All Chapters of Wealthiest Son In Law: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
90 chapters
Chapter 1
"Master Jaxon! The entire Lathwyn family is in deep trouble and we seek your return urgently!""Yes, young master Jaxon! The old patriarch even said if you returned he would immediately hand over the head of the family position to you and all the family companies and properties!"In front of the man called Jaxon was a dark, sleek, Roll Royce Phantom EWB and beside it were two elderly men in suits bowing to him with a frantic expression on their faces.Jaxon on the other hand was dressed in ordinary flip-flops and holding a bag of cabbages with an expressionless face while looking at the people before him."Hmph, go back? You only think about me now of all times? After everything?" He sneered.He could never forget the scene of being framed and kicked out of the Lathwyn family and now they came back to beg him to help them? After all those humiliations they finally remembered him in their desperate times?"I do not want to ever see you people close to me again!" Jaxon commanded as he s
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Chapter 2
_Uncle, I have kept to my promise. I kept your family safe for the past 4 years and eleven months, with one month to go._Jaxon thought silently as he slowly moved towards his room, ignoring Weiwei Xing who was still yelling.Reaching his room, Jaxon threw the bloodstained broken bottles into the wastebasket and headed to the toilet to wash his blood soak hands with an indifferent expression.It was like the wounds were not even a big issue to him.Who was he?He used to be a god of war, leading hundreds and thousands of soldiers into battles!He used to lead one of the best legions hidden from the world, operating in the darkness!His legion was called the Ghost Legion!"I have endured so much to this point but it ends now!"Jaxon thought with anger as he lifted his head and gazed at his reflection in the mirror.Following that, he went and lay down on the bed.He wasn't going to eat with his 'wife and mother as his mother does not feed him, rather she always makes sure to throw the
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Chapter 3
Diana was at a loss at what to do as she was pinned on the bed before she could even run away. Just when she was confused on what to do and lost hope. "Let. Go. Of. My. Wife. Piggy.""Huh?" The boss was startled as he quickly turned around, even Diana who already lose hope turn as soon as she heard that familiar voice.No one knew how or when Jaxon stepped into the room and suddenly he was standing behind the boss and holding him tightly on the suit collar."Huh? It's the useless son-in-law of the Jiang family. I will forgive you for once if you kowtows thrice and slap yourself then head out and close the door, get home and wait! When I am done I will send your wife to you." The boss sneered.Jaxon didn't respond, his serene gaze fixed on the boss, causing the latter's heart to skip a beat. Instead of releasing him, Jaxon tightened his grip on the boss's collar. "You worthless scum!" he growled. "Release me, or you'll..."The boss couldn't finish his threat, as a sudden, powerful f
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Chapter 4
★★★★"And I will not accept her going after another man while I'm still her husband on paper!" Jaxon retorts coldly. For the first time he opened his mouth and went against his mother-in-law's words which baffled her and Diana.Jaxon wasn't jealous, no, it was far from that. It was his dignity that was on line. Even him felt relieved that the marriage will be ending in a month's time after all he and Diana have no love between them. But, it will be a blow to his pride if Diana was to be with another man while the both of them are still married."You piece of useless piece of human! Did I ask for your opinion?" Weiwei Xing let out harshly at Jaxon, "I am just informing you, you do not have a say in this so sit still and keep your mouth shut!"Jaxon clenched his fist in anger as he heard those words, despite always keeping his cool whenever he always received insults from her but this has reached a part he felt like he wouldn't be able to resist retaliating at her.Just as Jaxon's eyes
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Chapter 5
"What's with that indifference look of yours?" Diana suddenly found herself annoyed by Jaxon's indifference expression. She originally wanted to thank him for saving her from the hands of the boss, but after seeing such a look she felt provoked, "my grandfather has just undergone a surgery and will be discharged tomorrow evening. So, after tonight's party, I want you to get a gift prepared for when we will be visiting him tomorrow afternoon. Hmph! Also, buy some decent clothes and gifts and don't humiliated me as usual"Slam!Following that, she stomped out of the room, slamming the door and leaving Jaxon speechless.★★★★Diana and her mother, Weiwei Xing first went to the party and Jaxon had to take his bath and wear decent clothes before using a little of the money for a taxi.As soon as he entered the place, he saw that the food was already served._Sigh, useless me isn't worth waiting for._ He mocked himself."Oh, Jaxon is here," one of the people in the VIP room spotted him and s
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Chapter 6
"Hahaha, not expensive. Just over 6 hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars." Drew said in a casual tone as he brush his head with his hand in a prideful manner."Oh my goodness!""What did I just hear?""6 hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars?!"The women in the room exclaimed as they looked at him with a hint of envy.They felt like they were dreaming, their neighbor son whom was once a cry baby has now soar high and become an upperclassman in the society."Hahaha, nothing big to boast about, aunties. I just own few companies overseas which engage in buying and selling and the rest are for estate marketing," Drew wave his hand humbly, "that is why I said it is not worth mentioning.""Stop being modest. If you are so humble with such amount of wealth then what about us who have nothing?""We will be bootlickers.""No, we will be worse than that.""Hahaha, oh and before I forget. Drew are you married now?" Someone suddenly spoke up.And as if Drew was waiting for those words,
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Chapter 7
"Even with an opportunity, you still can't appreciate it, truly you are a waste!" The crowd of women immediately start throwing either advices or insults on him as soon as Weiwei Xing cursed him. They suddenly found him full of a fake sense of superiority and pride while he was actually someone who rely on his wife for everything.As Jaxon spoke, Drew maintained his gentle smile, but inwardly, his expression turned colder by the second. If not for Diana's and Weiwei Xing's presence, he wouldn't have hesitated to unleash his wrath on Jaxon for his audacity. People like Jaxon, who were deemed useless in society, had no chance of ever crossing paths with someone like him, and yet, here Jaxon was, meeting him and still behaving with prideful arrogance.Drew's thoughts seethed with contempt, his mind racing with the audacity of Jaxon's words. How dare he question his offer? Didn't he know who he was dealing with? Here is a rewritten version of the text with a more polished tone and no wo
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Chapter 8
Weiwei Xing, however, noticed Drew's growing jealousy and swiftly intervened to soothe his ego. "Don't mind them, Drew. In a month's time, they'll be divorced anyway. I'm guessing this is Diana's way of paying him back - just one of her smiles can make that fool happy for decades, even in his grave."You don't have to stress yourself, Aunt. He isn't worth getting annoyed over." Drew said, trying to hide his true feelings of jealousy."Truly, I have nothing to worry about. If I had met you four years ago, I would have insisted that my daughter marry you instead of that worthless individual. You, Drew, are the epitome of every girl's dream. So, please, be at peace and observe how I will make my daughter yours within a month," Weiwei Xing said softly, her words dripping with sincerity."Aunt, you've suddenly filled me with joy," Drew replied, a smile spreading across his face. "As a token of gratitude, I'll order the most expensive drink for you, and not just for you, but for that charm
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Chapter 9
"We have surveillance footage to prove to you that you ordered at your own convenience," the manager calmly stated, his tone firm but polite. He felt disappointed, thinking he had encountered a high-rolling "big fish" customer, but it turned out that Drew was just someone without substantial means trying to show off."I didn't order for—" Drew began, but his words trailed off as he turned to Jaxon with a menacing glare. "Bastard! You knew this was expensive, right?! You're trying to fuckin' set me up, ain't ya?!" he exclaimed, his voice rising in anger.Jaxon responded with a jesting tone, his innocent smile contrasting with Drew's hostility. "Huh? You told me to order whatever I want, right? Also, watch your language. You definitely don't want to show a bad image before your fans of elderly women, right?" he said, his words dripping with sarcasm."You knew it was expensive and still went ahead and ordered it?" one of the women asked, her voice filled with disbelief. "Not only are yo
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Chapter 10
The manager took the card calmly, his expression unreadable, and handed it to the waitress to make the payment. But as she checked Jaxon's account balance, her face suddenly contorted in shock, her eyes wide with disbelief which she immediately hide. She whispered something in the manager's ear, and his face turned ashen, his eyes flashing with surprise before he quickly regained his composure."Ladies and gentlemen, it appears there is a problem here," the manager announced, his voice laced with a hint of embarrassment.As soon as he spoke, Drew and the housewives shook their heads in unison, their faces filled with smugness and anticipation. They knew Jaxon's bluff was about to be exposed, and they couldn't wait to see him humiliated."Hahaha, as expected, I knew he was bluffing," Drew said with a smirk, interrupting the manager before he could finish speaking. He turned to Diana with a puffed-out chest and said, "Don't worry, even if your lousy boastful husband can't pay for the di
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