All Chapters of ONCE MOCKED, DISGRACED:SON IN LAW REVENGE: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
162 chapters
Chapter 141. TWO CHOICES
"Nate, we better get out of here. It's useless to ignore what Raymond did to us," Erica said as she pulled Nate's hand and quickly whispered in his ear.Erica's face paled. She didn't want to get into any more trouble after what happened to them outside the building. Moreover, she was dealing with Raymond Jules whose wealth exceeded that of her family. Raymond Jules could do something bad to her and her family if they continued to upset him.Especially with what happened between them some time ago at the restaurant. It seemed like Raymond Jules held a grudge against them so he kept trying to find trouble with Nate and his family."I think it's better for us to avoid Raymond. He could do something bad to us, Nate. And I don't want that to happen to our family," Erica whispered. She glanced at Raymond who continued to stare at them with an intimidating gaze that made Erica's hands shake violently."Calm down. I'll be fine. He's the one who's going to be ruined for messing with us," Nate
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Chapter 142
Nate immediately ended his call with Morgan and looked sharply at Raymond Jules. Meanwhile, Raymond Jules looked at Nate with a furrowed brow.He didn't know who he was talking to, but Nate looked like someone calling someone important so his threats sounded real. His hands shook, but Raymond Jules tried to hide it from everyone.Raymond Jules chuckled. "Who are you calling? Is they an important person who can destroy my business in just a few minutes?" Raymond Jules was still chasing Nate and had no idea what would happen to him in a few minutes.Nate smiled and grinned. "It's much worse than you can imagine," Nate said, staring intently at Raymond Jules which somehow made him nervous and uneasy."Fuck! I know you're just bluffing! How can someone like you destroy me who has power, huh? You're just useless trash!" Raymond Jules screamed, making his neck muscles visible as he shouted right in front of Nate.Erica who saw the incident could only be confused. She didn't know what happen
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Chapter 143.
Raymond Jules trembled violently when he heard what Nate said. He raised his head and looked at Nate with fear. He didn't know what happened at that moment and he felt confused and disbelieved.In his heart, he was confused about how Nate could do something like that. To have his family's business destroyed in the blink of an eye as if Nate was a man of great power. Higher than him. But, judging from Nate's appearance and life every day, it was clear that he was just a poor fool who didn't have any power to destroy Raymond Jules' company.He kept his eyes fixed on Nate's dark and terrible look. Even the faint smile at the corner of his lips made him unable to move. His body was stiff, but trembling so badly that he couldn't move a finger. His widened eyes were fixed on Nate, with his heart beating so hard it seemed as if it would explode.This was the end of his life. It seemed like he had bothered the wrong person. But then again, Raymond Jules still wondered who Nate was so that he
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Chapter 144.
Everyone who was there was shocked at what happened. They wondered how Raymond Jules could be dragged away in such an undignified manner, and instead, Nate who was just an ordinary person was honored. They continued to whisper something about how it happened.Wondering about what had happened between them, and Nate's relationship with Robert. Whereas earlier the guests had gossiped about how lowly and poor Nate was for daring to come to the event when he had no invitation at all."What just happened?""I can't believe that Raymond Jules was the one who got kicked out of this event, while Mr. Robert seemed so friendly in front of that poor man.""That's right. I wonder what really happened. I thought it was the poor man who would be kicked out of the building.""Didn't you notice that after that man threatened Raymond Jules, Raymond Jules looked like a broken man? Judging from the expression on his face, it looks like something big happened to his company after he received the call.""
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Chapter 145.
This fundraising and business event is very important and is a large gala event held every year in the city center. It is no wonder that this event is attended by many important people, such as businessmen, officials, and others who are eager to come. Some of them even pay a premium just to get an invitation. Since there were many people who didn't get an invitation, they bribed some people to come to the event.Many people were looking forward to the arrival of the President of Bluebell Holdings Company because he was the reason they were there. Because so far, they have never met the President of Bluebell who seems closed and mysterious.There were even people who tried to find out about the President of Bluebell Holdings' personal life, but the company immediately went bankrupt. Maybe that's why you should never play with important people if you don't want to get burned.And since then, no one dared to find out the personal life of the President of Bluebell Holdings or his face, wh
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Chapter 146.
Erica remained silent as she listened to her mother's harsh and harsh words. Until whenever, Maria would never accept Nate as her son-in-law. Apart from the fact that Nate is just a poor man, for Maria, Nate is just a stupid loser who is only troublesome, so it's useless if Erica says the goodness that Nate has because all of that will never make Maria stop hating Nate.Erica just let out a long sigh when she saw Nate in the corner of the room, appearing to be receiving her call."Hello? Hello?"Nate continued to walk slowly, looking confused while touching one of his ears. He received the call from Morgan and continued to say the word 'hello' over and over again as if he hadn't heard anything because the atmosphere inside was quite noisy with music and guests talking to each other.After he made sure that everything was safe, he ran out of the building before anyone saw him and became suspicious.When Erica turned her head towards the stage, when the host had appeared and then turned
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Chapter 147
Nate immediately looked over to where Erica was sitting, where she looked very happy to see him as the President of Bluebell Holdings Company. Nate thought that Erica would be very surprised if she knew that he was her husband who had been underestimated as a poor and useless man.But, one day Nate would tell Erica his true identity and tell her that he was the President of Bluebell Holdings. And, at that time, he was sure Erica would be shocked, disappointed, and angry because all this time he had lied to her. But Nate will try to do everything possible to apologize to Erica.And at that moment, everyone would no longer look down on him as poor and stupid Nate. Everyone will respect him and fear the power he has. And that time will come, not long from now.Nate immediately turned his face in the other direction when he almost made eye contact with Erica. He didn't want anyone to get suspicious so right now he was trying to be professional. Especially now that there was a spotlight on
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Chapter 148.
"Excuse me, could you let me meet with the President of Bluebell Holdings for a moment? I just want to talk about work matters for a while. I have no bad intentions, so could you please let me? Please," Erica pleaded to one of the guards who kept trying to block her from going backstage."We can't do that. It is a direct order from the President that he is currently unable to meet with the guests present here. That's why he took the time to greet at the front of the stage and take some questions about work from the guests," explained the male guard who was wearing a black suit with his tall, well-built body.The guards continued to hold and push Erica back as all the guests did the same, overwhelming the guards and the secretary to the President of Bluebell Holdings. They should have brought more guards and President Bluebell's secretary immediately exclaimed loudly, making the guards start running and helping them block the guests who were trying to break through to the backstage. Lu
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Chapter 149.
"It's easy to say. But it's hard to get such an opportunity. In fact, it's the first time that the President of Bluebell Holdings is willing to come to an event attended by many people like this while he's usually always private," Erica grumbled earlier because she was still very annoyed with Nate.According to Erica, Nate has really changed now. Unlike Nate who used to always prioritize himself in any case. And now, Nate even stopped his friend more than his wife. And easily just said sorry while this event was very important to him."I know you're eager to meet the President of Bluebell Holdings. I'm sure you'll be able to meet him later. You can trust me, Erica. Just need to be positive in any case and all our wishes will definitely come true," said Nate as he continued to rub Erica's back.But still, Erica couldn't just forgive him for what Nate had done because she felt so upset and disappointed. She wanted to silence him for some time so that Nate would think about what he had d
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Chapter 150.
"Your boss's?" Flo asked with a furrowed brow. She never knew what, where, and what Nate did for a living. The only information she had was that Nate had a wife and that Nate's friend had told her.Since that day, Flo had wanted to ask Nate if it was true that Nate was married and had a wife. But she was afraid that it would damage their relationship because actually, Flo liked Nate and she didn't want them to separate. Flo felt very happy that they were still in a relationship like this, even though Nate didn't know what Flo's true feelings for him were.At least, Flo can still see Nate's face every day and they can still meet freely without any awkwardness at all. And it just so happened that she was still recovering so she could freely contact Nate and tell him to come to his house and help her to change the bandage or apply for cream medicine on her wound.Although it was only for a short while, Flo was already happy."Yes. That's my boss’s car. I had already arrived at the compan
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