All Chapters of The Fool's Gold : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
90 chapters
Four Trucks And A Bugatti (1)
Suddenly, the door creaked open once more, casting a sliver of light into the room. Lugard, ever-watchful and smart bodyguard, stepped into the room, his presence commanding attention. His eyes scanned the space before locking onto Sultan, his expression serious. “I need to speak with the young master,” Lugard announced, his voice firm yet respectful, his deep voice filling the room.Emmett's eyes flashed with irritation as he stood up abruptly, his chair scraping against the floor. “You, Lugard, right? You're my bodyguard, not his,” he said, his voice sharp with authority, his brow furrowed in annoyance.Before Lugard could respond, Sultan raised his hand, a calm smile playing on his lips. “It's fine, Emmett. Let's not make a scene,” he said, his voice soothing, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He turned to Lugard, his demeanor as relaxed as ever, his interest piqued. “So, what's up, Lugard? What's so urgent?” he asked, his head tilted slightly to one side, inviting Lugard to spe
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Four Trucks And A Bugatti (2)
Mr. Watson clapped him on the shoulder, his hand warm and firm, a gentle squeeze that conveyed his affection and approval. "Just keep being yourself, Sultan. Now go on, I can see you've got somewhere to be," he said, his eyes twinkling with a knowing glint, his voice filled with a warm, paternal tone. With that, Sultan nodded, turning towards the new driver, who watched the exchange with mild interest, his expression a mask of professional neutrality. Sultan approached him, key in hand, and they walked together towards one of the luxury cars parked in the driveway, its sleek lines and polished surface gleaming in the sunlight. "You don't need to follow me, Lugard is with me," Sultan said, his voice firm, his gesture dismissive. *As they drove away from the estate, Lugard finally spoke, his voice low and serious, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. "I've been keeping an eye on the shareholders' movements. There's something you need to know." Sultan glanced at him, intrigued, his e
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The Burden Of Truth (1)
Lugard approached the Watson Estate, his pulse racing with anticipation. The gates, usually manned by two guards, were now fortified with four, their eyes scanning the surroundings with heightened vigilance. Each guard carried tactical batons, their grips tightening as they eyed Lugard's approach. Their stern expressions did little to ease the tension, their jaws clenched in unison.The surrounding area was swarming with reporters from various news outlets, microphones and cameras at the ready. They surged forward, a chorus of shouted questions filling the air, as Lugard stepped into the fray. "This is CBT News reporting live from outside the Watson Estate," a reporter announced into the microphone, her voice rising above the din. "We've received confirmation that a car registered to the Watson family was involved in a catastrophic accident. The whereabouts of Sultan Watson remain unknown." She paused, her eyes locked on Lugard, her gaze piercing. "Who is Sultan Watson? Did the Wat
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The Burden Of Truth (2)
Emmett reached for a bottle of whiskey, the amber liquid offering a brief respite from his tormented thoughts. As he swirled the liquor in his glass, he asked himself, "Was I liking Sultan? No! Did I pity him? Yes! Was I happy he's gone? No!!!!" The questions swirled in his mind like the whiskey in his glass. "Why?" he thought, "Because my parents are going to mourn him and leave me in the corner, as always! Even in his absence, I'm still being neglected, just like always. You're just like the others, Sultan." The bitter taste of the whiskey matched the bitterness in his heart.*Meanwhile, the business world was in turmoil. Immediately, news of the accident and Sultan's mysterious disappearance spread like wildfire, igniting a frenzy of speculation and concern. The Watsons' company stocks plummeted as investors grew wary of the secrecy and confusion surrounding the incident. Screens displaying stock prices flashed red, and traders' faces fell as they scrambled to respond to the cr
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The Mastermind's Verdict (1)
As the trucks closed in, Sultan's heart racing with fear, he felt an instinctual surge course through his veins yet he had a calm inside. With no time to think, he squeezed his eyes shut and surrendered to an inexplicable sense of calm, his tense shoulders sagging in defeat. In the blink of an eye, the chaos of the impending crash – the screeching tires, the crunching metal – transformed into a strange serenity, like a silent whisper in his ear. When Sultan opened his eyes, he found himself standing in a dimly lit room of an ordinary building, his gaze wandering aimlessly as his mind struggled to catch up with the sudden shift in reality.In the quiet, ordinary building, three men stood together in a dimly lit room, the air thick with tension. The man in the middle, his eyes fixed on the floor, appeared nervous, beads of sweat trickling down his brow as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. The man on the right, his hands clenched into fists, was visibly shakes, his e
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The Mastermind's Verdict (2)
"Remove your mask," The man hesitated, his hand instinctively rising to the mask before dropping back to his side. Sultan's jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin. "Now," he growled, his voice low and menacing.The man remained unfazed, his eyes fixed on Sultan with defiance, as he ignored Sultan's command. Orion sneered, his lip curling into a snarl, his voice dripping with condescension, "What do you want with Calvin? What business do you have with my loyal servant?" He added with a dismissive wave of his hand, his fingers flicking outward with a disdainful flourish, "Calvin, you and the other bodyguard, you're both free to leave." As Calvin and the other bodyguard began to depart, their footsteps echoing through the room, Sultan repeated the name, his voice low and deliberate, his eyes boring into Calvin's back, "Calvin... Calvin... Calvin," each iteration dripping with an unnerving intensity, his words hanging in the air like a challenge.Each repetition of the name 'Calvin'
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Moved On Past Year 2009
Sultan had barely turned back when he felt the arrival of another presence, a subtle disturbance in the air that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He was still adjusting to the shift in the room's atmosphere, his senses heightened, when Lord Lin materialized from thin air, his appearance seemingly conjured from the shadows themselves.Sultan's eyes darted around, confirming that neither Orion nor his men seemed to notice this new arrival, their faces frozen in a mixture of fear and confusion. It was as if an invisible barrier separated them, isolating Lin and Sultan from the rest of the scene, creating a pocket of secrecy amidst the chaos.Orion's men, oblivious to the strange shift, remained focused on Calvin, who was convulsing on the floor, his skin darkening, his screams growing increasingly monstrous, reverberating through the room like a beast's roar. Calvin's body arched, his limbs flailing wildly, as if possessed by some dark force, his eyes rolling back
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Garden Of Black Roses
In the quieter corners of City M, Sullivan stood before his prized Garden of Black Roses, the soft glow of lanterns casting an ethereal light on the dark blooms. Draped in an opulent golden robe, its intricate embroidery glinting in the dim light, he carefully pruned the roses, each snip methodical and deliberate, his movements precise and calculated.His expression was one of intense focus, a reflection of his obsession with controlling every aspect of his life, his eyes narrowed, his brow furrowed in concentration. As he worked, a sudden change in the garden caught his eye: one of the roses on the left side had begun to turn a vivid, alarming red, its color stark against the sea of dark blooms, like a warning signal flashing in the night.Sullivan's brow furrowed in confusion, his eyes narrowing as he approached the altered rose with a cautious step, his golden robe rustling softly with each movement. He noticed an almost imperceptible heat radiating from it, though no flames wer
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Hot Pot Of Gold
Sultan stepped through the portal into the Major Arcana World, the realm brimming with a surreal energy that made his skin tingle. He found himself in a vast hall, its architecture defying earthly logic, blending ancient and futuristic elements in a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns.Arrayed before him stood the members of the Major Arcana, their figures imposing and enigmatic. Some faces he recognized, while others were new and inscrutable. There was an air of anticipation, a collective breath held in suspense.A figure clad in deep blue robes, The Magician, stepped forward, a sly smile playing on his lips. “Welcome, Sultan, to the Major Arcana World,” he announced, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. “Today marks your ascendance. You are now one of us, though our circle remains incomplete. In due time, you will return to fulfill your true destiny.”Sultan, trying to mask his curiosity with nonchalance, nodded. “I get it. But I’ve got a request,” he said, his voice steady but w
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The Result Of The Pot Of Gold
The crowd of protesters didn't back down, neither did they give sultan's deal a listening ear. Follow him inside? tsk! Instead, each carrying a sign that spoke volumes yelled on, ignoring Sultan. "Watson Jr. Out!" "Fair Wages Now!" "End Nepotism!" The air was thick with tension, the crowd's chants reverberating off the walls.Lord Lin and Lugard stood nearby, their expressions tense and watchful. Sultan, however, was unfazed. A mischievous grin spread across his face, eyes twinkling with an impish glee. He reached into his pocket and, to everyone's shock, pulled out a stack of crisp bills. The crowd's angry shouts faltered, replaced by gasps of disbelief as he began handing out the money. What a cheap man trying to buy them off!!! The first protester to receive the cash, a middle-aged woman with lines of worry etched into her face, stared at the bills in her hand. "What is this?" she stammered, looking from the money to Sultan's smiling face.Sultan chuckled, a light, infectious
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