All Chapters of Wealthiest Son In Law: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
90 chapters
Chapter 11
Waaah! He vomited chunks of meat, drinks, and the expensive food he had eaten. "Mmmm, the food he ate was way more than this, Scarface; another punch." Bang! "Another one!" Bang! "Again!" Bang! "Ah, finally, that's enough. Jeez, we forgot to take off his suit; I was too excited. Nevertheless, take it off now." "Yes, boss," Scarface replied.Scarface disregarded the putrid smell that permeated the room, a result of Drew's recent vomiting. With a firm grip, Scarface stripped Drew of his suit, starting with the pants, followed by the jacket, and finally the long-sleeved shirt, leaving him in just a singlet. Next, Scarface yanked off Drew's belt, causing his trousers to drop, revealing his cartoonish SpongeBob SquarePants underwear.A shameful situation that will forever haunt Drew. Jaxon, who witnessed this scene, smirked faintly before leaving the room, and the manager and Scarface were able to notice that small detail, which pleased them. To them, it seemed like Jaxon was ple
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Chapter 12
The next words Jaxon said made Diana's heart skip, "What if I brought someone who would be genuinely interested in making a contract with you?"Diana's eyes narrowed. "Is he rich and influential?"Jaxon's response was cryptic. "We'll find out after visiting your grandfather in the hospital tomorrow." Inwardly, he was considering calling a friend from an extremely wealthy family - one that dwarfed the Xing family's wealth by a significant margin.After seeing what Jaxon was capable of doing she still felt like it was beyond Jaxon's scope to be able to pull such people to her company after all, such people wouldn't even look at her company twice.****I apologize for the mistake. You are correct, you didn't mention that Jaxon had been to the city or the store before. I mistakenly added that detail. I will make sure to stick to the original text and not add any unnecessary information in the future. Thank you for correcting me!****The next day, Jaxon set out early in the morning to acq
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Chapter 13
"What a pity, I almost fell for it."The guard immediately took offense, his voice cold and stern as he asked, "Are you looking down on this great store heirloom?" The guard's words echoed across the store, drawing the attention of others, including two young girls and an old man. The old man, his curiosity piqued, asked with interest, "Young man, what did you mean by 'what a pity'?" If most influential people had seen him, they would have likely attempted to fawn over him, as he was none other than Wu Tang, the manager of this esteemed store!Jaxon replied nonchalantly, "Nothing much," as he turned to leave, but one of the girls who had been following the man couldn't contain her indignation. She charged towards Jaxon with an ungraceful urgency, her eyes blazing with a frosty intensity. Grabbing his shirt with a firm grasp, she snarled, "How dare you lowly civilian respond to Uncle Wu Tang in such a manner? Your attire reveals your poverty, and you should be grateful to even have
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Chapter 14
"Grandpa, this is an affront of unprecedented proportions! If we don't teach this man a lesson, others will think we're pushovers!" Meng Fei exclaimed, her face twisted in indignation.As if responding to her distress, the guards swiftly encircled Jaxon, their imposing figures and menacing gazes trapping him. Each guard grasped an electric baton and whip, their dark uniforms and unforgiving expressions exuding an aura of intimidation. Their towering height only added to their formidable presence, striking fear into the hearts of most onlookers, except for Jaxon who found them more like annoying flies."Hold your horses, kid!" Uncle Wu Tang exclaimed, his calm and collected voice betraying the anger simmering beneath the surface. It wouldn't take someone with high emotional intelligence to notice that he was seething, but his strict expression gave little away. Turning his attention back to Jaxon, who seemed utterly unfazed by the weight of everyone's gaze, Uncle Wu Tang couldn't help
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Chapter 15
"Sigh, he brought it on himself," Ying Jing added, her voice laced with disappointment, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and disillusionment. She had thought Jaxon was special, but it turned out he was just a pawn for someone.But just as everyone expected Meng Fei's kick to send Jaxon flying with broken bones, he caught her leg lightly with his hand, his movements swift and precise. The force of her kick dispersed in every direction like a breeze, while her ankle remained firmly gripped by Jaxon, his eyes locked on hers with a piercing intensity as he smirk before saying, "since you believe in gender equality. Why don't I show you what I do to men who intent to hurt me?"Saying so, he lightly squeezed her ankle and Meng Fei winces as she felt pain, as if her bones were about to be crushed.At that moment she felt, fear.Struggling to pull her ankle out, but no matter how she tried, she couldn't pull it out. Left with no choice, she yelled towards the guards watching them, "b
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Chapter 16
Jaxon continued, "What if I told you that this ruby is nothing but an ordinary gem, made from the most common stone found in town, worth no more than 10 Yuan?" The onlookers gasped in disbelief, with someone exclaiming, "Impossible! That cannot be!""Impossible! He's got to be lying through his teeth! How can this rugby be a counterfeit?" someone exclaimed, their voice laced with incredulity."It's one thing to possess physical prowess and overpower those guards, but fabricating a story about a priceless family heirloom is utterly despicable!" another person chimed in, with a tone dripping with disdain."Ugh, the more this so-called Jaxon speaks and behaves, the more repugnant he becomes," a bystander muttered, his face contorted in disgust."I can't stand his brazen audacity either!" someone else added, her voice heavy with contempt.The crowd's disapproving murmurs and scornful glances didn't seem to faze Jaxon, who held the rugby with an air of nonchalance. He was no stranger to v
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Chapter 17
"Yes, what Wu Ying Jing said is correct. You, Jaxon, have proven yourself to be a valuable person to our store. We will give you the VIP card, the title of Grandmaster Appraiser, and unrestricted access to our store. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use your newfound status wisely." Uncle Wu Tang said, as if he was just helping Jaxon.But, the crowd erupted into a chorus of gasps, whispers, and exclamations, their minds reeling from the unexpected turn of events. Jaxon's face remained cold, his eyes fixed on Uncle Wu Tang and his face morp into one of smirk.Did Uncle Wu Tang thought he was doing Jaxon a favour by offering such measley offer?Well, he will just take it. Nothing wrong with it."Thanks for the offer." Jaxon replied.****Five minutes later, Jaxon left the store with several expensive artifacts in hand, heading towards his home to take a quick bath before visiting the hospital. Although things had unfolded unexpectedly, the rewards he received w
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Chapter 18
"Tsk, grandpa wouldn't even need such a trivial gift," he sneered. "On the other hand, a gift worth 1.3 million Yuan like mine is what Grandpa truly needs! This one," he unfolded one of his boxes, revealing a dried ginseng, "is a 70-year-old panax ginseng. When ignited, its scent can heal Grandpa's internal injuries!"The onlookers erupted into exclamations of awe and admiration, their eyes fixed on the prized ginseng. John's smile widened, basking in the praise and attention. Diana's eyes narrowed."Wow! John got Grandpa such an extraordinary gift?" someone exclaimed."As expected of Grandpa's favorite grandchild, he truly knows how to select incredible gifts that are not only expensive but also have extreme usefulness," another person added."Yeah, now I know why Grandpa loves and cherishes him, he deserves it!" a third person chimed in."True, unlike someone who brings a gift not worth even 100 Yuan, hahaha," someone said with a laugh."Mentioning that despicable person makes me fe
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Chapter 19
"That leaves us with one answer: cocaine ginseng, a type of ginseng made using lots of chemicals. It not only messes with our central nervous system but is also hundreds of times more inferior and contains strong addictive properties. Also the older a person who inhales it, the more poisonous it is to them." "I didn't..." John's face turned red as he tried to defend himself, but Jaxon cut him off. "You said my gift wasn't worth 100 Yuan? What about yours? It's not worth 40 Yuan! A fake gift is what I see! Are you planning on making Grandpa die?" Jaxon's words were laced with disdain. "At least my gift wouldn't make him die."The room fell silent at Jaxon's words."Cough... Cough... Cough..." Right on cue, grandpa start coughing furiously, making everyone's expression change drastically, especially John."Grandpa! Someone! Quick! Get the doctor!" "Hurry up and get the doctor!""Quick! Extinguish that ginseng! It might be it that is making Grandpa cough!""What will we do?! If Grandp
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chapter 20
"Wait..." Suddenly, a voice no one expected to speak did, turning their heads towards it, their expressions transformed into one of dissatisfaction."What is it?!" Weiwei Xing asked in a harsh tone, her eyes narrowing at Jaxon, who had unexpectedly spoken up. Jaxon's calm demeanor didn't falter, "I apologize if I offended you, Aunt Weiwei. However, as someone who has experience in traditional medicine, I must remind you that acupuncture requires precision and expertise. I fear that without proper training, you may cause more harm than good."Hearing his words, the assistant coldly laugh as his face turned red with indignation, "How dare you question my skills! I've studied under the great Doctor Mo Fan himself!"Weiwei Xing sneered, "Ha! You're an expert in traditional medicine? Please, that's a joke! I'd rather trust a chicken's medical skills over yours any day!"John chimed in as soon as he heard Weiwei Xing's words, "Nah, a chicken is too generous a comparison. Let's say a rat th
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