All Chapters of ONCE MOCKED, DISGRACED:SON IN LAW REVENGE: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
162 chapters
Chapter 151.
Erica became very agitated after she received an anonymous text message with a photo. Although there was no picture of Nate in it, it was clearly the car that Nate had bought for her as a gift some time ago. There was a license plate on the back of the car that was clearly visible.She didn't know who sent the photo or why they sent it to her, but it led to negative speculation about Nate. Moreover, the car was parked in the yard of a house that Erica had never known about.It wasn't Nate's family home. And Nate couldn't have owned the house without her knowledge because Nate had no money at all. He didn't even have a steady job, so there was no way he could afford the house in the photo. Even though it looked minimalist, of course, it still had a fantastic price because the house was in the middle of the city.Erica bit her lower lip with a feeling of dread. Something she had never thought about suddenly invaded her mind."That's not possible, is it?" she asked herself as she thought
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Chapter 152.
Erica continued to wait for Nate's arrival to pick her up at her office, but Nate hadn't come yet even though Erica had been waiting for him for an hour. She was almost bored from waiting for so long. Her feet hurt because she was wearing high heels and standing for a long time."Miss Erica, are you waiting for your husband?" asked one of the guards there who kept watching Erica who had been standing by the lobby door."Yes. I'm waiting for Nate," Erica replied with a smile."Did you send him a message that you're home?" asked the guard."Yes, I sent him a text message," Erica replied.Erica looked straight ahead again. She felt sad and embarrassed at the same time because she was being watched by the office staff coming out of the lobby to leave work. They must have thought that Erica was waiting for Nate's arrival but he hadn't arrived since an hour ago.How could any husband keep his wife waiting, standing so long in those high heels she was wearing? It must have made his woman mis
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Chapter 153.
All the way home, Erica turned her face to the glass window. She said nothing and refused to respond to anything Nate said.Erica was really angry and disappointed with Nate. He had made her wait for hours in the office and was gossiped about by many staff and Nate simply apologized and promised not to repeat it again.Is that an appropriate way to show his guilt to the wife he has disappointed?Nate didn't even try to comfort her and could only say sorry many times. But all the apologies he says don't seem to come from his heart. It was as if he said it just for formality so that Erica wouldn't get angry with him again.Nate has really been different from the old Nate. Erica really missed the old Nate, so caring and always thinking of her at all times. Erica didn't even know how Nate could change like this now."Erica, are you going to continue to be silent like this to me? I've apologized and I promise not to repeat it again. I also didn't realize that my cell phone battery had run
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Chapter 154.
That day, Erica had a lot of work to do. After being dropped off by Nate, she went straight to her office, preparing some documents before she attended a meeting at nine in the morning with the staff. They were also discussing the ongoing evaluation.Erica organized everything as best she could so that no mistakes would be made and everyone would get a good score on their evaluations. Because Erica didn't want any bad comments about her staff where her grandmother was. Because that would show what kind of leader Erica was in the company and how she managed her office staff.Because if the office staff had bad evaluations, of course, it was the leader who had the problem. And if that happens, it is not impossible for her grandmother to revoke Erica's position as CEO of the Starry White company.Erica had earned the position of CEO at the Starry White company with the persistence and hard work that she had done desperately. Of course, she would not let her hard work go to waste. That's
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Chapter 155.
After coming to Flo's house, Nate went straight back to his company. His mood improved because he got good treatment from Flo. So attentive to her even though Flo is also sick, but Flo is still thinking about her who hasn't had breakfast.Meanwhile, his relationship with Erica is now increasingly tenuous. Nate didn't know what he should do to make their relationship better again. But he felt that for the past few days, Erica had been avoiding him.He knew that Erica had a lot of work and had to work late and come home at night, but Nate felt that Erica's attitude was getting strange.Usually, no matter if they were angry or not, they still went to the office together. But Erica just left. Nate didn't even know when Erica left and what she left with.It was the same when she came home. Erica didn't call him at all to ask him to pick her up. Either because some time ago Nate forgot to pick up Erica to make her wait very long, that's why Erica no longer expects to be picked up by him.In
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Chapter 156.
"Do you need me to find out more about these businessmen, Mr. Nate? So you can decide which companies are free from corruption. Because right now, it's hard to find a company that doesn't do anything dirty," Morgan suggested."Instead of doing that, I want to ask you something," Nate said. He looked at Morgan for a long time. He was confused about whether he should ask and tell Morgan about his relationship with Erica, which was currently on the rocks. It's been a few days, even more than a week they fought and Nate doesn't know what he should do to make their relationship better again.Morgan frowned in confusion because Nate was suddenly silent and did not continue his words and instead daydreamed. Lately, she felt that Nate looked very sad."Sir, what did you want to ask? Why are you suddenly silent?" Morgan asked."Oh! Yeah, I... I wanted to ask you something about....""About Miss Erica?" asked Morgan, who quickly interrupted Nate's speech. She smiled when she saw the surprise on
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Chapter 157.
Nate was really upset that day. He didn't even focus on work anymore after learning that Nick Lawson was the man who was with Erica in the photo. Nate didn't know how far their relationship had gone, but Nate had no idea that Erica was so close to this man named Nick that they could go out together until Nick Lawson opened the car door for her.A man would do something like that if he had a special relationship with a woman. Because it indicates that the man cares and cares about his woman.And every time Nate remembers the scene in the photo, he always feels upset and angry. Nate had to find out what their relationship was like and why Erica didn't tell him and lied to him about his work. While in reality, she was having fun spending time with Nick Lawson."Damn, this problem makes me dizzy so I'm not in the mood to do all my work today," Nate said to himself while slamming the document he had been checking before he signed it.He then looked at the time on the top right screen of hi
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Chapter 158.
Nate and Flo have dinner together. They looked so happy as they ate and talked about many things. Nate doesn't even feel embarrassed anymore when he talks about his relationship with his wife. And Nate felt that Flo was a good listener."I'm glad you're willing to be a good listener for me, Flo. Thank you," Nate said sincerely."It's okay, Nate. I'm glad you're willing to share your problems with me. At least it can ease your sadness. If you have any problems you're having or anything you're thinking about, you can tell me. I will listen to your every problem, Nate," Flo said with a smile. She wiped her lips because she felt some food residue sticking to them, but Nate quickly grabbed a tissue and gave it to Flo. It made Flo's heart flutter to be treated so sweetly by Nate."You too, Flo. If you have a problem you're dealing with or something that's bothering you. You can tell me right away. I'll be ready to help you," Nate said. smiling as Flo smiled at him and thanked him for bringi
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Chapter 159.
That morning, Erica woke up early because, at 5.30a AM, Nick Lawson would pick her up in front of the house to go to the office together. She got ready while Nate was still fast asleep in bed. Erica didn't intend to wake him up because he looked exhausted.She didn't want to disturb Nate's deep sleep and she intended to leave once she was ready. Erica sighed repeatedly because she felt that her day had been very boring lately. Coming home at night and leaving early in the morning just to work until she felt like her body was about to collapse from exhaustion.What's more, her relationship with Nate was on the rocks so she felt like half her enthusiasm had disappeared. If only their relationship wasn't deteriorating, Erica would have confided in Nate and at least it would have made her feel relieved to have told Nate all her problems.Because that's what Erica always did before their relationship fell apart. And Nate will provide support, encouragement and say everything will be fine w
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Chapter 160.
Nate was getting ready to go to his company, but before that, he would go to Flo's house to help her change the bandages on her head, and put medicated cream on Flo's hands and head. Nate was very happy that Flo's wounds were slowly getting better. It meant he had done a good job treating Flo.And he wanted to see Flo move her hand again so that she could do her activities without difficulty. And maybe, later Nate will help Flo to get some work that Flo can do so that Flo can regain her life that was destroyed during Flo's life. He had to work very hard to pay off all the debts owed by his uncle.Moreover, Flo was about to be sold at a women's auction. Nate will make sure Flo gets a better life after this. Get a good job, have a boyfriend, and then get married. Nate's only hope is to see Flo happy because she has been so kind and caring to Nate.Nate has considered Flo as his precious friend because Flo has been willing to listen to his complaints. They had an exciting time and Nate f
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