All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
462 chapters
The Final of a Tournament – Part 2.
It sent the audience into hysterics. As the darting swords formed an ever-expanding group of Ice Lotus petals, the sound could make the heart feel like ice flakes were slicing it. It sounded like a cold breeze on an icy field. It was quiet, tense, and carried a murderous air. The air around the arena instantly became hard.The expressions of the Peak Masters sitting in the VIP seats instantly changed as they watched Yuan Fen execute the Snow Lotus Pure Sword Earth Class Technique. Sect Master Dugu Taoran, who was initially rather indifferent, now had an expression that was hard to guess.Under the gaze of all the countless spectators, two energy Qi, one in the form of a tremendous white sword and the other in the form of thousands of Snow Lotuses, collided...There was a moment of silence,... and then,"Duaarrrr!"As if shaking the sky, a vast explosion sounded throughout the Blue Peak Region. Two forces that contained enormous amounts of Qi energy collided, causing a massive explosio
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Sword Style Painting Nirvana.
Five days after the Sword Cloud Sect's inter-genius tournament ended, Yuan Fen woke up. That morning, all the wounds on his body had dried up. Slowly, he was recovering after the all-consuming battle. His opponent, Zhao Changyi, was rumoured to have been unconscious for 3 days but was currently conscious and had begun undergoing treatment.Yuan Fen was grateful. During the battle in the competition finals, he took off the robe he had bought from the Society of Master Mechanics and Blacksmiths. Without realising it, the robe could have become a rag. The reason was that, at that time, with a rather long robe, he felt a little less accessible for the final battle, which he had expected to take a lot of energy and physical ability.Today, he was in the mood to visit the Blue Peak Hall, the tournament organiser's place, to collect the grand prize of a Sword Technique and top up his contribution points of Two Thousand Points. He planned to exchange those points for some herbs and medicines
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Chapter 39, The Story of the Sword Sect Disciple – Part One.
Of course, as a favour, I was compensated with a few contribution points that he transferred to my disciple token. The kids from Blue Peak are very crazy about those three types of talismans. Of course, we obtained the information after listening to their talks," Peng Fai added, looking at Yuan Fen respectfully. Yuan Fen's concern for those talismans had intensified since his horrendous ability at the Cloud Sword Sect Tournament.Yi Zan instantly snatched Peng Fai's words and preceded to speak,Peng Fai was secretly listening to the conversation of the Blue Peak disciples shopping for talismans to soak in. They conveyed that the Morning Dew Plant had appeared in the depths of the Fairy Cliff Forest and was approaching maturity. It was estimated that the plant would mature in three days, and the morning dew fruit would be ready for harvesting."After opening the herbology (plant science) book in the library, we found information that the morning dew plant will produce fruit once every
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The Story of the Sword Sect Disciple – Part Two.
After fifteen minutes of drifting into the Fairy Cliff Forest, the sound of clashing swords grew clearer. However, the number of sword clangs became less, as if one side had suffered a defeat. Yuan Fen landed lightly on the top of a tree without making a sound.The thing that made his blood boil was seeing the four teenagers in Cloud Sword Sect's armour lying on the ground with blood flowing around them. A woman stood in the centre, wielding a red sword, surrounded by five black-clad and masked figures.The girl surrounded by the five black masked figures was a figure Yuan Fen recognised, Lin Hong, one of the Cloud Sword Sect's Genius finalists."Meng Chi!!! You think the Cloud Sword Sect won't find out your rottenness that has taken the lives of four disciples of my sect? Later, the Cloud Sword Sect will seek justice from your Black Cloud Sect.""At that time, you and your four comrades will pay with your lives for your ruthlessness in killing four disciples of my sect," Lin Hong sta
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The Story of the Sword Sect Disciple - Part Three.
Then, the figure of Yuan Fen descended from the tree. Meng Chi thought he was foolish as she stared at him."A boy who isn't even 15 years old?""Who are you, brat with a snot nose? How dare you frighten our gathering." Meng Chi's comrade, a masked guy with a Spirit Condensation Realm Quasi cultivation rank, struck Yuan Fen mercilessly with a fatal sword blow.The masked man struck quickly with his sword, striking the heart, the most important organ in the chest. He thought that defeating Wang with a single lethal blow would make his allies extremely reluctant, so he planned to kill Yuan Fen with one blow."Stop it!"Meng Chi roared in response to the attack from the quasi-cultivated man of the Spirit Condensation Realm. His gut told him the fourteen-year-old youngster was not who he seemed to be. His voice was unusual, the way it had startled them earlier, as if it held some strange vast power that could have mentally suppressed him.Unfortunately, Yuan Fen was already the target of
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Snow Bear.
The night was tense; the swirling wind carried a dangerous scent with a thick chill, creating an eerie atmosphere. A man dressed in black appeared; he noticed the battle scars around the place. Attentively, he tried to read the traces of Qi energy that remained, identifying them as the remnants of the Dark Night Storm, belonging to the Dark Cloud Sect Disciples. He had seen a vital call sign in the sky released by the Dark Cloud Sect Disciple sometime before, yet now this place was silent. This silence was interrupted by the remnants of battle scars with traces of Qi energy that would soon dissipate. "I know you guys are hiding here... Come out, I guarantee you won't harm anyone..." he said sternly. "I can guess, you guys are the ones who harmed my sect disciples," he said again, but there was no reply. The Cloud Sword Sect's Chief Disciples hiding in the Formation remained silent, suppressing their breath so as not to make a sound. The black-clothed man grew increasingly angry, yet
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Heirdom Fruit – Part 1.
Yuan Fen immediately whispered to Lin Hong,"This snow bear seems to have an extremely tough hide. No wonder it's a King 6 ranked dark beast. I'm sure there must be a weak point.""Agreed. But we don't know which area is its weak point yet," Lin Hong added."I'm guessing the neck area where the fur isn't too thick is this snow bear's weak point. Let's aim the attack at this dark beast's neck," Yuan Fen suggested. After being approved by Lin Hong, Yuan Fen immediately executed the Nirvana Colouring Technique."Nirvana Colouring Sword..." Five, five variously colored swords Qi shot towards the snow bear.Meanwhile, Lin Hong deliberately provoked the bear's anger by attacking the eye area, leaving the bear to struggle to maintain its vision.In the chaos, the snow bear shielded its eyes, but five colored swords Qi flew towards the bear, aiming directly at its chest. But when the sword qi approached the bear about 1 meter away, they suddenly turned upwards and abruptly pierced the snow be
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Heirdom Fruit – Part 2.
About an hour after their departure, five human shadows dressed all in black and wearing masks appeared. An inexpressible rage emanated from them upon discovering only battle scars and numerous blood splatters. As they traveled through the caves, they found only a withered plant and not a single fruit of the Morning Dew. "How barbaric. The thief wiped out everything. There's nothing left but this withered plant stem." "If I find that thief, just watch. I'll make him suffer." Full of rage, they ransacked the surrounding area before leaving, leaving a sense of unchanneled anger towards no one. ++++ In the Cloud Sword Sect, in a cave on the road to Green Peak, Yuan Fen sighed heavily, expelling the dirty air from his stomach. After consuming two Morning Dew Fruits and spending all night cultivating, the energy in his meridians rebelled, breaking through the three broken walls of the meridian wall. As the hiccups brought the dirty air out of his stomach, he felt a vast change in his
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Between Peng Fai and Master Dugu.
The long-awaited day had finally arrived. The three top geniuses of the Cloud Sword Sect had gathered on the departure platform for the Azalea Capital: Yuan Fen, Zhao Changyi, and Lin Hong. While waiting for the arrival of the Peak Masters, who would take them to the Capital, they engaged in conversation to ease the tension.Everyone knew that in the previous tournament, Zhao Changyi had shown a hostile attitude toward Yuan Fen. Ling Hong, on the other hand, harbored unfriendliness towards Zhao Changyi for some reason. However, all those negative feelings had to be put aside, as they were going to represent the Cloud Sword Sect in the tournament between Great Sects. Now, the most important thing was to carry the Cloud Sword Sect's name, not personal interests."Well, Lin Hong, how are you doing? I, mysXianren, have benefited from our immersion in the Fairy Cliff Forest," Yuan Fen said to start the conversation and warm up the atmosphere."That's right, the immersion in Fairy Cliff rea
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Level Two Sword Intent – Part 1.
Sect Master Dugu Taoran burst out laughing, seeing Master Yi carrying two little teenagers."Look at you, Master Yi. Who are these two teenagers? Looking at their young age, Mortal Realm 8 and 9 is not a bad thing for such a young age," Sect Master Dugu Taoran said while assessing Yi Zan and Peng Fai's cultivation levels."Forgive me, Sect Master. This little girl is my only granddaughter, while the boy is her friend who cultivated at your Blue Peak.""My granddaughter threatened not to talk to me if I didn't invite her and her friend to participate in this Great Sect Genius event. Besides, another reason is that they are both friends of Yuan Fen and Lin Hong. So their presence will be able to encourage Yuan Fen and Lin Hong."Master Yi looked at Yi Zan."We are not lying. Yuan Fen and Lin Hong are our best friends. Some time ago, the four of us formed a team to soak in the Fairy Cliff Forest," Yi Zan and Peng Fai said as they ran over to Yuan Fen and Ling Hong, which was met with a l
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