All Chapters of The Fool's Gold : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
90 chapters
Two Shocks In A Day (2) [Silver Armstrong]
"Err, Dad..." Sultan stammered, searching for the right words. "I, um, I don't remember having a mole. Maybe... maybe you're mistaken?”His father’s expression turned serious. "You do have a mole, son," he insisted.Sultan blinked, the fear of being exposed tightening in his chest. "Dad, I said in the interview that I underwent surgery. I wasn’t lying. If I had a mole before, I shouldn’t have one now."His father narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. "Nice joke, son," he said, stretching out his hand and pointing to Sultan’s face. "There, the mole is still there. Perhaps the surgery didn’t do much justice to the mole, and I’m thankful it didn’t. That mole reminds me of our father-son relationship. It’d be sad if it were lost."Sultan quickly raised his hand to his nose, poking around until he felt the mole. It wasn’t small, nor was it big, but it was clearly noticeable from a closer distance. How? He had looked at himself in the mirror today and there was no mole. His mind raced, trying t
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The Sanderson's Family
"Hey, pops, moms. Heard my cousin's getting married tomorrow. Is this the reason why I'm back home?" Ashley asked as she came down the stairs in her cute, fluffy, hairy bear coat.Her mom looked up from the kitchen counter, where she was preparing breakfast. "Good morning, Ashley. Yes, Tiana's wedding is part of the reason. We wanted the family to be together for this special occasion."Her dad, sitting at the dining table with a cup of coffee, added, "But we also missed having our little trouble maker around. It's been too long since we were all under the same roof."Ashley grinned, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Well, I'm here now. Anything else exciting happening while I'm back?"Her mom chuckled, "You know how it is around here. There's always something going on."Her dad, knowing his daughter's mischievous streak, gave her a stern look, raising an eyebrow in a silent warning. Her mom followed suit, giving Ashley the same eye signal, a clear reminder to behave.Ashley rolled
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The Sanderson's And The Finn's Family
"Let's meet for the last time, Sultan."Ashley rode on her bike all the way to the Finn Household. She had been dreading this visit for weeks since she came back to the city, but she knew it was necessary. She could guess her step-aunt, Felicia was likely to be her usual condescending self, but Ashley was determined to keep her cool.As she entered the house, the maids greeted her warmly, and she exchanged pleasantries with them. The Sanderson family's wealth and status meant she was always treated with deference, even by the Finns, who were merely "average people trying to live off by selling their daughters to rich men."Ashley made her way to Tania's room, her mischievous mind cooking up tricks to anger her dear sweet step-cousin. Sadly, the house was too quiet for one that would host a wedding thr next day, she had a feeling something was off. Still, she approached the slightly open door, and then she overheard Tania's conversation on phone. "Let's meet for the last time, Sult
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Who Is She? (1)
Sultan pulled the hood of his yellow, duckie-designed hoodie over his head, removing his million-dollar watch and tucking it away."All good," he muttered to himself.He gazed down at his feet, then turned to face Lugard, whose reflection stared back at him from the mirror. "Lugard, can I get a boot? A farm boot, the dirty one?"Lugard's expression was puzzled. "Huh? Young Master Watson, why do you need a dirty farm boot?"Sultan's response was swift. "To eat!"Lugard's confusion deepened."Tsk! To wear them, of course!" Sultan clarified with a smirk.Lugard shook his head, chuckling. "You're something else, Young Master Watson. I'll get you the boot."As Lugard turned to leave, Sultan called out, "And make sure it's the dirtiest one you can find!"Lugard raised an eyebrow but nodded. "As you wish, Young Master."Sultan watched Lugard leave, feeling a sense of satisfaction. He needed to look as
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Who Is She? (2) - She's Jane!
Sultan studied Butler Henri’s face, noticing the shift from tension and anxiety to genuine fear and concern."It seems there is a conspiracy to take you down, Young Master," Butler Henri said, his voice low and urgent. "Don't go to the company anymore. Stay at home."Sultan's eyes widened slightly, processing the weight of Henri’s words. "A conspiracy? To take me down?" he echoed, his mind racing with possibilities.Henri nodded, his expression grim. "Yes, Young Master. It's dangerous for you to be out in the open right now. Plus, you just came back from….. Young Master, staying at home is the safest option."Sultan took a deep breath, slightly calm. "I understand. Thank you for the warning, Sir. I’ll take your advice seriously."‘It seems he has no idea I was shot days ago. He'd find out sooner or later.’Butler Henri nodded, relief evident in his eyes. "Good. We’ll ensure your safety here. If you need anything, please let me know."As Henri turned to leave, Sultan stopped him. "Emmm
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Her Loss (1)
Hearing the name Joe, Sultan's mind raced back to the file of his new secretary he hadn't met yet. He looked towards Ashley, her face full of emotions she seemed to be struggling to suppress. 'Who is she? What Joe are they talking about?' he wondered."Sultan, I called you here because I wanted us...""There’s no us, Tiana," Sultan interjected, the words spilling out before he could think them through. The mention of Joe had shifted his mood, driving away the nostalgia and replacing it with a sharp edge. Turning to Ashley, he looked down at her, noticing how her emotions flickered across her face. "Didn't you hear what my said?" he continued, irking Tiana even more. "Let's go," he said to Ashley, draping his right arm across her shoulder and leading her out of the room. To where? He wasn't sure. He just needed to talk to her privately.As they walked down the hallway, Sultan could feel the weight of Ashley's silence. Once they were far enough away from Tiana's room, Sul
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Her Loss (2)
“What are you doing, Tiana? Have you lost your mind?” "Sultan, I know you still want me. I know you loved it when we cuddled and kissed at night. When every cold night we shared a passion that went beyond just physical need..." Tiana's voice was laced with pleading desperation. "Just stop! I'm in a relationship with someone else now, Tiana. I…. I've m…moved on!" Sultan retorted, his voice filled with frustration, confusion, and a hint of exasperation. He stammered slightly on the last part, betraying the lie he was telling himself, and Tiana's keen ears picked up on the hesitation. "You're lying, Sultan," Tiana said, her voice laced with a mix of seduction and manipulation. "My cousin is not better than I am. Fine, go to her if you want, but first, let's do it one last time. It's just sex, nothing more. You know you've missed it, Sultan." Tiana's voice was laced with seduction and manipulation, her words dripping with a sense of desperation and longing. Sultan felt a str
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Her Loss (3) -
Sultan's heart constricted as he left Tiana's room, the finality of their separation sinking in. But then, his pocket seemed to stir, and he smiled, recognizing the familiar presence of the tarot card. He retrieved it, his eyes fixed on its intricate design. "Are you trying to comfort me?" he thought, his mind addressing the card. "Thank you. Thank you for the telepathy thing you did in there. I know it was your doing."Despite the tears he didn't realize was streaming down his face, Sultan managed a smile, his eyes shining with a mix of sadness and gratitude. In a sudden, comical twist, the tarot card's writing transformed before his eyes. The joker's face turned away, and the words "Her Loss!" appeared in bold, playful letters. Sultan chuckled softly, his heart warming to the card's whimsical comfort. "You're really a life and not just a card, huh," he whispered, feeling a sense of connection to the mysterious card that went beyond words. It was as if the card had become a true
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The Magician And The Fool
"Ah, finally, a cottage in sight," Sultan muttered, his exhaustion evident in his weary tone. He trudged along, his legs dragging behind the Magician's brisk pace. "I thought you'd never stop," he added, his voice laced with relief and a hint of sarcasm. The Magician didn't seem to notice, or perhaps didn't care, that Sultan was ready to collapse from fatigue. He led the way to the cottage, his strides long and purposeful, leaving Sultan to struggle to keep up.As soon as they entered the cottage, Sultan collapsed onto the ground, his chest heaving with exhaustion. "Get on the rock," the Magician instructed, his voice firm but detached. Sultan's gaze wandered lazily around the room, searching for the aforementioned rock. "Huh? What rock?" he asked, his voice laced with confusion and fatigue. His eyes landed on a large, moss-covered boulder in the corner of the room. "Oh, that rock... But I'm tired... Can't I just rest for a bit? Please, give me a break!" he pleaded, his body scre
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Piling Messes Called Responsibilities
Sultan hastened to the study, his long strides almost turning into a run as he hurried to reach the door. He paused, taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart, and gazed down at his dirty boots. As he looked down, he saw his dirty boots and took them off, leaving only his white socks. He pushed open the door and walked in, his eyes full of weariness yet anticipation.As Sultan entered the study, his eyes were drawn to a figure standing by the window, gazing out into the garden. The soft light streaming in highlighted the person's profile, and Sultan's heart skipped a beat as the figure turned to face him. His new secretary, Joe Armstrong, stood before him.Before him stood Joe, a tall and lean figure with chiseled features and an air of calm composure. Their eyes met, and for a moment, they engaged in a silent appraisal of each other. Then, Joe spoke, his voice firm and professional. "Mr. Emmett Watson, it's an honor to finally meet you in person." His words were laced with a
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