All Chapters of The Fool's Gold : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
90 chapters
She Agreed To Marry Emmett
"Are you sure you want to go out and to the company, son?" Mr. Watson asked Sultan, his lips twitching as he watched Sultan get into the black Bugatti Chiron."Yes, I am not weak and I am well, so you don't need to worry," Sultan said, his tone gentle yet direct."Well, I won't stop you," Mr. Watson sighed in resignation. Mr. Watson continued, "But keep in mind that we still have a lot to discuss, Emmett."Sultan's heart skipped a beat when he heard Mr. Watson's words. He began to wonder if the man had finally realized that he wasn't his real son. "Ye-yes, Father," he stammered. "I mean to say, I understand."Mr. Watson nodded. "Good. Lugard will be with you wherever you go," he said, turning to the bodyguard who had been with Sultan before yesterday's party. Lugard nodded. "I'll make sure he's safe, Mr. Watson," he said, his voice deep and even."Thank you, Lugard," Mr. Watson said. He turned back to Sultan. "Now, don't stay out too late. And call me if you need anything."Sultan no
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Shape Your Life
Immediately, Sultan found himself in the other world which he clearly remembered was called the Major Arcana world, he fell in shock beyond words and exclaimed, "Oh my God, what the hell?" He was so surprised that he couldn't keep his feet on the ground and fell, his butt hitting the ground, while his hands were on the ground, supporting his weight as he gazed at the people in front of him. When he turned his head left and right, he saw that there were even more people, and when he turned back, there were people, all around him.They were all wearing white, patterned garments, and some had faces that shimmered, making it difficult to make out their features. Some of them didn't even seem to have fully visible bodies. Sultan closed his eyes, tapping his hand on his face. “Perhaps this is all a dream, perhaps it is just my imagination running wild. This has to be and I need to get out of it,” he thought to himself. He looked around the ground for the tarot card, hoping to use it to
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Run, Ashley, run!
"Run, Ashley, run! Don't look back, just keep running!" she told herself, her breath coming out in heavy gasps as she tried to push herself faster and faster. Her eyes focused straight ahead, her arms pumping as she ran, but in spite of her efforts, she felt as if she wasn't moving fast enough. The thought that the men were gaining on her made her heart sink, and her fear began to rise.Her heart sank further as she glanced over her shoulder, only to see that the men were indeed closing in on her, their silhouettes coming into view. "Shoot!" Ashley cursed under her breath, trying to summon the last of her energy to move faster.Just then, she turned back to look forward, but it was too late. She collided with someone, her head hitting hard against their chest. "Oof!" Ashley grunted as she stumbled backward, her mind spinning with confusion, yet still scared.Despite her fear and confusion, Ashley's adrenaline-fueled instincts kicked in. In an instant, she saw an opportunity to use th
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Tiana: My Wedding Is Coming Up Soon (1)
“Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!” Ashley yelled, her voice echoing in her very own ears, with a horrified gasp like a drumroll of fear. The truck hit Sultan with a powerful force, seeming to knock him off the road in an instant. Ashley watched in horror, her breath caught in her throat, until a passing car obstructed her view. When the car moved on, there was no sign of the man, no body, no blood—nothing to show that the terrifying event had even occurred.“Huh? Wait, where is he?” Confusion washed over Ashley, as her eyes darted back and forth, searching for any sign of the man or the blood she’d expected to find.She peered more closely at the spot where Sultan had been hit, pacing back and forth, examining the road, and then leaning forward to inspect the area for any clues, desperate to find some explanation for what had just happened. “This can’t be right,” she whispered, questioning her own sanity. “Maybe he…. But how?” she wondered speechlessly, her voice trembling with unc
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This Is The Beginning Of The End
“Come on, son. Are you sure you’re strong enough to keep working these long hours, from 7am to 9pm?” Mrs. Watson asked, concern etched across her face.“I’m fine, Mom, I’ll be fine,” Sultan insisted, doing his best to hide the strain he was feeling.“At least have some breakfast before you go,” she insisted.“No, Mom,” Emmett replied, forcing a smile. “I’m Emmett Watson, and I’ve got this.”“We sure raised a workaholic son. Sometimes I really wonder if you truly are our Emmett,” his father chimed in with a shake of his head, though having nothing but sincerity in his tone.Sultan's smile faltered for a moment. “I’m still your son, Dad,” he said, his voice just a bit smaller than before. The reminder of who he really was, making him a little uncomfortable.Mr. Watson's expression softened, and he reached out to place a hand on Sultan's shoulder. “I know that, son,” he said, his tone gentle.“You should at least let the maid bring you some lunch later,” Mrs. Watson interjected, her voice
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It Was Almost Effortless
“Are you sure, Young Master Watson?” a voice called out, making the crowd turn to see Martello stepping forward again.Sultan's eyebrow arched, his expression teetering on the brink of scornful amusement. “I am sure of what I say,” he replied, his tone laced with growing irritation. “I am not a child who would speak of things he does not know, or tell lies.”“How can we be sure you’re not being naive this time?” Martello questioned, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. “After all, you were once a gullible young man, and now, all of a sudden, you’ve changed.”Sultan's hand tightened around the microphone, the metal cool and solid under his fingertips. “I assure you,” he said, his voice icy and controlled, “we have never met, and I have no idea why you seem to have a grudge against me.”“However,” Sultan continued, “I do have evidence to back up my claims, if you are so doubtful.”Martello’s eyes widened, his face contorting in a mixture of surprise and disdain. “You think a few forged docu
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Taking Over Was A Battle
(In the Car) Sultan stared out of the car window, the city lights blurring into streaks of color as they sped towards his Master Watson's office. Lugard sat in the front seat, silent and watchful. ‘This is my chance to make sure equality is served out like a dish to the average citizens. I wouldn't just help myself, I'd help my kind,’ Sultan thought, his mind racing with memories of what he has been through being poor. Now, taking over his now given father’s company was not just a duty—it was a battle he had to win. Not just a battle for him, Sultan, but also a battle for Emmett Watson! When they arrived, Lugard led Sultan through a hidden back entrance. The corridors were dimly lit, but Sultan knew every corner of the building somehow. “Ah, yes! I had a dream last night that I had spent countless hours here, learning the ropes of the family business under everyone's watchful stern gazes, hmph!” They reached the boardroom, where the meeting was already in progress. Sultan t
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Saved By... A Coin?
He collapsed to the ground, seeing the man disappearing into the shadows.Lugard rushed in, his face a mask of horror and panic. "Young Master! Hang on!"People began to gather around the scene, their shocked murmurs growing louder."Did you hear that? Someone just shot Emmett Watson!""Wasn't he supposed to take over the company? This is insane!""He just came out of rehab, didn't he? Maybe this is related to that."Within moments, the alley was crowded with onlookers, and soon the flashing lights of cameras and the buzz of reporters filled the air."Emmett Watson has been shot!" a reporter shouted into his microphone, the live broadcast capturing the chaos. "This is an unbelievable turn of events right outside the Watsons’ board meeting!"Another reporter pushed her way to the front. "Do we know who shot him? Could this be a corporate rivalry taken too far?"Lugard tried to shield Sultan from the growing crowd, his voice urgent as he called for an ambulance. "Move back! Give him spa
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(Major Arcana) Red Glow, Skull, Mirror, IMAGE!
Meanwhile, back at the company, the scene of the incident was still buzzing with chaos. Employees were gathered in tight-knit groups, whispering furiously and speculating about what had just happened. The reporters, eager to follow the next chapter of the story, were hastily packing up their equipment, some already heading to the Watson estate in the hopes of catching another glimpse of Emmett Watson.Amidst the commotion, someone slowly bent down, their slender fingers brushing against the cold, hard floor. They felt around carefully until they touched the dented surface of the gold coin. With a quick glance around to ensure they weren’t being watched, they picked it up and clutched it tightly in their hand.The person straightened, slipping the coin into their pocket. They moved with a calculated nonchalance, blending back into the crowd of employees who were still murmuring in disbelief."Did you see how he just got up? Like it was nothing!""I thought for sure he was a goner. T
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Two Shocks In A Day (1) [Emmett's Mole]
"Y... you've got to be kidding me," Sultan blurted out, though he was not as shocked as one might expect. He was familiar with the Hermit, a figure from the Major Arcana he knew nothing about just yet. The old wizardly man's face, pale as a corpse and shrouded under a hood, stared back at him from the mirror. His eyes, like ancient sand, held a depth of wisdom and forewarning.Sultan frowned, conflicted by the Hermit's sudden appearance and cryptic presence. "What do you want?" he asked, his voice tinged with frustration and curiosity.He was trying to avoid those people huh, those other work cult trying to initiate him yet.. ugh! They just kept appearing.The Hermit's gaze was intense, truly penetrating Sultan's soul. He raised a skeletal hand, pointing directly at Sultan through the mirror. "Looming dangers approach, Sultan," the Hermit warned, his voice a haunting whisper. "The path is fraught with peril, and shadows gather around you."Sultan tried to grasp the meaning behind
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