All Chapters of The Billionaire's Retribution : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
136 chapters
Moving on
The morning after was brighter than they had hoped it would be before they embarked on their journey.They both slept so deeply in each other's arms, reminiscing in their dreams about the lovely action that had happened between them. It felt as though they were having a new life altogether, not the same old grumpy life she had and the life of unlawful accusations that he was going through.In that time, their problems seemed far away from them, shut down by the peace that encircled them.Neither of them remembered that they had to leave as early as four that morning to meet up with the one and only Ferry that would take them across to the East of Leesburg.The first person that woke up to the light of day was Marcus. Camelia's hair brushed against his face and his eyes fell open as he inhaled the freshness of it.It smelt of lavender flowers and they were his favourites. The early rays of sunlight cast its golden glory on her face and he could not help but desire to hold her close fo
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Derek is dead
Marcus nodded.“I gotta go and get ready right away just Incase Sam calls. He . mentioned that the car has a minor fault but he is on top of the situation.”Camelia nodded and Marcus turned to go to the bathroom for a quick shower. He stopped by the doorway and gave Camelis an enticing look, causing her to smile with a blush.“You look stunning in that dress, by the way.”Camelia thanked him with a subtle nod of her head and shifted her gaze from his to her phone that was in her hand. She could not afford to let the praises get her all needy for him again.After what seemed like the fastest forty five minutes of their lives, Sam rang up his boss to let him know that they were finally ready to take off.Marcus and Camelia packed up all that was theirs in the exquisite hotel room that held a memory of them and they left, walking hand in hand.Camelia wanted to untangled from his grip She did not want to force him to expose them if he was not willing to do that.She tried to gently pull
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Arriving at Linda's house
“And the fact that he was so full of himself in that entire era, holding innocent people hostage,” Sam added. “I really almost thought he'd never meet his end.”They began laughing all over again.The pubman was confused yet, he found a way to bring himself into their cosy conversation.“It does seem like this fella, whoever he was must have done so much evil,” the pubman mentioned in a bid to get the full gist.Camelia did not want to involve him.“You do not even want to know about his many crimes,” Camelia muttered and immediately brought up another conversation to put an end to the conversation.Deep down, she was satisfied that finally, Derek was paying dearly for his crimes against her family. She could see his end already and it brought her so much satisfaction, unfortunately.We are two turns away from the Montegos home,” the pubman announced, adjusting himself on the seat. “I hope y'all ready for whatever turn this visit takes because like I earlier said, that man ain't norma
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Linda's anger
Linda SheIn sat, cross legged, her face stern and stoic. She was not willing to express emotions before these people.She had not healed from the chaotic murder of her husband and the fact that life slipped away from her in the twinkle of an eye.Marcus began to speak, trying so hard to pour out his soul in their conversation.He wanted her to see that he was saddened by the entire situation, not just about the false accusations against him.“I could have come earlier to meet with you and show my deepest condolences, Mrs SheIn. However, I am sure you know that I became a suspect and was treated as such immediately after your husband was killed.”“Why are you here, Mr Blackwood?” She was not ready for any friendly conversations.Her face was still stoic and she had that firm, unshifting gaze fixed on him.Camelia was slightly anxious that she may not be willing to help Marcus. She kept shifting uncomfortably in her chair.“I am here to firstly express my deepest condolences to you and
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Linda's anger II
She began to sob loudly, slamming her hands against the side table that was planted beside her.Marcus was weakened at this point and so were his partners. He could not say another word, neither could Sam.Camelia had a lot to say. She wanted to plead on his behalf, her eyes were teary as well. She understood how sad Linda was.She got down on her knees, beside Linda and held her palm.“Please Ma'am, stop hurting yourself this much,” she pleaded, tears rolling down her cheeks.She held Linda as though they knew each other before and they both sobbed on each other's shoulder.Camelia rubbed her head and her back while she convulsed tearfully in her shoulder.Marcus and Sam could not easily weep like the ladies but they definitely felt the tense emotion in the room.Camelia pulled back from Linda and began to plead with her.“I cannot say that I don't understand the pain you feel. I feel that pain too, we all do. As a matter of fact, Marcus has best himself for this entire situation. Ho
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When Hope Is Lost
A defeated Camelia, Marcus and Sam began to journey back home.It had become obvious that they had lost the battle because the woman would not say a word.She blatantly refused to be used as a pun in their schemes for clearing Marcus's name from the crime he was being accused of.Camelia could not stop crying in the car even when Marcus tried to calm her down, she kept crying bitterly, convulsing with tears.“I feel so guilty for this,” she muttered over and over again.“Stop saying that Cam,” Marcus tried to warn her. “You were doing what you thought was best for me. I know you had my best interest at heart. I am fully aware of that,” Marcus had tried to reassure her yet, she was not willing to bend to that.Same felt for her too as he could understand her position but the two men thought of her as hero not the way she saw herself.“I ruined this!” She kept whining tearfully, “I probably should not have tried to save the situation and kept quiet. Perhaps if it was you and her alone,
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Magnus and Maxwell were having a boys night out that evening at a very popular bar. The two of them were high spirited and could not keep it down.“Do you think Marcus will make it?” Magnus asked with a twisted smile. Maxwell laughed out loud . “If all you said was true and they really burnt down the house, that means that evidence is gone, totally cleared. Innit?”“Oh yes, definitely. Thomas has been my hitman for quite some time and there's nothing he has ever done wrong. He delivers within expectations.”Magnus' eyes flashed with pride as he talked about his hitman.“He is the most genuine hitman I have ever had,” Magnus added, with a proud laugh.Maxwell nodded.“I just can't stop imagining what Marcus would be going through in these last minutes, running from one point to the other, wondering if he can find the truth,” Maxwell mentioned with angst in his eyes.Both men laughed so heartily.They seemed so happy with Marcus' possible downfall and they could not wait for him to si
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New strategy
It was saddening to watch his life seemingly crumble before him. He sat there on the chair, watching Luciana gather her papers and tuck them back into her jacket file and then back into her bag. It was obvious that she was hurt by her own decision but it seemed that she insisted on taking her strides in that path. “Do you really have to do this, Luciana?” I asked, hoping to convince her otherwise. “When can I possibly get a lawyer and how can I? It isn't the money it is the fact that I cannot afford to get a lawyer at such a short notice. What would you have me do?” Luciana stared at me for a short while and shook her head. “Let me get this straight, Marcus. I am expected to appear in court next tomorrow without any evidence and then we tell the Judge to go ahead and send you to jail? Doesn't this sound ridiculous to you?” Tears were gathering in her eyes. “I understand you trying to protect Mrs Linda, probably because you feel that you owe it to her husband. Is this coming from
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Outcome of the court
The evening sun glowed through the streets of Los Altos hills. Each intense ray brought Sam closer to the end of the day and to the beginning of his new life in jail.He was fully aware that at the end of the day, he would wake up tomorrow in court and be convicted for a crime that he did not commit. The thought of it made him feel irked.He knew his enemies and Magnus and Maxwell had something to do with this and didn't Linda SheIn confirm his suspicions? However, he could not get himself to expose her that way, especially not after he had promised her that he would protect her interest.He suddenly remembered Camelia and picked up his keys from the table.He had promised Jessica that he would come to see her and he did not want to break that promise.His secretary, Sarah walked in with the last of the files he had to attend to.“I am leaving already,” Marcus mentioned, gathering his bag and other items.“This is important sir. It needs your attention.”Marcus shook his head. He did
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Chapter 100
The evening sun glowed through the streets of Los Altos hills. Each intense ray brought Sam closer to the end of the day and to the beginning of his new life in jail.He was fully aware that at the end of the day, he would wake up tomorrow in court and be convicted for a crime that he did not commit. The thought of it made him feel irked.He knew his enemies and Magnus and Maxwell had something to do with this and didn't Linda SheIn confirm his suspicions? However, he could not get himself to expose her that way, especially not after he had promised her that he would protect her interest.He suddenly remembered Camelia and picked up his keys from the table.He had promised Jessica that he would come to see her and he did not want to break that promise.His secretary, Sarah walked in with the last of the files he had to attend to.“I am leaving already,” Marcus mentioned, gathering his bag and other items.“This is important sir. It needs your attention.”Marcus shook his head. He did
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