All Chapters of Wealthiest Son In Law: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
90 chapters
Chapter 21
"What in the world...! What have you done, you incompetent fool?!" He thundered, his voice directed at his disciple.The young man trembled, "I-I followed the recipe, Master! I don't know what went wrong!"Doctor Mo Fan's face turned red with rage, "Recipe?! You call that a recipe?! You've poisoned the old man, you numbskull!"Jaxon followed closely behind, his eyes fixed on the chaos unfolding before him. "Well, isn't that funny? Mr Medical license?"****"Mr. Assistant, answer me! What in the world did you do to make my grandfather cough so badly?!" John's voice was laced with panic as he grasped the assistant's collar, shaking him vigorously. Sweat dripped from his forehead, and his eyes were wide with fear.He was terrified of the consequences if his grandfather were to succumb to his condition right then and there. The thought sent a chill down his spine. Firstly, his grandfather had yet to announce a successor, which would lead to internal strife and power struggles within the
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Chapter 22
"Sigh, that one can't even lace Jaxon's shoes when it comes to medical talent," he muttered to himself, shaking his head in dismay. To him, Jaxon was a rare gem, a man of exceptional talent that only appeared once in a thousand years. His potential was limitless, and it was a shame that the Lathwyn family had been too rash and short-sighted to recognize and nurture it."I have completed the task, Uncle Mo Fan," Rex suddenly exclaimed, abruptly snapping Doc Mo Fan out of his deep contemplation."Excellent, I would have thoroughly enjoyed spending more time and engaging in meaningful conversations with you, Jaxon, but presently, I need to attend to a friend downstairs whose wife is in a critically precarious condition, necessitating my immediate departure. Please accept my phone number and home address, which may be useful in case you encounter any situation requiring my assistance. Although my financial resources may not be as extensive as those of the Lathwyn family, I possess some va
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Chapter 23
Gasp! Everyone was shocked. "C... Can you do it?" John asked nervously, this sickness, which even the best hospitals couldn't cure, had plagued their grandfather for 19 years!"Of course," the assistant replied with a proud look, "I can."Hearing those words, Jaxon slowly smirked, eager to see the ruckus the assistant would cause.****Seeing the expectant looks on everyone's faces, the assistant felt a surge of confidence and decided to showcase his talent. With a flourish move, he picked up his acupuncture needle and injected it into a skin spot that was darkish in color. Following that, he chanted in a dramatic tone, "Life and death are determined by our faith, against the heaven, reverse!".Jaxon watched the scene unfold with amusement, thinking to himself, _Oh, he's going against the heaven? That's a double blow to his already flawed approach._The assistant continued to use the needle to try and stimulate the patriarch's acupoints, attempting to wake him up. While this method
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Chapter 24
The assistant clicked his tongue, a dramatic flourish to his gesture. "I didn't beg him to treat the patriarch, but to see his tiny skills. He was bragging, and I was curious to see what he had, so I didn't mind throwing my pride to beg and boost his tiny ego. With that, he finally made a move, and his skills" The assistant shook his head, his expression a perfect mask of disdain, "I value talents and individuals who save lives, which is why I took such action. However, it appears that he is someone who seizes opportunities to claim glory that doesn't belong to him."****"Ah... True." One of the relatives nodded, as if a light bulb had gone off in their head. "Hahaha, I almost fell for it. I was wondering when this househusband here suddenly became so talented." They chuckled, shaking their head in disbelief.The relative's words were followed by a chorus of disapproval from the rest of the family. "His character keeps getting dirtier. Why is he so shameless tha
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Chapter 25
Hearing her words, Jaxon felt a deep sense of touch, his emotions stirred by her unwavering belief in him. This sentiment simultaneously filled him with a sense of complexity and heightened guilt. "Since your contract has been revoked, I promise to assist you in securing one even better and greater than this one," he vowed.Diana found this promise almost unbelievable, her skepticism evident. While she didn't doubt Jaxon's abilities, acquiring a contract superior to the previous one seemed like a daunting task. "Are you certain?" she asked, her tone laced with disbelief.Jaxon's response was accompanied by a reassuring smile. "Just sit back and watch," he said, his confidence evident in his words.****Jaxon returned to his room, sat on the edge of his bed, and began to ponder. After a few moments, he picked up his phone and decided to call the elderly man who had once blocked him when he tried to buy a box of cabbages. The phone rang several times before the elderly man answered."He
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Chapter 26
"Anything for you, young master Jaxon; it's your company, after all." Jaxon ended the call, stood silently by the window, and let the moonlight shine on him. His expression was serene yet filled with nostalgia. He sighed, "It seems I've forgotten my vow to find Mom's killer." His eyes sharpened, and a fierce aura emanated from his body. "But let the world know that Jaxon Lathwyn is back..."****The next day: 7:00 AM"Are you certain you have a way to secure a contract with Master Sage company?" Diana asked, her beautiful face etched with nervousness. Jaxon chuckled reassuringly, "Don't worry, I'm acquainted with the owner of this establishment; he's a close friend of mine." The workers who overheard his statement sneered, doubting his claim. They thought he was deceiving Diana with fabricated words. They wondered how someone dressed in such shabby attire could possibly be friends with the CEO, Sir Li Wei. If only Jaxon knew their thoughts, he wouldn't have hesitated to have t
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Chapter 27
"You are?" Sir Li Wei asked, his eyes narrowing slightly."I am John Xing, Sir Li Wei. Our patriarch has been displeased with the way my cousin sister handled the contract your company gave us in a poor manner, and he sent me over here to request a switch to have me handle it instead," John replied, throwing Diana a disdainful smirk.Hearing those words, Sir Li Wei's eyes twinkled as he took a sneak glance at Jaxon, who almost smirked faintly. In that moment, it was as if two devilish horns were flickering on both men, a sight of mischievousness brewing as they planned something."Your patriarch? Why? I thought Mrs. Diana was handling the contract satisfactorily?" Sir Li Wei asked, his expression clouded by a light frown.John saw an opportunity to discredit Diana and concocted a malicious scheme. If he could manipulate Master Sage Company into discrediting her, her business would suffer irreparable damage, and his own would flourish. This might even give him a strategic advantage ove
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Chapter 28
"S... Sir Li Wei, I... it seems like you have made a grave mistake... S... She is the one who has been deceitful, not us." His chubby cheeks quivered as he spoke, his eyes wide with panic. He knew he was doomed, that if word of this got out, his family's businesses would suffer drastic and irreparable damage, and he would be the one held accountable. The thought sent a chill down his spine, and he knew he had to think fast to salvage the situation."Guards!" Sir Li Wei bellowed, not bothering to listen to John's pleas as he commanded, "Remove those men from my premises at once!" In an instant, three burly guards appeared and, without hesitation, two of them grasped the chubby John, one by the shirt and the other by his trousers, in a humiliating manner, and swiftly dragged him out. Meanwhile, the third guard didn't even deign to look at the lanky Fan Fan, instead grabbing him by the collar and dragging him out of the company like a sack of rice. Upon reaching the company gate, he f
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Chapter 29
"Hello..." Diana's voice trailed off, her joyful expression faltering as she listened to the caller. The conversation ended, and she looked at Jaxon with a somber face. "What's wrong?" he asked, calmly."It's Grandpa," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness. "John has reported me to him, and he's ordered me to visit him at the hospital immediately."****As Jaxon and Diana entered the hospital, they made their way to the VIP ward where the patriarch was being treated. Upon reaching the door, it swung open, and Jaxon's eyes met those of Doctor Mo Fan's assistant, who was exiting the ward after attending to the patriarch. The assistant's eyes narrowed, and he sneered, "Ah, who do we have here? Is this the useless husband of..."Jaxon, in no mood to indulge in the assistant's verbal jabs, swiftly grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him aside, his action swift and forceful. He then led Diana into the room, shutting the door behind them. Bam!The assistant's face contorted in anger,
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Chapter 30
"Hahahaha, if you can really prove that you got her the contract, I'll let you slap me! How about that?"A smirk slowly spread across Jaxon's face as he replied, "I hope you won't go back on your words later. Because I love deals like that."John's heart skipped a beat as soon as he heard Jaxon's words, feeling like he had fallen into a trap. He scoffed at himself inwardly, thinking, _What can a pathetic man like him do to me?_Meanwhile, Jaxon, unfazed by the tension in the room, calmly pulled out his phone and dialed a number. After a few rings, someone answered. "Greetings, young master—" Jaxon hastily interrupted, "It's me, Jaxon." He cursed inwardly, realizing Sir Li Wei had almost exposed his real identity.Sir Li Wei quickly changed his tone, "Hahaha, brother Jaxon, I didn't know it was you since your number appears unknown here. How is your wife doing?"Jaxon replied calmly, "She's fine," making Diana blush slightly. Has he been telling others about her?Sir Li Wei asked, "
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