All Chapters of ONCE MOCKED, DISGRACED:SON IN LAW REVENGE: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
162 chapters
Chapter 61. START THE GAME
"Dad, I'm going out for a minute to catch up with Erica. Maybe she needs help," Nate said as soon as Erica left to take care of the payment."Oh, yeah. Okay," Erica's father replied.Nate then walked out of the room. Instead of going after Erica, Nate went to the stairwell area which was deserted because everyone used the elevator. So no one passed by there while he called Morgan."Morgan," Nate greeted after their phone call connected."Yes, sir?""Did you look up the information on Rolex?" I asked, "The picture of the man I sent you in a message.""Yes, sir. I've been looking into him, as well as a man named Jasper. They are colleagues. Their company often commits investment fraud and has many victims. They changed the name of their company to escape punishment, and even paid off the police and prosecutors to help them get out of trouble," Morgan explained from the other side of the phone."And Rolex? I want to know more details about him. Whatever it is, home, habits, family, every
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Chapter 62. KIDNAPPED
Nate was furious to see Erica taken away by Rolex. He asked Morgan for help to find Rolex's house and when he got it, Nate went straight to Rolex's house in an explosion of anger.He would not forgive Rolex for daring to kidnap his wife, and if he dared to hurt or touch Erica, Nate would break Rolex's hand."Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Nate cursed at Rolex's house. He cursed, pounding the steering wheel in an explosion of anger.Arriving at Rolex's house, Nate was immediately confronted by the guard. But Nate angrily told him to let him in. Then a voice came over the intercom. It was Rolex's voice telling his bodyguard to let Nate into his mansion.Nate clasped his hands together as he entered Rolex's mansion. His eyes sharpened as he walked inside and saw Rolex standing next to Erica who was sitting in a chair with her hands and feet bound.Nate's eyes heated with anger and worry. He couldn't bear to look at Erica's disheveled appearance and her face, pale with fear. No matter what R
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Chapter 63. DYING
Nate was like he was possessed by a demon. He went berserk and beat up Rolex's men who were holding his arms, then kicked his body until he fell to the floor. Nate quickly took Rolex's gun disassembled it into small pieces and threw them around.Just then, Rolex's men were about to beat him up from behind, but Nate quickly beat them back to the ground.At that moment, he saw Rolex who was about to stand up and grab the parts of the gun, and wanted to connect it again, but Nate kicked him with his foot. He threw another punch at Rolex's face and he fell to the floor grimacing in pain."Bastard!" Nate kicked Rolex's body until he cried out in pain.He used that moment to save Erica. He quickly removed the ropes on her hands and feet, as well as the tape on her mouth.Erica immediately cried hysterically. She was disgusted and frightened that she had been touched by Rolex like that and experienced such a horrible incident. Her hands trembled as she held Nate's wrists. Tears flooded his f
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Chapter 64. REVEALED
Just as Nate and Erica were about to kiss, Nate heard a tapping sound from their car window. He was surprised to see Rolex standing grinning at them. Shoving a gun right through the glass window.Erica glared as fear returned to her. She gripped Nate's hand with her heart beating wildly."Get out of the car," he ordered, "now!"Nate glared at Rolex. He was angry and upset that Rolex hadn't listened to his threats. After he had beaten her to a pulp, he still intended to hurt him and Erica. Even to the point of catching up with those in the car and already reassembling the gun he had disassembled.Nate looked at Erica who was terrified. Her hands trembled violently as she grasped his hand."It's okay, trust me," said Nate trying to calm Erica and get her out of the car.Nate continued to hold Erica's hand as they got out of the car. And at that moment, Rolex immediately pulled Erica's arm roughly from Nate."Akh!" Erica screamed in pain as she was pushed down and felt the muzzle of the
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Rolex was shocked to see everyone kneeling in front of Nate. He was even more surprised by the fact that Nate was the Young Master. He couldn't understand how someone like him could be a Billionaire. While all this time he had always acted as if he was just a poor and useless son-in-law.That meant he had been deceiving everyone. No wonder he acted so arrogantly as if he had high power. Rolex should have found out more details about Nate. He underestimated Nate and believed that he was just a loser who was lucky to marry Erica. That's why he didn't suspect or find out about Nate's personal life."It can't be," he muttered, "it doesn't make sense," he said."You still deny it?"Rolex shook his head. "If he does have power, he is the Young Master. Then why does he look like a poor man?" Rolex asked. He looked at Nate and Dervil in turn. He still could not believe what he was hearing."Didn't Morgan explain that it was to keep him safe? That's why he pretended to be poor for his safety,"
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Chapter 66. love confession
"Are you awake?" Nate asked gently. He helped Erica sit up and put a pillow on her back. "You'd better lie down," he said."No," Erica muttered, shaking her head."Are you okay? Does your body hurt? Or is something hurt?" Nate asked many questions. He had a very worried look on his face. He even confirmed with his own eyes that there were no injuries on Erica's body, but who knew there were internal injuries that Nate couldn't see?"I'm fine. I'm not hurt at all," Erica replied. Her voice was low and still sounded weak. She looked sadly at Nate and her hand reached out to touch Nate's wounded face. "You're the one who's hurt. Does this hurt?" Erica asked. Her eyes became dim.Nate smiled. "It doesn't hurt at all. I've already treated it, so you don't have to worry. All these wounds will heal and disappear quickly."Erica said nothing and just stared at Nate. Nate didn't know what Erica was thinking, but one thing he understood was that Erica was still afraid of what had happened to he
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Chapter 67. LOVE MAKING
Nate woke up the next morning and saw Erica still fast asleep beside him. Looking very sleepy with the blanket covering her up to her neck. Nate continued to stare at Erica's beautiful face in awe. Erica even looked very beautiful when she was asleep. And Nate fell in love with her even more.He rubbed Erica's cheek gently. Feeling very happy after what happened last night. For the first time they had sex. They spent a hot night as husband and wife. For the first time, Nate kissed her and touched her body. And it made him feel crazy last night.He didn't know how many times they did it, but Nate loved it. And he hoped their relationship would get better in the future. Because now he knew that Erica loved him too. They had the same feelings.Nate brought his face closer, about to kiss Erica's lips, but he was surprised when Erica suddenly opened her eyes. She looked surprised, blinking a few times before pushing herself away as she woke up and saw Nate in front of her eyes."N-Nate," s
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"So, Miss Erica asked you to pick her up?" Morgan asked Nate.Nate looked at Morgan who was standing in front of his desk in his office. He had just told Morgan that Riley was a close friend of Erica's and yesterday she asked him to pick up Riley who was returning today."Yeah, it was Erica's request, so I had to do it," Nate said. He let out a long sigh as he closed the document he had just signed. "Can you reserve a restaurant for our lunch? Erica told me to take her to a nice restaurant.""Yes, of course. What would you like to eat? I'll recommend some of the best restaurants in town," Morgan told Nate."Hm... how about Sparkling Bouqet? I heard the food there is really good and it's famous for being a fancy and glamorous place," Nate said. He read about it on social media and appeared in the first ad."That place is very nice, sir. Very luxurious and five-star restaurant that not many people can book because it's very expensive. Many people book the place for private events, but f
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Chapter 69. LUNCH DATE
At that moment, from the direction of the restaurant entrance, there was a woman who came in with her sexy but elegant appearance. Her body was slender but curvy, her hair long and blonde. She walked in so gracefully that everyone there dropped their eyes on her. Everyone was stunned at how beautiful she looked. Some of them even turned their heads with their heads spinning because of her beauty.That woman was none other than Riley, Erica's friend. She smiled when one of the waiters said hello, and that smile made everyone fall in love with her beauty.Jerdin and Max who saw her immediately came over to Riley. They both scrambled to approach and tease her."Hello... I'm Jerdin.""I'm Max."Riley looked at Max and Jerdin in turn while throwing a smile. She did not return their handshake but she introduced herself anyway."I'm Riley.""What's a beautiful woman like you doing here alone?" asked Jerdin."I want to eat lunch," Riley replied.She was surprised that two men suddenly approac
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Jerdin and Max couldn't believe what they were hearing. Moreover, they were surprised that Riley was Erica's friend. And they were going to have lunch there. It was the famous Sparkling Bouqet restaurant. Not everyone could make a reservation there because only people from the upper class could do so. It was expensive, so it was touted as a restaurant for CEOs and Billionaires. People who were born with a golden spoon or who have million-dollar fortunes.Of course, Jerdin and Max didn't believe what Riley said because he knew Nate was just a poor loser who obviously wouldn't be able to eat at Sparkling Bouqet."Wait, you're Erica's friend, and you're going to have lunch here? At Sparkling Bouqet with Nate and Erica?" Jerdin asked with a furrowed brow."Yes. Nate took care of the reservation at this restaurant. Why is there something wrong with this restaurant?" asked Riley in confusion, "should we not come here?"Meanwhile, Nate appeared from the direction of the restroom. He saw that
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