All Chapters of ONCE MOCKED, DISGRACED:SON IN LAW REVENGE: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
162 chapters
Erica looked around for Nate. She had been missing since the argument with Anthony earlier. Just then, Nancy's boyfriend arrived with his brother. They greeted her in a friendly manner, and her mother came over, also greeting him because since long ago, Maria had been very fond of Theo who was a rich garden businessman."Oh, it's been a long time since I've seen you, Theo. How are you?" asked Maria as she shook Theo's hand. Her smile bloomed like a rose. She would love to set Erica up with Theo if she could turn back time because they looked so good together."I'm fine. How are you?" asked Theo. He smiled gently at Maria, then glanced at Erica standing next to her mother. For a long time, Theo had also secretly harbored feelings for her. But because of the news of her marriage, he no longer had the opportunity to approach her."I'm good too. You still remember Erica, right?" Maria asked."Yes, of course. How could I forget a woman as beautiful as Erica? We haven't seen each other for
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Chapter 42. NEW CEO
"Nate, I apologize for Theo's rudeness just now," Erica said when they were some distance from Theo. She felt guilty for Nate."It's okay. It's not your fault. You don't have to apologize, Erica." Nate smiled. He rubbed Erica's arm affectionately. "Already, don't think about it anymore. This is your celebration party as the new CEO, don't be sad just because of one insignificant person. Don't let him ruin your previously good mood," she continued."Um, I understand."At that time, they accidentally met Morgan who had just entered the aura. Erica immediately approached Morgan with a happy smile."Morgan, did you just arrive?" asked Erica enthusiastically. She hugged Morgan and he returned it."Yes, I just arrived. Am I late?" she asked Erica."No, you're not. The party hasn't even started yet.""Hello, Mr. Nate. We meet again," Morgan greeted Nate with a meaningful smile."Yes, we meet again. It's good to see you again," Nate said.Erica looked around and saw that Morgan had come alone
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Chapter 43. SUBSTITUTE
Erica's eyes widened in surprise when Victoria called Nancy instead of her. She was in shock. Her hands trembled, clenching into fists. Her eyes moved uneasily as she saw Nancy grinning at her. She walked over to her. A triumphant smile that looked like it was patronizing her, mocking her. It made Erica's pride feel like it was being trampled on.Her hands clenched even tighter when Nancy was right in front of her. Smiling with satisfaction. A look that was so arrogant and haughty as it looked at her."How was it, Erica?" she asked in a mocking tone. "Are you surprised?"At this moment, Nancy was completely satisfied that she had hit her late. That right now, the one in charge was her and not Erica."You should look in the mirror and see your expression right now," Nancy laughed, "it's ridiculous and you look like a fool."Erica could not speak or utter a single word because her heart was currently broken. Destroyed by the dishonesty, and the betrayal committed by her grandmother. Thi
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Chapter 44. THREAT
Everyone stared in disbelief at Morgan as she told the shocking news so suddenly. Making Victoria widen her eyes in shock. So did Nancy and Erica, and the rest of their family. It was like they had just been struck by lightning, leaving them speechless from shock."What did we just hear? Didn't we hear it wrong?"Why did Bluebell's president suddenly cancel all their cooperation with Starry White's company?""It's very sudden.""What horrendous news.""It's karma or something. But the bad news hit them immediately after Nancy was chosen as CEO."Some of them laughed mockingly. "That's right. This is out of the blue!""They threw a lavish party to celebrate this happiness, but the bad news came instead."Again, the laughter of some of the guests could be heard. She stood on the stage with her hands clenched into fists as shame, anger, and disappointment mixed.As she glanced at Victoria, she was even more astonished at the anger that exploded in her eyes. It was obvious that she was ve
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Chapter 45. CONSOLING
After a tense and heavy conversation, Nate decided to go find Erica. He must have felt horrible about what had happened at the party. Everyone had made fun of her, gossiping about how useless Erica was for losing to Nancy. And they were also surprised that Bluebell's president had canceled their deal, which, as it turned out, was because of Erica.Of course, that would make Erica's family feel sorry for not making Erica the CEO, but Nancy. And Erica was devastated by everything she heard at that moment.She ran to the restroom, alone, sobbing with the door deliberately closed so that no one could get inside. She cried while regretting all the things that had happened to her. While she had tried her best, Victoria still favored Nancy. Prioritizing Nancy as the granddaughter she loved the most.Even though she was also her granddaughter. She was the one who had worked hard to get the deal. She had also promised to make him the CEO. But her grandmother's betrayal left a deep wound in her
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Chapter 46. REGRETS
"Erica," Victoria called.Erica looked at Victoria with tears on her face. She sobbed when her grandmother came to see her after what she did at the party. She was devastated that Victoria had trusted Nancy and given her the title of CEO.Nate stood next to Erica. They both looked at Nancy and Victoria in turn. Erica frowned as her grandmother approached her, clasping her hands with a face full of panic."Erica, are you okay?" asked Victoria. She regretted choosing Nancy as CEO instead of Erica. She should have kept her word, but regrets always came too late."Of course, she's not okay. You broke your promise and chose Nancy as CEO. You said you would choose Erica. She even got the deal, to the extent of inviting Bluebell's president to a party she'd never met. Isn't Erica dedication greater than hers?" Nate glanced sharply at Nancy who stood beside Victoria."It's all Nancy's fault! It's her greed. She kept saying that you were lying. That you did the wrong thing to get the deal. Tha
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Chapter 47. ERICA IS CEO
After Erica came out of the restroom, Victoria immediately asked her to contact Morgan and ask Morgan to change her decision. If the Bluebell company canceled their deal, the company would go bankrupt. The debts they had were piling up and she would not be able to pay them off. Everything would be destroyed in the blink of an eye. And this partnership was vital to their survival.And Victoria had opened her eyes wide and realized that Erica was the key to the company's success. Making her CEO was the right decision. That's why she wouldn't make the wrong decision again.Erica walked out of the party area into the courtyard. She planned to catch up with Morgan and see if she was still there. But Morgan had already left. She worriedly dialed Morgan's cell phone. It took a while for her to receive the call."Hello, Morgan," Erica greeted as soon as her call was connected."Miss Erica," Morgan greeted back from the other end."Morgan, is what I'm hearing right now true? That you canceled
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Erica hugged Victoria with a big smile. She felt very happy and grateful. She could not hide her happiness as she had been appointed CEO of the Starry White company. After all the things that happened, her previous struggles were not appreciated. Everything had changed. She got what was rightfully hers, which was to become the new head of her family's company.And she was able to prove to everyone that it's not just men who can be CEO, but women too. It also proved to her family and cousins who often mocked and belittled her. That she is talented and she is not someone who can be put down at any time. She was able to become a CEO with all the hard work she put in. She had even gotten a deal with the Bluebell Company again when they had previously canceled it unilaterally."Grandma, thank you for keeping your promise," Erica said with a smile. She hugged Victoria tightly before letting go again."I made the wrong decision because I listened to Nancy. Now you're the CEO and the company
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Chapter 49. PROTEST
The next morning was Erica's first day as a CEO. She was excited, nervous, and happy. Early in the morning, she was ready to go. And she has checked everything about the company. Since it was her first time holding a company as CEO, Erica had to check its income for the past few years, documents related to cooperation, and so on. She also had to take care of how much the company had lost so that she could think of ways to solve the workers' salary problems so as not to make the company even more in the woods.Although the Bluebell company had given her a lot of money, it only helped to keep the company from going bankrupt, but for everything else, there was still no solution. And as CEO, Erica would try her hardest to bring the Starry White company through all of its current crises.As she was getting ready in front of the mirror, Nate came out of the bathroom. He had just showered in the full clothes he had put on, but his hair was a little wet. He looked at Erica with his appearance
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Nate's eyes sharpened when he saw Robert coming. He walked towards him with a swaggering demeanor, so relaxed, as if he enjoyed the way he was overwhelmed by the protesters who had lost control of themselves.Nate clenched his hands into fists as Robert stood directly in front of him, staring at him with a mocking gaze. He smiled broadly at Nate's disheveled appearance due to the attack from the protesters."You really are a beggar now," he said, "but you usually are."Nate rolled his eyes in reply. He had to hold his temper. There was no point in fighting with an old man who had no attitude. It was a waste of time."You'd better leave before you get hit by a rock and your head bleeds. Of course, you won't be able to use it to think anymore. Or you've been acting without thinking," Nate said, trying to irritate Robert, but he laughed instead. Nate frowned with a puzzled expression.Why is he so calm and confident? Nate thought."Don't be a smart ass. What are you going to do to the pr
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