All Chapters of Swordbound Chronicles: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
462 chapters
Level Two Sword Intent – Part 2.
An hour later, he was able to execute all his sword techniques very smoothly and was not affected by the cold wind. Even after that, he began to enter the stage of being able to perform all the sword moves with his eyes closed, without seeing anything but his hands moving and scribbling in rhythm with the sword moves. His flying position remained stable even as he practiced the sword techniques.As time went on, his movements became smoother and faster. At this time, he began to perform the technique of using energy to shape the sword, which was coloring nirvana. It was the same as the beginning.When he tried to bring up the strands of sword Qi at the tip of his long sword, all the strands of sword energy felt extremely slow, as if they were under pressure. To him, it felt like something was blocking the exit of the sword qi that would form strand after strand of sword qi.After trying relentlessly and desperately, two hours later, he managed to form five strands of sword Qi. The str
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Crowds in the City Square.
"Look! That teleportation spot area is emitting light. There is a movement happening within the spot area."Don't you know that when a teleportation spot moves and emits light, it indicates that the teleportation spot will bring out a person or group of people who are teleporting to that spot. It looks like the genius contestants are about to arrive at Azalea City Square.""Look, the first group has arrived. But... they're all still in silhouette form and it's hard to tell if they're male or female figures.""Are they from the Sunflower Sect? I heard that Sect only accepts female disciples. More reliable reports say that even their female disciples are of stunning beauty. I can't wait to see that beauty up close.""Or could it be that this group is from the Reverse Mountain Sect? Hmmm, they're perfect candidates for my son-in-law.""Don't you know that the Temple of Immortality Sect is the strongest Sect among the seven Sects? Is that what you call the Mountain Reversing Sect? That Se
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The Seven Sects Geniuses' Initial Appearance – Part I.
Yu Long then casually returned to where his group was standing, accompanied by complicated looks from all the event participants. The audience itsXianren had been noisy there, discussing Yu Long's abilities."Isn't he a bit too great in his sword skills? He even scored over eight lines when everyone knew he was still hiding a trump card for the event.""What will his sword ability be like when that kid executes his sword ability at 100%? Just by hiding his strength, he was able to achieve an eight-plus bar in the White Meteorite and left everyone dumbfounded."Successively after that, the other sect disciples, namely the Red Moon Sect, the Mountain Reversing Sect, and the Sunflower Sect sent one representative to test on the White Meteorite Stone. As a result, all of them had an average score of 6 to seven on the White Meteorite Stone pole bar scale. At the same time, the average level of their cultivation realm was between Spirit Condensation Realm one and two.Not finished with the
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The Seven Sects Geniuses' Initial Appearance – Part II.
The crowd in Azalea City Square was unstoppable. Everyone gathered there with the desire to watch the geniuses from all over the country. Some talent scouts intended to recruit members for specific organisations; others planned to recruit selected soldiers from the event.Everyone looked happy."Hahaha... all the groups from the Seven Great Sects in the Great Ying Empire are fully present. Can we start the show to feast the audience's eyes? I saw impatient faces from the audience area. Everyone is looking forward to the initial performance at the White Meteorite Stone test.""Perhaps as a preliminary performance, one of our Jing Lian Academy's top disciples will display his abilities."The head of the Jing Lian Academy, Master Fang Ming Hoa, gave the code to one of the Academy's four disciples to begin the performance.Immediately, a Ling Jian Academy disciple named Cao Haocun (Ling Jian Academy sent four representatives to this genius event) approached the hanging White Meteorite. Th
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Treasure Hall – Azalea (Part I).
The tourists were quite varied; some were cultivators of small sects, some were independent cultivators, and some, even many visitors, were watching the sparring between sword experts. Of course, with all the tourists in the city, most hotels and inns were full.Finished with that dinner, the four teenagers continued their tour of Azalea City. My eyes darted while looking around to see if there was anything good enough to buy as a souvenir."Look! Hall of Treasures. It turns out that this Hall of Treasures also exists in Azalea City. This may be the Headquarters of the Hall of Treasures in Morning Star. Let's go in and have a look," Yuan Fen invited his three friends to go in and look at the goods in Azalea City's Treasure Hall."The second floor has items suitable for swordsmen. Maybe if we're lucky we can find even Earth-class weapons there," Yi Zan invited everyone to go straight to the second floor.++++"Incorruptible Trenta gloves! And it was written with ancient Incriptions by
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Treasure Hall – Azalea (Part II).
Yi Zan pointed at Lin Hong and Yuan Fen.Just then, the atmosphere of the quarrel grew noisier. The visitors on the second floor of the Azalea City Treasure Hall stopped their activities and looked at them seriously. The argument between Yi Zan and Yu Long was very loud to hear."The free spectacle that will be served as the appetiser of the tournament between the seven sects.""Leave it alone, let's see who has the upper hand. Is it the Black Cloud Sect or the Cloud Sword Sect.""Hahaha... it turns out that you guys are a bunch of disciples from a sect that is only ranked two from the bottom among the Seven Great Sects.""You overestimate yoursXianren little girl." Yu Long sneered contemptuously, and a booming laugh followed out of Dou Chen's mouth.Instantly, a sword appeared in Yi Zan's hand, and restraining his anger, he said coldly,"Then let the sword decide who owns this glove."Yi Zan instantly jumped up and executed the Cloud Sword Art of techniques in which the Cloud Sword S
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The Hidden Elder.
Mr. Yan Bai sat across from Yuan Fen in the private chamber of the Azalea City Hall of Treasures. Peng Fai remained in the second-floor sales area, perusing the merchandise, while Yi Zan and Lin Hong were cashiering at Treasures Hall. "Young master Yuan Fen, I am Yan Bai, having heard your name from the Treasure Hall Branch Office in Morning Star City. I'll get straight to the point of this conversation. Is it true that this young Master is a second-class Inscription Seal Master?" Yan Bai inquired. "Actually, Mr Yan Bai, I along with Yi Zan of the Green Peak of the Cloud Sword Sect are holders of the 4th Grade Seal Master Inscription badge. It's just that we haven't paid another visit to the Hall of Treasures in Morning Star City so they don't know that we are now Seal 4 badge holders." "However, er... actually my mental energy ability level is equivalent to Seal Master Inscription Five. It's just that I haven't registered to acquire the Seal Master 5 badge yet," Yuan Fen continued
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Part One of - Silver Sword Energy.
On Mr. Yan Bai's end, he had witnessed Yuan Fen's promise. An Encryption Seal Master 5 at the age of 14 was of nearly flawless quality. Isn't that a genius? Imagine what this 14-year-old could accomplish in the following ten years. As a result, the Hall of Treasures made a long-term investment without hesitation. Since the Secret Elder was a good investment for the Hall of Treasures, he gave Yuan Fen a Meridian Generating Mortal Pill without hesitation as a token of his sincerity. "Mr. Yan Bai, are we done yet? Yuan Fen grinned broadly and said, "I'm really impressed with your Treasure Hall's offerings and services." "However, I have an obstacle, Mr Yan Bai." "Tell me your condition, Young Master." "I desire that no one be aware that I am a Hidden Elder in this Hall of Treasures. I can carry on with my regular activities as a result. But I want everyone to know that I am the Hidden Elder when I visit the Hall of Treasures." In this situation, I truly don't want mysXianren to sti
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Part Two of Silver Sword Energy.
Apart from the famous sword practitioners described before, a large number of extremely talented cultivators who were either outside of any sect or from unidentified sects swarmed the fighting area. Each occurred at a certain distance from the fighting energy's source; some even watched the uncommon fight from behind nearby trees. "Why are these two Azalea Capital Inscription Masters at conflict with one another?" Everyone looked curiously with wonder. ++++ Yuan Fen sent out a silver mental attack in the shape of a butterfly, and then from within the black mist, he saw the shadow of a masked man with mysterious clothes blowing in the wind; this was Dou Chen of the Black Cloud Sect, and he stared in disbelief as the illusion he had used to attack the four teenagers of the Cloud Sword Sect was shattered like that. Dou Chen darted toward Yuan Fen, who was twenty-five meters away, his mouth chanting incantations, his left hand forming a peculiar seal, and his right hand holding an u
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Night Pulsates in the Azalea Sky.
Ding Huising, the Black Cloud Sect Master, could be seen floating into the battle area. With a flick of the cloth on his sleeve, he dispelled the Silver Sword-shaped mental energy to tear through Dou Chen's mind. Seeing that, Master Zuo of Green Cloud Peak also flashed out, leaving Master Dugo Taoran on the rooftop. His body floated, and he sent a sword strike that made a roaring sound towards Ding Huising. TRANG! The clash of swords between the two sword practitioners in the 9th Enlightened Spirit Realm realm displayed the beauty of sparks. Again, the audience was treated to an exciting spectacle. After the disciples of the two sects clashed, it was now the turn of the Sect Master and the Peak Master. Excitement permeated the area after seeing the continuous swordfight between the two sects. Master Zuo was only a Green Peak Master in the sect, yet everyone knew. The Green Peak Master's cultivation level was equivalent to that of the Dugu Taoran Cloud Sword Sect Master. After that
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