All Chapters of ONCE MOCKED, DISGRACED:SON IN LAW REVENGE: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
162 chapters
That night, although Erica was no longer angry with Nate, she still felt upset about what had happened to them. Nate had tried to explain what happened and had no intention of lying to her and just didn't want to make Erica feel worried, that's why he didn't tell Erica. However, Nate doesn't tell Erica about Flo because Nate doesn't want Erica to get angry, hate him, and think bad things about him.So, that night, Nate continued to try to persuade Erica not to be angry with him anymore even though it seemed to take a long time for Erica to forgive him. Still, Nate felt grateful that Erica was not as angry as when they met at the hospital that afternoon.The next morning, when Nate woke up, he saw Erica still fast asleep. He kissed Erica's forehead and sat on the bed.Then, he heard his cell phone ring and it was a call from his secretary. Nate immediately got out of bed and rushed to the balcony of the room to take the call from Nana.“Hello,” Nate said as he pressed the green button
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Chapter 132 DIVORCE
After dropping Erica off at the office, Nate immediately drove to the house he had rented to Flo after he remembered that Flo had asked him to come there. Nate drove his car at full speed. He was curious and a little worried about why Flo wanted to meet him in the morning.Was there something Flo needed or was there a problem that she was facing considering what had happened to Flo some time ago? Luckily, Nate was there that night so Flo was safe and not sold by her uncle to the mafia just for money.After a few minutes of driving, Nate finally arrived at the dominating white house. With plants and flowers in the yard. Nate stopped the car in the yard and got out of the car.“The house is quite beautiful and cozy,” Nate murmured, commenting on the house he had rented specifically for Flo to live in. He had only seen the pictures, but it was a good choice and it was the first time he had seen the house he had chosen in person.Nate walked up to the door and knocked lightly. Not long af
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Chapter 133. HER HELPER
Nate widened his eyes in surprise at what Maria said. He did not expect to hear such words from Maria."What do you mean?" Nate asked. He looked at Maria while frowning. "I don't understand what you're saying at all, Maria," he said.Maria stared at Nate for a long time. She thought that Nate was doing something bad behind Erica's back. Because in the past, her husband had an affair that started because of sympathy for a woman. Eventually, they grew closer because they continued to spend time together.In the end, she found out that her husband was cheating on her with the woman he was helping. And he actually preferred a woman he had known for a while compared to her who had been with her husband for years. Maria chose to divorce her husband because she was so disappointed. Although it took her a long time to get over it, now Maria is happy living alone and no longer remembers her painful past.Maria seemed to let out a long sigh when she saw Nate's reaction, which looked confused, l
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Chapter 134.
Nate, who was chewing his food, immediately looked at his wife. It looks like Erica is still thinking about the fundraising event that will be held later tonight. Because the event was attended by many important people and was guarded with very tight security, not everyone could enter the event building.Erica must be feeling worried because she had not received an invitation to the event when she really wanted to come so that she could meet many important people so that she could get a partnership with one of the important people who came to the event."Have you been worrying about it since yesterday?" Nate asked. He had prepared everything so that Erica could come there without having to hold an invitation. Because he was the President of Bluebell Holdings with great connections. So he could do anything.But Erica didn't know his true identity, so it was only natural for Erica to feel scared because she really wanted to come to the event."I really want to come to the fundraiser, Na
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Chapter 135.
Nate was silent with a thin, mysterious smile on his face. He had no intention of answering since the suit he was wearing was genuine and not a fake.Besides, if he told Maria and Erica that he had bought it, they would be even more surprised that Nate could afford such an expensive item when he had no money. He was living at the feet of Erica's family, so how could a poor person like Nate afford a suit from a famous brand? That was impossible.Therefore, Nate chose to keep quiet because it was the only way to get things done quickly. Because he didn't care anymore about how Maria looked at him. Because no matter what, she would still look down on him as long as she knew he was a poor man. And in the future, if Maria knew that Nate was the president of the Bluebell Holdings company, all the bad attitudes towards him so far would disappear like the earth."Why are you silent and not answering my questions?!" Maria shouted in annoyance. "Are you deaf?! I'm talking to you, you useless pe
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Chapter 136
After a few minutes of driving his car to the busy city highway. Nate and Erica finally arrived at the place where the fundraising event was held. It was a luxurious building with a height that reached into the sky. It was in the center of a bustling and luxurious city.The building was usually used for large and luxurious events and only important people could rent the building because the cost was very expensive and not just anyone could book it.Nate stopped his car in front of the building, then an officer appeared who took over Nate's car. Nate casually handed over his car keys so that the officer took Nate's car away to be parked in a special place."The building is very fancy and a lot of important people are coming," Erica said as she walked up to the entrance. She looked up at the glittering building that was so beautiful and tall. There were many guards and attendants taking care of the event in their formal attire."Of course. This is a very important event," Nate said."As
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Chapter 137.
"Mom, please calm down," Erica said, trying to ask her mother to calm down because it was not only her mother who felt scared and worried there but also her."Nate," Erica called with her voice so low. She looked at Nate with a troubled look in her eyes."Don't worry," Nate said in a manner that looked so calm as if he was not afraid of what was happening."Get out of here before I call the guards to get you out of here," Raymond threatened, looking sharply at Nate.But Nate completely ignored Raymond's warning. For him, Raymond was no match, and he was just like a barking dog. So, Nate wasn't worried about anything at all."Wait a minute," Nate said, rubbing Erica's shoulder. "You don't have to feel anxious, Erica," he said trying to calm Erica down in such a situation.Nate immediately took out his cell phone that was in the pocket in his suit to call Morgan, but when he was about to dial Morgan's number, suddenly Raymond took his cell phone and threw it on the floor."What have you
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At that moment, Nate saw a large, tall man approaching them with an angry, pale face. He looked like he was scared. He kept staring at Nate relentlessly as if confirming something but hesitated to say it directly."Sir," greeted one of the guards dragging Nate away when he saw Robert's arrival. He was the chief organizer of the fundraising and business event."What's going on here?!" he shouted. He asked the two guards who were dragging Nate, Erica, and his mother-in-law for an explanation and they immediately let him go. "Don't you know that there's a big event going on here?! Why are you guys causing trouble, huh?! Do you want me to get in trouble because news is spreading about the shenanigans that took place on the night of my fundraiser?!""I'm sorry, sir. But we didn't mean to do it. This is all their fault. They came here without an invitation and wanted to trick us so that they could get into the building and join the event!" one of the guards said while pointing at Nate's fa
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Chapter 139.
"Useless! Stupid humans!" Robert snapped at the two guards who had dared to mistreat Nate and his family. He beat the two guards mercilessly many times. Because he was afraid that he would lose his job because he had caused trouble for the President of Bluebell Holdings. And he didn't want that to happen."M-Forgive us," whimpered one of the guards whose face was already battered from being beaten, and slapped repeatedly without him being able to fight back. They couldn't because the two of them were just subordinates while Robert was the chief organizer who had the power."Can't you work properly? How can you make such a fatal mistake like this, huh?!" Robert shouted. His neck muscles tightened every time he spoke in a loud voice while his hands were clenched tightly into fists. He occasionally threw punches at the guards lying on the floor. He also did not hesitate to kick the guards' bodies until they winced and whimpered in pain."F-Forgive us. We were just doing our job. The male
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Chapter 140
Maria was delighted that they had entered the building and all the guests were there enjoying the drinks and food while chatting casually with the guests.This was a perfect time for Maria as she wanted to network with the higher-ups, so she would have a higher position if she could get one of them to like her. And that would make all the people who used to insult her dare not do it again."After what happened, I didn't expect us to get in here," Erica said in a low voice."Of course, it's because of the chief organizer! Unlike that stupid husband of yours. He got us into big trouble and kicked us out like worthless animals. It's lucky that Robert came and helped us. Otherwise, what would have happened to us? Shame is all we would have gotten out of it!" Maria exclaimed with an annoyed look on her face.She narrowed her eyes at Nate. She was so sick of seeing Nate's innocent face every time there was a problem as if he didn't feel at all guilty about everything that happened. Even tho
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