All Chapters of ONCE MOCKED, DISGRACED:SON IN LAW REVENGE: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
162 chapters
Nate could only stay silent when Maria said things like that to him. This was not the first time Maria had threatened him to leave the house or told him to divorce Erica. Since the beginning of the marriage, Erica's family had never liked him because Nate was just a poor, useless man.In fact, it took Nate a long time to make Erica love him. In the end, he realizes his feelings and they are now in love with each other even though their marriage happened because of Erica's grandfather's request.However, they never knew that Nate was the president of the Bluebel Holdings Company. A well-known company with billions of dollars in assets. Nate deliberately did not tell everyone about his true identity because he would say it at the right time."If you're talking nonsense again and Erica can't make it to the event, I'm sure you'll regret it!" Maria scolded with her eyes bulging. Her hands were clenched tightly to contain her exploding anger.She was fed up that people kept putting Erica do
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Chapter 112. INVITATION
John Yates stared at his cell phone for a long time as his message had not been returned by Erica since their call a few days ago. When he offered Erica to go to the hotel with him if she wanted to be able to come to the fundraising event that would be held in a few days.Erica accepted his offer at the time, but after that, there was no news from Erica. He called her several times, but her cell phone was off. And when he came to her office, they said that Erica was having a holiday with Nate.It made John feel upset that Erica was ignoring him. He also sent her a message and again asked if Erica was willing to come to the hotel with him, if not, he would tear up the invitation he had prepared.A little threat, but still no reply from Erica. It made John Yates feel frustrated that Erica ignored his messages and calls when she had previously asked him for help so that she could come to the fundraising event."Is she selling me out?" sneered John. But that was impossible because he knew
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Chapter 113."Are you Heather?"
A few days ago, John Yates asked someone who worked as a hired gun to help him in his plan to frame Erica. He met him at a cafe right after Erica accepted John's offer to go to the hotel with him."Are you Heather?" John asked a man wearing all-black clothes and a hat of the same color.The man named Heather nodded his head and John immediately sat down on the chair right in front of him."How long have you been doing this kind of work?" John asked bluntly. In a cold and stern tone while his arms were crossed over his chest."Why, don't you trust my experience?" he asked."Just making sure that I won't regret hiring you. And I will also give you a lot of money from the work you will do later," John said."As long as you don't ask me to kill, just to take some photos that could lead to misunderstandings, I'm good at it," Heather said confidently.He had been working as a mercenary for more than five years. And from that work, he earned a lot of money from his rich clients. Some of them
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Erica's hands were still shaking with anxiety after she accepted the offer. She didn't know if she had made the right decision by coming to the hotel with John Yates. But seeing John's casual behavior, she was sure that John only wanted to help her without planning anything bad for her."When are we leaving?" John asked with a grin."I have a meeting first. We'll go after my meeting is over," Erica informed him."Alright, then I'll wait for you here quietly," said John who sat back on the sofa while crossing his legs."You'll wait here?" asked Erica while frowning."Yes. Is there something wrong with that?" John relaxed his shoulders. Being as casual as possible in Erica's presence. He didn't want to waste time by going back to his office because it would take even longer to go back and forth. "It's more practical if I stay here waiting for you and we can go straight to the hotel after you finish the meeting.""Butー""Don't worry. I don't mind at all," John cut off Erica's words quick
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Chapter 115. DESERVE A SLAP
Nate didn't know who had sent the photos to him, but for sure, he had a bad motive. The person knew that he or she would be angry and upset after seeing the pictures of Erica together with another man while she already had a husband. People who saw them would think that Erica had cheated on Nate.Moreover, people's views on Nate never appreciated him as Erica's husband because he was jobless and poor. So they never considered Nate as the husband of Erica who was the CEO of the Starry White Company.Nante once again looked at the photos that the anonymous sent to him and checked more carefully the face of the man who was with Erica. But still, Nate couldn't see his face and couldn't guess who the man was because only his back was visible. While Erica's face was very clear they got into the car together."Shit," Nate cursed while clutching his cell phone. He slammed his cell phone on the table and stood up his frustration mounting.He had called Erica after he saw all the photos the ano
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The slap was so loud that it made everyone there immediately stop stepping and doing something. The atmosphere turned into silence when they first saw Nate angry while all this time he had only seen Nate who was always silent even though many people denigrated or mocked him.They were surprised that Nate could get angry and slap one of the workers who seemed to be playing tricks on him. The slap left one of the male staff red in the face and the corner of his lip injured. Clearly Nate was using a lot of energy to teach the person who had been disrespectful to him."What are you doing?" asked the male staffer who was slapped by Nate."Punishment for being rude to me," Nate snapped."Who do you think you are?!" he snapped in such a loud voice that everyone there clamped their mouths shut in disbelief that he was so bold with Nate.Although they never liked Nate and never respected him, this was the first time anyone dared to be insolent to Nate. All this time they had only kept quiet be
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Chapter 117.Miss Erica's lover
Nate felt angry and unaccepting of the male staff's attitude and walked away from the building. He didn't even look back at all when some people started whispering about what had just happened in the lobby.He didn't want to waste more of his energy on unimportant people like them. People who always judge someone by their money and wealth. Only respect if that person had a lot of power and had a bad attitude towards poor people.Nate always treated everyone equally even though he was a rich man. He wasn't even arrogant and always treated people well. Except, if they were bad people, Nate would treat them many times worse than what they had done.That was the punishment evil people deserved."Fuck," Nate swore under his breath as he exited the building and was about to walk to his car. He wanted to get back to the office because he knew Erica wasn't there and wanted to ask Morgan for advice.Just as Nate was about to open his car door, he suddenly heard a woman's voice calling his name
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Chapter 118. FURIOUS ERICA
Nate widened his eyes as he listened to the information provided by Morgan. She told him that the bodyguard overheard a man talking about a woman named Erica with someone on the phone. He was preparing to photograph them when they got to the hotel. He was the man John Yates had paid to take photos of them secretly.Although Morgan's bodyguards weren't sure that the Erica he mentioned was Nate's wife, they had to at least suspect it because it fit with what was happening to Erica now that she was away with John Yates."Tell the bodyguard who heard the conversation to go back to the hotel and wait for me there. And don't forget to send me the hotel address. I'll go there now!" Nate ordered impatiently. He immediately slammed his cell phone into the side seat and started the car.He drove the car at full speed without caring about the traffic. He was like a madman driving a car on a crowded highway. In Nate's mind, he just wanted to get to the hotel and bring Erica back.He didn't want E
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"Erica!"Nate shouted Erica's name again and ran towards her as John Yates' hand was already tapping the card to open the hotel room door.They both immediately turned to Nate with wide eyes in surprise, especially Erica who saw her husband there with a very angry expression on his face."Nate," Erica muttered as she turned to look at him. "What are you doing here?" she asked, confused. She couldn't believe Nate was there as if he knew that she had come to this hotel with John Yates, even though she hadn't told anyone."I'm the one who should be asking you that. What are you doing here?" Nate asked in a cold tone. His eyes narrowed sharply at John Yates who was standing behind Erica. Looking so calm with an annoying facial expression. He even flashed a smile when he saw Nate there. He crossed his arms to stare at Nate with a challenging look."What are you doing here, loser?" asked John Yate."Shut up! I'm not talking to you!" Nate snapped at John Yates. He glanced at him sharply, giv
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Chapter 120. CHOSE OVER ME
"Your business?" asked Nate. His eyes snapped to John Yates. He felt very angry that John Yates continued to try to present a gentlemanly figure in Erica's eyes.He knew that John Yates had ulterior motives for Erica. He wanted to separate them because of that, he was doing everything he could to make Erica hate him, and then divorce him.Nate clenched his hands together in anger. He stared at John Yates long enough to feel Erica's hand clasp his."Nate," she called in a low voice. Nate immediately turned his gaze towards Erica. "I can explain," she said."Explain after we leave here," said Nate instead of gripping Erica's hand tightly."But, I can't just leave.""Why? Do you still want to spend time alone with him?" asked Nate irritably. He squinted his eyes at the grinning John Yates.Earlier, the expression on his face made Nate feel annoyed because he acted arrogant as if he had won."It's not like that. It's not what you think. I met John only because of work issues. Not because
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