All Chapters of The Fool's Gold : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
90 chapters
When The Rich Cries (1)
When Sultan hit his pad, he slammed the door shut behind him. He hauled himself up onto his king-sized bed, sat cross-legged, and spread the three files out in front of him. Digging into his pocket, he pulled out the tarot card and slapped it down in the middle of the files. "Let's get down to business," he said, addressing the card. Sultan had always been a little quirky, often talkiy with his stuff, like his socks, shirts, pants, and even his door. It was his way of sorting his thoughts and chilling out.Sultan started reciting a familiar childhood rhyme, his voice almost hypnotic. He tweaked the words to fit his situation, his eyes scanning the files in front of him. "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, find a clue and let it grow. If it's true, it'll start to show." His hand moved rhythmically, pointing to each file in turn, until finally landing on the one about the gunshot. It was like he was conjuring up an answer and which file to open first… oh wait, actually it was the case.He pi
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When The Rich Cries (2)
Sultan's whisper was barely audible, his voice lost in the storm of thoughts ravaging his mind. “No way, Joe... What are you doing there?”He felt like he'd been punched in the gut, his breath knocked out of him. His eyes darted back to the tarot card, seeking a anchor in the chaos. “This can't be a coincidence,” he muttered, his mind racing with the implications. “No, it must be... Joe can't be involved in this, can he?” The question hung in the air, taunting him with its uncertainty. Sultan's eyes locked onto the card, willing it to yield some hidden truth, some reassurance that his trusted secretary wasn't a traitor. But the card remained silent, its secrets locked behind an enigmatic smile.Sultan's heart raced like a jackrabbit, his pulse pounding in his temples. The revelation had set his nerves on fire, and he felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He knew he had to act swiftly before it was too late. He didn't want to harm the Watsons or himself!And if it
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Tiana's Wedding (1) - 'People' were scarce
The day of Tiana's wedding had arrived, and Sultan was determined to make a statement. Yeah, he had something to say even if not with words.The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the Watson estate. Sultan stood in his bedroom, waiting for Lugard to return with the perfect suit. His mind was still preoccupied with the revelations about Joe Armstrong, but he knew he had to set those thoughts aside for the time being.Lugard finally entered the room, carrying a meticulously tailored suit. "Here you go, young master. This should do the trick," he said, handing the suit to Sultan.Sultan took the suit and examined it. The fabric was of the highest quality, a deep midnight blue with subtle, elegant patterns. The suit was designed to fit him perfectly, emphasizing his broad shoulders and trim waist. "This… is perfect, Lugard. Thank you," he said, genuinely appreciative.Lugard nodded, pleased with Sultan's reaction. "I'm glad you like it. You will definitely make an impre
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Tiana's Wedding (2) - Lady Ashley's Rich Date
Ashley widened her set of white impeccable teeth at the new guy who just arrived, crossing a hand around his shoulder as he sat. "It's okay, I'm just glad you're here," she said warmly, her voice softening in a way that Sultan hadn't heard before.Sultan shifted in his seat, trying to mask his discomfort and making sure not to be dumped, he asked. "Who's your friend, my dear date?" he asked, forcing a casual tone, adding that last part intentionally.Ashley turned to Sultan, her smile unwavering. "Oh, yeah, Sultan, this is Henshaw. Henshaw, this is Sultan, my date for the evening."Henshaw strained forward and extended a hand towards Sultan on the left, his grip firm. "Nice to meet you, Sultan. Ash didn't say anything about you or a date.. haha..."It felt awkward.Sultan shook the guy's hand, managing a polite smile. "Nice to meet you too, Henddy. She didn't say anything about you either."“Er… it's Henshaw, not Henddy, haha,” Henshaw felt really awkward but only laughed it out lik
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Tiana's Wedding (3) - Stole Two Rings?!
The room fell into a stunned silence, all eyes of those who knew sultan as Tiana's ex or just his first name turning to Sultan. His heart raced as he processed the groom's words. The missing rings, the public accusation—everything was spiraling out of control.Like seriously? Sultan Armstrong steal?!Ashley’s grip on Sultan’s hand tightened under the table, her eyes wide with disbelief. "This can't be happening," she whispered, her voice trembling.She definitely didn't believe he stole the ring. Well, she didn't know sultan personally to believe be didn't steal the ring, but she knew for sure that Tiana and George was up to no good!Sultan stood up slowly, trying to maintain his composure. "I don't know what you're talking about," he raised, his voice steady despite the rising panic inside him. "I didn't take any rings."He acknowledged he was sultan, the one and only.George’s eyes narrowed. "Then how do you explain your presence here without an invitation?" he demanded, his tone a
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Tiana's Wedding (4) - The President's Son
In the midst of the commotion, just when Sultan had given up hope of revealing he was a Watson (fearing they wouldn't believe him without his card), another disturbance erupted from the front. A man, flanked by men in black attire and sunglasses, entered the hall, commanding silence and prompting the security personnel to halt their restraint of Sultan. "The Son of the President has arrived!" one of the black-clad guards announced from the front.The president's son was dressed in white amidst the black-suited men. Everyone was surprised to see him. Tiana's mother was incredulous, thinking, ‘The president's son came to my daughter's wedding. Could it be that one of the men she dated was him?’Whispers filled the room, and cameras started clicking. This was the country's president's son, after all!Mr. Sanderson, being the father of the day, went forward to welcome the young man. Sultan, on his own part, was dusting off his shirt when he heard someone call, "Emmett." He looked up.
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A Genuinely Clueless Watson
Sultan sat in the back of Sullivan's luxurious car, the cityscape blurring past the tinted windows. Sullivan's driver navigated the bustling streets with ease, heading toward a quiet, upscale district. The invitation to discuss a potential collaboration had come as a surprise, but Sultan still took it in, determined to make the most of it.Sullivan sat beside Sultan, his expression calm and composed. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with me on such short notice, Young Master Watson.""It's an honor, Sullivan. Please call me Emmett," he replied, trying to match Sullivan's poise.Also, Sullivan didn't look much older than him, and same time, didn't seem younger than him so, Sultan wanted them to address themselves as peers.Sullivan nodded. "Emmett it is, then. Let's get straight to the point. I've been following the work of the Watsons, and I'm impressed with their innovative approach. I believe a partnership between our companies could be mutually beneficial."Sultan raised an eyebrow
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The Real Joe Armstrong (1)
Sultan rushed into the Watson estate, his mind fixated on the tarot card like a man possessed. One day of neglect had almost sent everything haywire. The card was probably rolling its eyes at him, if it had one thinking, this guy is really perfect for the fool role!As Sultan hurried inside, Mr. and Mrs. Watson called out to him from the waiting room, their voices filled with concern. “Emmett! Emmett!” they chimed, like a pair of anxious parents wondering if their child had finally gone off the deep end, seeing him sprint like that.Sultan waved his hand dismissively, not stopping as he hastened to his room, clearly on a mission to hug his luck!Once inside, Sultan immediately spotted the tarot card next to a strange file on his bed, like a beacon of hope in a sea of chaos. He peered at the file. The heading on the file read 'Joe Armstrong.' He sighed with relief, grateful that Lugard had come through with the goods. The guy was just so efficient in his work.“Good job, Lugard,” he
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I Am Joe Armstrong
In the midst of a haunted, abandoned industrial site, the eerie silence was broken only by the faint hum of a single dim light struggling to pierce through the darkness.The shadows loomed large, casting unsettling figures on the rusted walls.Amidst this oppressive gloom, three men could be seen. One sat regally on a throne-like chair, shrouded in darkness and mystery, a mask obscuring his face.Another stood before him, head bowed in submission, while the third man loomed behind the seated figure, silent and watchful.The masked man spoke, his voice a low, commanding rumble, "So, Matthew, you are going to be my guise. You have already sealed the deal to work with me, so you know that you do not belong to yourself. As long as you work with me, you belong to me."The man standing in front, eyes fixed on the ground, responded with unwavering devotion, "Forever, Lord, I work for you, and I am for you. As long as we work together."The masked figure leaned forward slightly, a hint of sat
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Reaching into his pocket, he brought out the tarot card, the Fool card that had been his constant companion in these strange times.With a deep breath, he tossed the tarot card into the air. It spun gracefully, catching the light, and then, as usual, it transformed into a swirling vortex. The vortex expanded, pulling at the air around it, and Sultan felt its familiar tug. He didn't resist. The vortex enveloped him, and he was sucked into its depths, the world around him blurring and fading away.“Uhh,” Sultan sighed as he stood in the Major Arcana World, the surreal landscape stretching out before him. He found himself in a familiar place, with a shimmering pool of water right in front of him, its surface reflecting the shifting colors of the sky. It was the Major Arcana Pool.Yeah, this is Major Arcana, a place that defies all logic.Beside him was a cloud like garden, an ethereal grove filled with floating, wispy plants that moved as if alive. Sultan grabbed the tarot card from
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