game. Despite his wealth, Juragan Liu was generous, like
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The Jungle Tiger Band – Part Two.
He waited, but no one came to appear. So, he knew that the high-skilled figure did not want to appear."If that's the case, then Pan Li and the Tigers will leave. Please be merciful..."Then he left on horseback, followed by the remaining five of his men, even though there were twenty originally.Pan Li spurred his horse as fast as he could, afraid of leaving behind the 17-year-old girl, Liu Haiyun, and the tribute from Juragan Liu. All he had in mind was to get as far away from the village as possible. Someone was hiding in Rajawali Village with a very high cultivation.Yuan Fen reunited his soul with his physical body after performing the Soul Oracle Technique or soul divination by separating the soul from the physical body. This soul then executed the lives of the Jungle Tiger Group's men by slashing using the Sword Intention Aura.After uniting his soul with his physical body, he secluded himself in one of the deserted places where no one could see him. Riding on a sword, Yuan Fen
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