All Chapters of ONCE MOCKED, DISGRACED:SON IN LAW REVENGE: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
162 chapters
As he watched Robert leave with a triumphant smile, Nate began to understand that this was all his game. He had deliberately done this to destabilize Erica. To make her mentally unstable so that Erica would get scared and resign from her position as CEO. But he would never let that happen. As long as he was in this world, no one would be able to hurt Erica, not even by the tip of her hair.Nate stared at Robert's back who was no longer visible, entering the building. He then looked at the protesters who were still shouting for their salaries to be given immediately or for Erica should step down as CEO. They wanted wages, not a new CEO.This made Erica feel uneasy. How could she get so much money to pay all the workers' wages, while the company itself was also in crisis and almost bankrupt? So, what should she do to solve this problem?"Don't worry, everything will be fine," Nate reassured Erica, but he knew she was feeling uneasy. Judging by the look on her face, Erica was afraid that
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Chapter 52. MASK HERO
"Okay, I'll take care of the wage payments for all the workers right away," the Manager replied to Erica."Please take good care of it and don't miss anything. I don't want to see them protesting in front of the building again and not getting their due. They also need money to live their lives," Erica reminded.The manager nodded his head. "Yes, I understand. I will do as you say. You don't have to worry.""Um, is the money given by Bluebell's president enough to pay all the workers' wages?" asked Erica curiously."Yes, I think it's more than enough. Even more than what we need," replied the Manager."Thank goodness. I'm very grateful that they're willing to send us cooperation money and help with the workers' current wage problem," said Erica. She let out a long breath. She was no longer as worried and nervous as she had been a few minutes ago. She was so afraid that if she couldn't take care of the wage issue, she would blame herself for not being a good CEO."In that case, I will t
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"Erica," Theo greeted Erica. He shook Erica's hand with a big smile and Erica returned his handshake. She smiled politely and immediately removed her hand from Theo."Hello, Theo," said Erica."Yesterday, I didn't get a chance to congratulate you on becoming CEO. Congratulations to you," Theo said."Thank you, Theo.""Oh, I heard from your mother, that you're in big trouble. She called me and told me that there were some workers protesting in front of the building. But I didn't see it," Theo explained, "By the way, I came here to help you.""Before I left, they were still there," Maria said."All the problems have been clear," Nate replied.Maria and Theo frowned. They stared in disbelief at Nate."You? How is that possible?" asked Theo in a mocking tone. "How can a loser take care of such a big problem?""That's right, Erica, tell us. Is the problem clear? We should ask Theo for help. He's already here, so let him take care of all the problems," Maria said, then tugged on Theo’s arm
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"Oh, shit! Have you lost your mind?" Theo shouted as Nate pushed Theo's body so roughly that he staggered forward.Nate stared at Theo who whimpered in pain while holding his shoulder and arm that he had twisted. He deliberately did it to teach Theo a lesson so that he wouldn't dare approach Erica again, let alone say bad things about Erica. Because he will never forgive anyone who tries to disturb or hurt his wife."That's the first warning for you. Leave Erica alone, don't say anything bad about her, and stay away from her," Nate threatened.Theo swore loudly, cursing Nate with the harshest words he knew."Damn, bastard! You're just a useless servant and a poor man. Wake up to your position!""You're the one who should realize your position. Erica is married and has a husband, you shouldn't be flirting with her. Especially, in front of me," Nate insisted."I don't care because you don't deserve to be Freya's husband at all." Theo laughed mockingly. "You're supposed to be her servant
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This was the night that Erica and her family were invited for dinner at Theo's family home. Erica, Maria, and Nate, they went together. Although Erica initially refused and felt uncomfortable to come, Maria forced Erica to come.Maria wanted to make Erica and Theo closer. Making sure that Erica fell in love with Theo so that Erica divorced Nate and married him. It was Maria's original plan because she was sick of having a useless son-in-law like Nate.And she was happy that Theo seemed to have feelings for Erica and wanted to get close to her. And there was more chance that they could be together, so Maria could throw Nate out of Erica's life. Forever...Nate opened the door as Erica and her mother got out of the car. They both entered the luxurious mansion owned by Theo's family. A servant escorted them to the dining room.Theo comes in his expensive suit with a proud smile. Showing Nate that he was powerful and rich, not like him who was poor and a loser."Erica, you look stunning t
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Chapter 56. SCAMMING
Maria was shocked to see everyone clamoring for their money back after the scam they experienced as a result of their investment with the scam company. What was even more shocking was that there were so many people who had been scammed.Not just one or two people had been scammed, but there were dozens of people standing there protesting in front of the building. Maria was getting more and more scared and anxious if she couldn't get her money back. The huge amount of money that she thought she would get twice as much profit from was just wiped out by this scam."There are a lot of people protesting here, I don't think you're the only one who got scammed," Theo said as he saw many people protesting in front of the building."What if I can't get my money back?" Maria panicked. Her face was deathly pale. She didn't know what to do as her mind was in turmoil."Mom, how could you know him and just trust him to invest in his company? Why didn't you find out first and just act stupidly?" Eri
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Chapter 57. FEAR OF ROLEX
"Excuse me, sir. Mr. Rolex is here." A knock on the door and a woman's voice made Jasper Taylor get up from his chair."Yes, let him in!" he exclaimed enthusiastically. He rushed over to Rolex who entered his room. He smiled brightly as he shook Rolex's hand."Hello, Jasper," Rolex greeted."Hello, Rolex." They hugged each other for a short time and exchanged smiles. "Welcome and thank you for all your help. Come, have a seat," he said, inviting Rolex to sit on the sofa.They sat facing each other. Jasper had earlier gotten a can of drink for Rolex. He was very happy to be able to work with Rolex so everything went smoothly. His scam had made a lot of profit and it was all because of Rolex's help."How was it? Did everything go well?" asked Rolex."Yes, very smoothly. I got a lot of people sending money to invest in my company and with that, I got a lot of profit from all of their money. It's amazing because the amount is beyond my expectations." He smiled with satisfaction. Feeling v
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They had been waiting in the lobby for a long time after the Manager left and promised to call the president of the Gazxer company. Meanwhile, Maria kept worrying all the time. She couldn't keep her feet still and she kept biting her hands. Occasionally she blamed Nate for what had happened to her.Because she was consumed by her emotions and fear that she wouldn't get her money back. She kept blaming Nate and asking him to take responsibility, but Theo calmed her down. Making faces in front of Maria to make her like him even more and hate Nate."I'm sure they'll be back soon, so you just relax," Theo said."Yeah, I know. I'm just nervous because I'm afraid I won't be able to get my money back," Maria said in a trembling voice. But Nate just looked at her with a calm gaze."Don't worry, according to what I promised you, your money will come back. You have my word. As long as there is me to help you, then there is nothing to be afraid of anymore." Theo spoke in a soft tone and relaxed
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"Who are you to tell my bodyguard to stop, huh?" Rolex asked Nate with narrowed eyes. He felt offended and unacceptable that someone would be so arrogant in front of him. While he was the invincible one."I'm Nate," Nate said, answering Rolex's question in a joking tone.Rolex laughed. "You think I asked your name?! You useless idiot!" Rolex shouted. His hands were clenched into fists."I'm not a fool, and I have a name. Wouldn't it be more polite if you spoke in a low tone?" said Nate, "and you shouldn't have told your bodyguards to hit women. You can't be called men if you dare to hurt women."Rolex snorted. "Well, look at this asshole. Is he advising us? Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you bother me and act like this, huh?!""Didn't I tell you that I...""Shut your mouth and get out of here!" snapped Rolex. He interrupted Nate before he could finish his sentence."What if I don't want to?" Nate challenged. He looked at them one by one without any fear. Even his demeanor
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Rolex and Jasper left after a heated argument with Nate. The atmosphere turned to silence. And Nate was satisfied that he had put them out of action. But still, Maria's money still hadn't been returned. It would be difficult, but Nate could help her get the money back. It just took time and some planning.Theo looked at Nate with a furrowed brow. Still helplessly sitting on the floor with Maria holding his battered body. He wondered where Nate's strength came from so that he could defeat all of Rolex's bodyguards without getting hurt.He even looks so relaxed when talking to Rolex that Rolex feels scared and intimidated by Nate's attitude. Nate had always acted like an unreliable fool, but today he seemed like a different person.After making sure Rolex and Jasper left, Nate immediately dropped his gaze to Theo whose face was full of wounds. He just stood there with no intention of helping him up. Because to him, he didn't deserve his help at all."What are you doing? Why are you stil
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