All Chapters of The Fool's Gold : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
90 chapters
Lin & Lugard (1)
A figure sat at the desk in the study, flipping through a book with a calm demeanor. Lugard stood by the window, his expression unreadable. "Lugard," the figure began, not looking up from his book, "do you think Sultan Armstrong suspects anything?" Lugard turned from the window, his face grim. "He’s been suspicious for a while now. The file I left for him is a catalyst. He’s going to have questions when he returns and sees it." The figure nodded, finally closing the book and setting it aside. "It is necessary. He needs to see the information for himself. It’s the only way to push him in the right direction." Lugard crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing. "But you know how volatile he can be. If he thinks I'm trying to deceive him, it could backfire and it might affect you, us all." The figure leaned back in the chair, his fingers steepled. "That’s a risk I’m willing to take. Sultan needs to understand the gravity of the situation. And if he doesn’t trust this process, we’re all in
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WE ARE THE FOOL (2) - A Replacement
Sultan stood, stunned, as the eerie reflection in the water faded away. His heart pounded in his chest, the echo of the mantra still ringing in his ears. The surreal encounter left him disoriented, and he barely registered the presence behind him until he turned around.There, standing with an air of ancient wisdom and foreboding power, was the Hermit. Sultan’s initial shock melted into relief."Oh my God, I am so happy you are here," Sultan exclaimed, taking a step forward. But before he could say more, the Hermit raised his hand, and a cloud of dust swirled up, enveloping Sultan’s face."What the—" Sultan sputtered, coughing as the dust settled on his skin. Suddenly, the dust transformed into a swarm of insects, buzzing and writhing in the air around him. Sultan’s eyes widened in horror as the swarm split into two, flowing past him on either side.As the insects parted, Sultan noticed a dark mist in the distance, swirling menacingly. The Hermit's face was a visage of bone and sa
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A Ritual Of Transformation (1)
The Hermit sighed, his ancient face etched with weariness, as if the weight of centuries rested upon his shoulders. "The original Fool has nothing to do with you, the Fool," he said, his voice laced with a hint of mystification. Sultan was about to speak up again, his curiosity heightening over his frustration, when suddenly the darkness began to writhe and twist, coalescing into shadows that seemed to pulse with a life of their own. He noticed it!The shadows morphed from amorphous shapes into defined beings of light, their forms dancing across the air like ethereal specters. Sultan's breath caught in his throat as the atmosphere grew thick with an otherworldly energy, the hum of the forming entities vibrating through every molecule. "What is that?" he whispered, his voice barely audible over the mesmerizing din, his eyes wide with wonder and a hint of trepidation.Sultan's gaze darted frantically around him as the figures emerged from the shadows, their presence seeming to draw t
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A Ritual Of Transformation (2)
"It's not me, Sultan. It's the universe. And it's already in motion." A figure emerged from the radiant haze, its presence commanding attention. Though still veiled in light, its features seemed more defined, more pronounced than the others. With an deliberate stride, it approached Sultan, its smoky hands outstretched towards him. Sultan felt an irresistible tug, as if an unseen force was drawing him back to the center of the circle. He attempted to resist, but the pull was too potent, too overwhelming. His body began to move of its own accord, his feet sliding across the ground as if pulled by an invisible thread. The figure's hands reached out further, their misty fingers beckoning him to do as made to. Without warning, Sultan felt the weight of invisible chains crashing down upon him, their ethereal links wrapping around his limbs like a vice. The sudden restraint sent him tumbling to his knees, his body straining against the unseen bonds as panic erupted within him.
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The Real Emmett Is Back
The bind covering Sultan's eyes seemed to come alive, writhing like a snake around his head, tightening its grip with an ominous intensity. He could feel the movements!The light that had once promised hope now taunted him, its radiance morphing into a malevolent force that closed in on him with an unstoppable momentum. “No! No! No!! Stop!!!!” Sultan yelled. This was all a scam! The calmness of the light, the promise of the light, it was all to make him succumb!Suddenly, he felt pain hit him hard.As the darkness deepened, Sultan's screams echoed through the void, his body contorting in anguish as the pain ravaged his every fiber. “Ahhh!!!”His knees buckled, his limbs flailing in a desperate bid for freedom, but the invisible chains held fast, ensnaring him in a living nightmare. The air grew heavy with an unholy presence, the shadows coalescing into a palpable entity that loomed over him, its icy breath whispering unspeakable horrors in his ear. And in the midst of this unrelent
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Death's Intrusion (1)
Sultan knelt in the center of the circle, his body wracked with unbearable pain as the relentless beams of light bore down on him. The light, which had initially seemed a beacon of hope, had transformed into a weapon of torment. Blood seeped from his ears, nose, and eyes, staining the blindfold that covered them. His strength waned with every passing moment, and he could no longer muster the energy to scream. His once-strong voice was now reduced to barely a whisper, a broken plea for mercy that went unheard. The Major Arcana figures stood around him, their expressions grim and determined. Each held their respective instruments of power, channeling their energies into Sultan. The Hermit's scepter, the Wheel of Fortune's glowing wheels, the Queen's radiant crown, the Magician's luminescent hands, and the High Priestess's shimmering necklace—all combined to form an overwhelming force directed at Sultan. The oppressive light was accompanied by a deafening sound, a cacop
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Death's Intrusion (2)
In his sleek, modern office, Lin sat behind a large mahogany desk, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the polished surface with a sense of controlled urgency. Across from him, his secretary, Caroline, meticulously reviewed the company's latest reports with a focus that bordered on obsession. The soft hum of the city outside was a stark contrast to the intensity within the room, where the air was thick with unspoken tension. Lin adjusted his tie with a precise gesture, his eyes narrowing as he leaned back in his chair, the weight of lots of situations in his mind pressing down on him like a physical force. He had a lot to do!Still, he needed to keep his composure, to maintain the facade of calm control. Caroline continued to read from the report, oblivious to his growing tension, her voice a steady drone that seemed to match the beat of his tapping fingers. "The profits from the last quarter have shown a steady increase," she said, flipping a page with a crisp rustle. "However,
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A Madman's Fury (1)
As they continued their task, the flashes of light intensified, each burst illuminating Sultan's worsening agony. His body convulsed and twitched, as if tormented by some invisible force, his face contorted in a silent scream. The Priestess's voice trembled with worry, "This is dire. He won't survive this. He's slipping away, his life force ebbing. He's going to die." The Hermit's wise eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing the shadows. What Major Arcana has the control of life and death? He then called out into the void, "Death! How did you breach our sanctum? How did you invade this ritual?" Silence!The silence was oppressive, punctuated only by the sound of labored breathing. The shadows seemed to deepen, growing more menacing, as if darkness itself was coalescing into a palpable presence. The Magician's frustration boiled over, his voice laced with urgency, "How did you get here? How could you possibly infiltrate our domain?" Suddenly, one of the figures crumpled to the ground, g
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A Madman's Fury (2)
"Or what, boss?”Sullivan's gaze snapped back to the phone, his eyes narrowing. "Not something you should know, nose poker," he growled, his tone brusque. "Get your nose off it." He paused, collecting himself, before continuing in a calmer tone, "Make sure you keep your eyes, ears, and nose open to perceive and see and hear anything." With that, he ended the call. The guards remained silent, their eyes fixed ahead like statues, as Sullivan sat back, his mind whirring with the possibilities. He knew that this turn of events could either solidify his power or bring about unforeseen chaos, and he was determined to stay one step ahead.As Sullivan pondered his next move, the atmosphere in the golden room grew increasingly tense, the air thickening. The president's son was a master manipulator, and the pieces on his chessboard were shifting rapidly, like pawns in a high-stakes game. He had to act swiftly and decisively to maintain his advantage, to stay one step ahead of the players.
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Death's Riddle (1) Sultan's End
Meanwhile, back at the Major Arcana wards, Sultan had jerked and convulsed for what seemed like an eternity, struggling against the magical chains that held him captive. Finally, the hermit raised the staff used to cage Sultan within the circle, releasing him from his mystical bonds. Sultan's body went rigid, his muscles locking into place as the invisible chains fell away, and the bindings over his eyes dissolved. He collapsed to the ground, lifeless except for his ragged breathing, his chest rising and falling in a slow, labored rhythm. The figures in their positions watched him intently, their eyes fixed on his prone form. The Magician exhaled deeply, as if breathing on Sultan's behalf, his eyes gleaming with a knowing light. "As we shall see," he murmured, his voice low and enigmatic. The Hermit spoke, his voice dripping with a hint of disdain, "If Sultan dies, it is not Death that is to be blamed; it is his weakness." The Magician replied, his tone skeptical, "Really? When h
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