All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
462 chapters
Dream World - Xianren Fantasy World.
After arriving at the Cloud Sword Sect, they headed to the Blue Peak Hall to report the completion of the sect's mission by submitting a Mission Task token. The Elder in charge of Registration carefully checked all the documentation recorded on the tokens. With satisfaction, he asked for the contribution point tokens belonging to the three teenagers.Then, the Elder removed the 500 contribution points and divided them equally among the three members, returning the tokens to them. Satisfied after receiving the contribution points, the three of them left the Mission Hall on Blue Peak."What are your next plans? I intend to visit the library to look for something that might enhance my abilities ahead of the competition between Sect Peaks," Yuan Fen said. He and Yi Zan had agreed that he would represent Green Peak in the Sword Cloud Sect genius competition this time."Wow, you're going to represent Green Peak in the Cloud Sword Sect genius competition, big brother? Then I'll follow you to
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Sword Sect Arena – Part 1.
When broken down, this combined sword technique has the following details:Technique Name: War General Sword-SwingingTechnique Class: Incorruptible TrentaTechnique Origin: A combination of two defence-type and attack-type sword techniquesDifficulty Level: Extremely DifficultSatisfied with the results of his training today, Yuan Fen did not rest; instead, he continued cultivating the Ice Lotus Element. He intended to cross over to the Spirit Condensation Realm shortly and then travel to fulfill his legacy as a Sword King.Meanwhile, in other parts of the Cloud Sword Sect, every genius at the top of the Cloud Sword Sect prepared themselves. The names of the participants of the 5 Cloud Sword Sect Genius Competition were plastered on the notice boards at the 5 peaks of the Cloud Sword Sect. The following is a breakdown of the names of the participants:Red Peak Name: Lin Hong (female) Age: 17 years old Cultivation Level: Spirit Condensation Realm 1 Weapon Type: Swordsm
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Sword Sect Arena – Part 2.
A smile spread across the face of Red Peak Master Niu Juan, the female sword expert, after seeing Lin Hong's performance. Each Master from Green, Dark, and Yellow Peaks praised Master Niu Jian. The Sect Leader, Master Dugu Taoran, spoke words that further emphasized Niu Jian's pride.Meanwhile, in the VIP seats, "I didn't expect that Master Niu Jian had such a beautiful genius disciple. Congratulations to Red Peak," the Sect Leader praised Master Niu Jian.The host remained with his fiery voice."As the representative of Yellow Peak, this is Hu Yat Sen, a 17-year-old youth with a Spirit Condensation Realm Quasi cultivation level. A sword expert with Physical attacker ability. Known as a Sword dancer with a pair of twin swords." Then, a young man riding a Magical Beast bird flew towards the Tournament Arena. The handsome face of this young man held a pair of swords draped on his back.When the young man landed lightly on the arena, the grating sound of the female audience did not die
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You Lose! (Part 1)
A heated conversation took place in the Cloud Sword Sect's Genius arena."Brother Lu, that's right. Yuan Fen is the student at our peak who is the only one qualified to tutor at Green Peak. The requirement is to have Spiritual Energy talent and be trained to be a Incription Master. I selected him for the Green Peak," explained Master Yi Zhuting."Did Brother Lu know that Yuan Fen, a 14-year-old child, even in just a short training, already holds the 4th Seal Master badge," he added. Zuo Zhuting explained the condition of the Green Peak students participating in the tournament."At 14 years old and already a 4th Seal Master? That's not too special. Your grandson, who is said to also have the status of a 4th Seal Master," Lu Tuoli said, belittling Yuan Fen's status."Have you ever heard that in these decades, the work of a Incription Master making talismans or carving Incriptions and inscriptions is of Pseudo Perfect quality?" Master Yi remained confident in Yuan Fen's genius and abilit
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You Lose! (Part 2)
When Elder Du Weiheng gave the signal to exchange swords, in the blink of an eye, both participants immediately moved quickly towards each other. Sword met sword, and sharp sword glints flashed at each other. The two participants did not give the slightest room to relent. Two quality Inccoruptible swords attacked each other.Guo Ying attacked with a horizontal chop towards Yuan Fen's chest. Yuan Fen gently moved energy Qi into his legs, and his lower body rose upwards, floating in the air with his head still facing Guo Ying. Still, his legs were straight up at a 30-degree angle. All these movements were done beautifully and lightly as if he was humming in a dance in the air.Seeing Yuan Fen easily dodge his sword strikes, Guo Ying immediately made successive attacks with quick movements towards Yuan Fen. Meanwhile, alerted by the stabbing attacks, Yuan Fen, who was floating in the air, began to spin rapidly like a top. With his hands open, he made a slight movement, resulting in a swo
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The Arrogant Zhao Changyi.
"I admit defeat," Guo Ying said listlessly.Elder Du Weiheng shouted, "Yuan Fen of Green Peak wins the first round over Guo Ying of Dark Peak!"Accompanied by the roar of applause and cheers of the audience, Yuan Fen jumped down from the arena and sat at the tournament finalist spot. Guo Ying also came down from the arena and was encouraged by another participant, Hu Yat Sen. They were best friends."Prepare your strength for the next sword fight, brother. Let me destroy that boy," Hu Yat Sen said, encouraging Guo Ying."You must be careful, brother. He's not as simple as you look," Guo Ying said as he looked anxiously at Yuan Fen, who was resting."The next match is a sword fight between Lin Hong of Red Peak and Zhao Changyi of Blue Peak!" Elder Du Weiheng's voice echoed back.The two shadowy figures raced towards the tournament arena. Lin Hong had drawn his sword while Zhao Changyi tried to provoke with the words, "A beautiful girl with a drawn sword, but is your sword skill as beau
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Sky Tower Organisation (Part 1).
After looking at the two contestants, who were silent for three minutes without giving any admission of defeat, Elder Du Weiheng immediately took action to announce the result of the battle."Lin Hong loses, and this battle is won by Zhao Changyi of Blue Peak," Elder Du Weiheng said.As he left the arena, Lin Hong turned towards Zhao Changyi, standing proudly behind him, and said, "I hope that in the next sword fight, you'll fall to your knees before that little kid named Yuan Fen."Then, with a cold and contemptuous face, he descended from the Cloud Sword Sect Genius Competition Arena.All the spectators fell into silence, watching that dramatic action. Lin Hong had announced to the entire sect that he was pro the new kid, Yuan Fen.Zhao Changyi remained frozen in the arena. He grew increasingly angry at Lin Hong's words. A deep hatred, death from nowhere, suddenly enveloped him. I will destroy that new kid, Yuan Fen!+++Meanwhile, in Azalea City, the bustling Imperial Capital of Gr
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Sky Tower Organisation (Part 2).
The sword in his right hand managed to hit Yuan Fen's left arm, while his left-hand sword was already spinning vertically, ready to carry on his next slashing attack. Luckily, Yuan Fen utilised the Peregrine Falcon Technique to dart backwards and avoid the attack.Yuan Fen felt his injured left arm as the sword slash tore through his clothes and skin. Blood dripped as he felt the wound. While enduring the pain, he gathered his Spiritual power, his body drifting forward quickly. This time, he would not allow Hu Yat Sen to utilise the Blade Dancer Technique again.While levitating towards Hu Yat Sen, Yuan Fen's lips moved silently. Then, with a voice that was extremely loud and contained Pseudo Perfect Spiritual Energy, he shouted, "His Mori...!!!"A strange, ancient word that most people did not understand came out of his mouth with the help of Spiritual Energy. Hu Yat Sen's goosebumps instantly bristled, and this strange effect also possessed everyone watching, both the sect disciples
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Sect Sword Competition Finals.
Elder Du Weiheng's booming voice broke the silence in the Blue Peak Arena. Then, cheering greeted Yuan Fen's victory in the sword-fighting battle."A very classy performance. A physical swordsman against a magical swordsman.""I feel like moving to the Green Peak and studying there. Good sword skills, coupled with mental skills, have a terrifying effect.""At best, when you apply to Green Peak, it will be rejected outright. Hahaha... you don't have the ability to cultivate mental energy."So much commotion occurred during the discussion amongst the fellow audience of the Cloud Sword Sect disciples. Instantly, Green Peak, which was previously not very famous, was now the talk of the town. The abilities of an Encryption Master had opened many people's eyes to the fact that mental energy ability was no less important than physical energy Qi.The competition continued, featuring Zhao Changyi of Blue Peak against Guo Ying of Dark Peak, and Zhao Changyi won.The round of matches between Lin
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The Final of a Tournament – Part 1.
At that moment, Zhao Changyi advanced, and with a single flick of a finger, a bluish-coloured sword, an Incorruptible Trenta rank spirit sword, was instantly within his grasp. With the tip of the blade pointed straight at Yuan Fen, he said,"Yuan Fen, if you survive my attack, then I, Zhao Changyi, will admit defeat to you."His tone was filled with hatred, trying to create an aura like a war hero.The audience was instantly in an uproar. Why was Zhao Changyi so confident when both possessed the Incorruptible Sword Technique? Did Zhao Changyi have the ability to counter Yuan Fen's mental energy during a mental attack?Yuan Fen's expression turned more serious after seeing the incident. He had never underestimated his opponents. However, as a Blue Peak disciple directly nurtured by Sect Master Leader Dugu Taoran, he considered the possibility that Zhao Changyi had used a lot of resources to become a genius. Could it be that Zhao Changyi possessed a Trenta Earth Ranked Sword Technique?
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