All Chapters of ONCE MOCKED, DISGRACED:SON IN LAW REVENGE: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
162 chapters
Chapter 121. HELP ME
"Nate, it's not like that," Erica said in a low voice. She touched Nate's hand and grasped it. Her hand was icy cold from the beach chill, while Nate's was warm. Maybe it was because he was angry.Erica never thought that she would choose John over Nate. She knew that Nate was thinking positively that she would get an invitation to a fundraising event. But the event was a few days away again and she hadn't gotten the invitation yet. And she didn't know what to do when John offered to give him the invitation.Her mistake was not telling Nate because she thought it was a trivial matter. She was just going to meet with John and then leave after she got the invitation from him, but she didn't expect that Nate would think otherwise about meeting the two of them.She was doing it for Nate and his family. She thought that if she could go to the event, she would get some colleagues to work with her. So that his company will shine even more and everyone will no longer dare to demean and insult
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Chapter 122. SAVING A GIRL
Nate turned his head towards the source of the voice. And he saw a woman running towards him in a hurry. Her facial expression looked so scared. She was crying, her face was wounded, and her forehead was bleeding. And there were several wounds on her hands and feet. The woman crashed straight into Nate's body, knocking him to the pavement."Damn!" Nate screeched in surprise as the woman suddenly rushed at him. He immediately walked backward and looked at the woman still kneeling in front of him with a confused expression.He wondered who she was, and what had happened to her at this time of night. Running around with fear on her face and tears breaking out as if she was being chased by someone."Are you okay?" Nate asked, looking at the woman.The woman immediately looked at Nate while crying hysterically. She immediately gripped Nate's legs very strongly and continued to cry without stopping. Her body was shaking violently and Nate could feel it."H-Help me. Please help me," she whim
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Nate was surprised to see that Erica hadn't gone to bed when it was already one o'clock in the morning. And Nate didn't know that Erica was waiting for him in the living room."Why aren't you asleep yet?" asked Nate, walking up to Erica. He reached out his hand to touch Erica's hand, but she brushed it away."I asked you, why did you just come home?" Erica asked again with an annoyed expression on her face. She crossed her arms over her chest. Staring at Nate who said nothing. "Nate, I'm talking to you," she said firmly.Nate didn't know what to say to her. They had just fought. Even their relationship was still awkward. He didn't want to tell her what had happened because he was afraid Erica would misunderstand him. Moreover, he had no proof at all.Nate swept his face with the palm of his hand. He let out a long breath and looked at Erica."It's getting late. You'd better go to bed soon. I'm tired too and I want to take a shower," said Nate trying to teach Erica to go up to the seco
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Chapter 124. I WILL FIX
John Yates has just attended a meeting with all his office staff because he wants to talk about his almost bankrupt company. And they are trying to figure out how they can get through the crisis if John Yates still wants to keep his company. They tried hard to get help from several companies, but they thought twice because of the reputation of John Yates' company which was almost bankrupt. They didn't want their company to be affected.John Yates was frustrated. He didn't know what to do. Especially after what happened last night. He failed to go to the hotel with Erica because Nate suddenly came and took Erica away.He felt upset and angry, but he also had other plans so that he could make their relationship fall apart because of Nate's jealousy of Erica. He will use this to separate the two of them.When John Yates finished the meeting and returned to his office, he suddenly received a call from his uncle, Henry Yates. John Yates frowned in confusion while receiving a phone call fro
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Chapter 125.Women's auction?
Nate rushed to his company after he settled all the issues outside. He attended meetings and video calls with colleagues abroad to discuss work issues. That is the cooperation that some companies have with Nate's company. And he always did his best for his work.By lunchtime, Nate was out of his office and looking for Morgan. He had contacted her but her call was not active, so Nate asked one of the staff at his company.“Where's Morgan?” Nate asked one of the female staff.“Oh, Ms. Morgan is out of business. She left a while ago,” she informed him.“Okay. Thank you,” Nate said with a smile to the female staffer.The female staffer then bowed respectfully before she walked away leaving Nate alone.Nate had originally planned to take Morgan out to lunch, but it looked like Morgan had something important to do. Although she didn't tell him, Nate didn't feel upset at all because he knew Morgan had a lot of things to take care of considering he always gave orders to Morgan about whatever
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Chapter 126. LIED TO ERICA
Nate sat on the edge of the bed and held Floe in the soft embrace of his arms. He didn't want to scare, confuse, or make her uncomfortable with his embrace because he only did it out of sympathy. He didn't know what to do when he saw Flo sobbing with her body shaking violently. It was as if she had experienced a painful and frightening event.All Nate could do was hold her and whisper in her ear. “Everything's going to be okay. You're safe, Flo,” he said as he rubbed Flo's back.Flo's crying slowly subsided. She was still crying, but not as hard as before. When she felt better, Nate released his embrace. He looked at Flo whose tears were still running down her cheeks.“Don't cry anymore. You're safe. No one will hurt you again,” Nate told her.Flo wiped her tears with the back of her hand and looked up at Nate with shining eyes. “Thank you, sir. Thanks to you, I'm safe. I don't know what to do for you, but I will do anything to repay your kindness.”“No, I don't need anything from you
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As usual, after dropping Erica off at the office, Nate went straight to his company at Bluebell Holdings. Nate had previously asked his secretary to look for some small houses in the suburban area. He wanted to prepare a house for Flo because today Flo would be discharged from the hospital.After the meeting, Nate went straight back to his office and his secretary came into his office. Nate sat in his chair while his secretary stood right in front of Nate's desk.“Did you look for the small houses I asked for a few days ago?” Nate asked her.“Yes, sir,” she replied. She then handed Nate a catalog of houses.Nate took the catalog and examined it carefully.“There are some small houses I found not far from the company,” she informed him.Nate looked at the houses in the catalog one by one. From the yard, kitchen, bedroom, and facilities in the house. Including the distance between the house and his company. Because Nate intends to visit Flo's house for some time to ensure her condition.
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Chapter 128. ANOTHER LIE
“Erica!” Nate shouted very loudly when he saw Erica, who suddenly ran away and left him without saying anything.He was so shocked to see Erica in the hospital that he didn't know what to say. Especially when Maria asked who Erica was, he could only stammer because he was too shocked.“Erica!” Nate shouted, trying to call Erica, but Maria immediately pulled Nate's hand with a shocked expression on her face.“Nate, what's wrong?” asked Maria in confusion. Her brow furrowed and her eyes looked at Nate before turning to Erica who was dashing with tears streaming down her face.Maria saw Erica bump into several people as she ran out of the hospital lobby. Nate, who also saw Erica crying while running, felt both confused and guilty.“Nate?” called Maria when Nate did not answer. “Who is she?” she asked, confused.“Sorry, Maria. I'll explain it to you later, but I have to go right now!” exclaimed Nate trying to get Maria's hand away from him.“But what about Flo?” asked Maria. She looked at
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Chapter 129.NEED ANSWERS
Nate felt very guilty for lying to Erica, but he did it for the good of both of them. Nate didn't want Erica to misunderstand and think he was cheating on her. Meanwhile, he helped Flo because he felt sorry for her and only out of humanity. And he didn't tell Erica because he thought that this was just a trivial matter.After all, Nate never thought that Erica would be at the hospital and suddenly run out crying. So, he continued to chase after her."Erica, I'm sorry if I lied to you. I can explain what happened,” said Nate, holding the open end of the car window and looking at Erica with his serious eyes.Erica bit her lower lip. She felt annoyed and disappointed with Nate because his attitude in the last few days was strange and seemed to have changed. She just remained silent without saying anything and continued to stare at Nate while crying.“Erica, please,” Nate whispered, bringing his head closer to the glass window. He pleaded in a soft, low voice for Erica to get out of the c
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Chapter 130. NATE IS MARRIED?
“It's me,” Nate said in a quiet voice as his phone call to Nana was connected. He was currently standing outside the car while Erica was fast asleep after their hot sex in the car."Yes, sir. Is there anything I can help you with?” asked Nana, Nate's secretary speaking from the other end of the line.“I need you to go to the hospital right now,” Nate ordered. He briefly glanced to the side to make sure that Erica was still fast asleep even though he couldn't see Erica from outside."To the hospital? Are you sick, Mr. Nate?” asked Nana with her voice slightly raised in worry.“No, I'm not,” Nate informed her. He let out a long breath before speaking again. “I need you to pick up someone at the hospital,” he said.“Who's Sir?”"Her name is Florecita. I'll send you a photo and the room number where she's hospitalized. She should be discharged today, but I can't pick her up because I have business with my wife,” Nate explained."Yes, sir. So, you asked me to take care of Ms. Flocerita's d
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