All Chapters of The Fool's Gold : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
90 chapters
Slimy String
Sultan was momentarily dazed, but then his conscience spoke to him: "What are you still waiting for? Why not just throw the card and leave this place? You have no purpose here." The voice was right. Sultan had no reason to stay here anymore. It was time to go home.Sultan considered the idea of leaving this place. There was truly nothing holding him here. But what about the man in white, who was half human and half chariot? Plus, he also needed to get his answers from that wizard man. “He's the hermit, right?” Sultan muttered as he raised his brow, definitely thinking it through.But, he couldn't just call out to the hermit and expect him to appear, right?. So, he decided to throw the card into the air and just leave. As he drew out the card from inside his pocket, he noticed that the image had changed again. Now, it depicted a river with iridescent blue-green water and strange, purple lines that resembled sticks, each with a glowing, shiny tip. The sticks looked like a magical wa
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Frozen In Place
The three thugs were quickly approaching him, and the third one emptied a bottle he was holding leisurely and hit it against the wall, then picked up a jagged shard of glass. "You better empty your pockets, or we'll mess up your pretty face," the thug threatened, sneering. It was the same thing that had happened before he'd disappeared into the Major Arcana wall. Time was repeating itself. Sultan slowly muttered under his breath, "What's going on? How is this happening?"This was exactly the same thing that happened before he went over to Major Arcana World. At this point, what he did last time was place his hand in his pocket, though afraid to give them the gold card that didn't belong to him, he brought out the tarot card and showed them. Then the one in the middle, who was hooded, asked him if that was all he had and what kind of card the tarot card was. He told them it wasn't a bank card, but they should watch, and then he threw the tarot card. Yes, this was all that happened
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Young Master Watson
Frrrrr! Pewww! Frrrrr! Pewww! Sultan snored away, completely oblivious to the outside world. It was hard to tell if he was enjoying his sleep, but he certainly seemed content. However, just a few hours ago, he had been running frantically, with no particular destination in mind. But somehow, his feet had brought him home. With a sigh of relief, Sultan entered his home and went straight to his bed, which was little more than a worn-out mattress on the floor. He collapsed onto it, closed his eyes, and within minutes, he was fast asleep and snoring loudly. Currently, he is having a dream. In his dream, Sultan was sitting at a table with a group of people, all of whom he recognized from the city's most prestigious families. He knew them all, except for one person. The mysterious stranger sat at the head of the table, looking directly at him with piercing eyes. In the midst of his conversation with the other guests, Sultan turned to the stranger and introduced himself. "Hello, I
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Young Master Watson (2)
Sultan stammered, "Um, excuse me, sir, I think you have the wrong person. I'm not a Watson, I'm just an ordinary person living here." He was thoroughly confused, not understanding why this man was calling him "young master" or why he was insisting on escorting him anywhere. He wanted to clear up the misunderstanding, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about this whole situation. In fact, everything has been off in his life since he took that colour paper, argh!The man held up a hand to silence Sultan, saying, "There's no need to lie, young master. I know who you are. The Watsons have been searching for you for months. Why have you been hiding from them? Don't you know how good you have it? You have everything you could possibly want, handed to you on a silver platter." Sultan's mouth was hanging open, and he struggled to process what this man was saying. Nothing was making sense."Sir, I appreciate that you're trying to be helpful, but I can assure you that I
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I Am Sultan Watson
"Hello?" he said, his voice dripping with malice. "Has it been done?" There was a pause, and then he continued, "I told you to be smart about this. I expected you to apprehend the young Watson before anyone else could get to them. But it seems like an older man beat you to it. Unacceptable."His voice was cold and harsh as he continued, "You've been useless. But I'll still pay you, as promised. I'll take it from here." And with that, he ended the call without even saying goodbye. The young man stood there for a moment, his mind racing. He had failed his employer, and he knew there would be consequences. But he also knew that he had to act quickly if he wanted to salvage the situation.Just then, the sound of a microphone being switched on reverberated through the air, followed by a booming voice: "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to welcome the Watsons family to the stage!" The young man in the gold suit stood up a little straighter, his eyes narrowing. "Just the people I've be
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A Game Of Power - Sultan Watson (1)
"I bet that suit must have cost a million dollars," one woman said, admiring the Watson family as they made their way along the red carpet."Yeah, and I heard the Watsons are worth billions of thousands," another added."Young Master Watson is so cute, isn't he? He looks even cuter than before," a third woman said."Yeah, I barely recognized him from the last time I saw him," someone else chimed in.The Watsons seemed oblivious to the conversations happening around them, absorbed in their own thoughts. Sultan, on the other hand, looked very alert, his nose twitching and ears pricked up, clearly interested in the new surroundings. Or perhaps he was just highly alert. "Funny how these people think I'm the young Master Watson," Sultan thought with a hint of amusement. "This can't be a mere coincidence or a setup. It has to be..."Just as he was about to make sense of the situation, Madam Watson tapped him on the shoulder. Startled, he turned to face her."You should mingle with the guest
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A Game Of Power (2)
"Let's play a game of power," Sultan thought to himself, his gaze fixed on a group of elderly men gathered in one corner of the room. They were perfect targets. With each step, he could feel his confidence grow. Step. Step. Step. As he took his third step, he felt a tug on his sleeve. "Hello, Sultan!" It was Jerry, his co-worker."Greetings, Sir!" Jerry said, bowing his head. "I apologize for calling you by your name. Please forgive me."Sultan was shocked by this sudden display of respect. He'd never seen Jerry act this way before. "What are you talking about?" he asked, taken aback."You don't know?" Jerry said, a sly smile forming on his lips. "You really don't know?"Sultan's stomach churned with unease. "Don't play dumb, Sultan," Jerry said, an unsettling smile on his face. "I've worked with you for years, and I had no idea that you were the young Master Watson. Please forgive me, Sultan." With that, he lowered the tray of snacks he held and his head, bowing before Sultan. D
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Sardines Or Roses? (1)
“Hmmm,” Sultan grunted as he woke up, his mind still fuzzy from sleep. His ears picked up on the sound of hushed, sneaky movements, but his brain couldn't make sense of what was happening. Slowly, he opened his eyes and saw a man dressed in a black and white suit, holding the clothes he had worn to the Colonel's party."Wait, how am I not at the party?" Sultan whispered to himself, his mind still hazy from sleep. He sat up in bed, trying to make sense of his surroundings. It was a grand and magnificent bedroom."Oh, pardon me, young master," the man in the suit said. "Good morning.""Good morning," Sultan replied. "And who are you?" He asked the question automatically, even though he knew he didn't need the answer. He had already figured he was all still part of the life of the young Master Watson."Oh, pardon," Henri said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Perhaps you didn't recognize me, young master. I am Henri, your butler.”Sultan furrowed his brow in confusion and thought, "
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Sardines Or Roses (2)
“Lovely aroma,” Sultan mumbled as he spritzed the clothes he had just put on with a fresh, scented perfume. Even without the perfume, he would have smelled heavenly due to the body scrub and shampoo he had used while bathing. He ran a comb through his hair and looked at himself in the mirror. "Dashing," he commented, admiring the way the sweatshirt and sweatpants looked on him. He smiled satisfactorily as he picked up the tarot card from the table and slipped it into the pocket of his sweatpants. "I'm sorry I haven't been able to do the deal you wanted," he mumbled to the card in his pocket. "You feel cheated, and I understand that. But I promise I'll go to your world as soon as everything is sorted out, okay?" "You've already done so much for me, and you're still doing more," Sultan continued to speak to the tarot card in his pocket. "Even if your world is a crazy one, I owe you this at least," he added, still admiring his reflection in the mirror. Earlier, Sultan had taken
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Sardines Or Roses (3)
"Wow," Sultan whispered to himself, his mouth watering at the sight of the large dining table, covered in a variety of sumptuous dishes. Although most of the foods were exotic and foreign to him, they smelled absolutely delicious. This was what the elite ate. "Come on, everyone, dig in," Master Watson announced as he lifted his fork. The other visitors followed suit. But Sultan hesitated. A pang of guilt twisted his stomach. He knew that he shouldn't be eating this food - it was meant for the real Young Master Watson. But he was so hungry. He looked down at his plate, feeling torn. His eyes fell on a piece of toasted bread. "Oh well," he mumbled, picking it up and taking a bite. It tasted even better than it smelled. "Hah!" he exclaimed, enjoying the taste. "Oh my goodness, this is so good!" He spoke without realizing that the rest of the table had fallen silent. When he looked up, he saw that the other guests were staring at him. His cheeks reddened. "Er... I mean... the fo
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