Chapter 6

"Hahaha, not expensive. Just over 6 hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars." Drew said in a casual tone as he brush his head with his hand in a prideful manner.

"Oh my goodness!"

"What did I just hear?"

"6 hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars?!"

The women in the room exclaimed as they looked at him with a hint of envy.

They felt like they were dreaming, their neighbor son whom was once a cry baby has now soar high and become an upperclassman in the society.

"Hahaha, nothing big to boast about, aunties. I just own few companies overseas which engage in buying and selling and the rest are for estate marketing," Drew wave his hand humbly, "that is why I said it is not worth mentioning."

"Stop being modest. If you are so humble with such amount of wealth then what about us who have nothing?"

"We will be bootlickers."

"No, we will be worse than that."

"Hahaha, oh and before I forget. Drew are you married now?" Someone suddenly spoke up.

And as if Drew was waiting for those words, he sighed as he gulp his glass of wine before replying in a somber tone, "Actually since I left, I have not date a single girl since there is someone in my mind right from childhood.". He said as he took a secret peek at Diana.

"Wow, you sound so romantic. Unlike most men that only want to see the ladies pants and move on."

Drew words causes the women to showered him with praises.

"Sigh, you truly are a hustling man. Too bad, just too bad that my daughter married a useless man who can't contribute a single penny to her upkeep," Saying so, Weiwei Xing glance at her daughter with a look that suggest the daughter to agree with her, "ain't I right, daughter?"

Hearing her mother's words, Diana felt annoyed and said, "Mom, even if you hate Jaxon with passion at least give him some face as a human for goodness sake, he is right here!"

"Hmph, do I look like I care if he is here or not?!" Weiwei Xing said in a voice filled with disdain directed at Jaxon which Drew noticed, he couldn't help but chuckle inwardly as he tried to hid the sneer expression on his face.

In order to get Diana, he even made sure to ask Weiwei Xing some questions about Diana's husband background and after knowing how useless he was, Drew got the courage to boldly come over for the party.

However, he made sure to pretend as if he was just discovering about it now.

Drew gazed at Jaxon with a prideful expression, his voice dripping with condescension. "Oh, you must be Diana's husband. I wonder, do you actually do something for a living? Surely, as a man, you have some pride and wouldn't let your wife support you for generations, right?" Jaxon's face turned colder, his left fist clenched tightly under the table as it trembled with restrained anger.

He couldn't help but think, "How could I have overlooked this from the start?"

It was clear that Weiwei Xing had briefed Drew on his situation, and it seemed like they were both plotting to humiliate him, making him appear weak while elevating Drew's image to capture Diana's attention.

Despite being aware of their scheme, Jaxon remained unperturbed, continuing to eat at a leisurely pace.

Weiwei Xing sneered in disgust, "Don't waste your time asking him questions, Drew. He's a useless man who spends his days living off his wife's income."

Drew feigned concern, his expression sympathetic. "I can't believe you, Aunt Weiwei. I mean, no matter how useless a man may be, I wouldn't have thought he'd let his wife suffer and support him." He turned to Jaxon, his voice dripping with false sincerity.

"Jaxon, right? I don't know what your qualifications are, but if you have something to offer, I can help you get a job at Big Dreams Company. I have a personal connection with the boss, and it would be a breeze for me to arrange it."

Jaxon, attempting to extricate himself from the conversation, replied bluntly, "I don't have a diploma; I didn't even attend school." His disinterest was palpable, and he hoped to bring the conversation to a swift close.

Here is a rewritten version of the text with a more polished tone and no word count limitations:

"What? You don't have a diploma?" Weiwei Xing asked, her voice laced with disbelief.

"You're also saying you didn't even attend school?"

"No wonder he stays at home all day, he's a man without a dream. He just got lucky to marry a beautiful girl like Diana, who comes from a noble family. If not for the Xing family, I'm sure he would have already committed suicide." One of the women said coldly.

Drew waved his hand, attempting to calm everyone down with a fake humble tone that barely concealed his prideful look. "Sigh, it's alright, Jaxon. Not having a diploma or not even going to school shouldn't be a reason to hold you back. You can look at the richest man in Africa, who was just an ordinary farmer before getting rich thanks to his dedication. Jaxon, as long as you're willing, I'm sure you'll rise to the top. How about this? Come to the Big Dreams Company tomorrow, and I'll find a way to get you the position of security guard or toilet cleaner."

Jaxon smirked coldly as he heard those words, his expression unimpressed.

Weiwei Xing glared at him, her eyes icy. "You better go on your knees and thank Drew for this opportunity.

It's better than sitting at home all day without any job!" She threatened, her voice dripping with malice.

"If not, after the divorce, I wonder how you'll be able to survive in this world without Diana feeding your lazy ass!"

_Getting divorce? Wonderful._ Drew grin inwardly. He knew he has already win Weiwei Xing favour with the gift he got and was sure his chance of getting Diana has increased.

"So, Jaxon, what do you say? Come to the company tomorrow and mention my name; I'm hundred percent sure you'll get the job," Drew said, looking at Jaxon with a confident smile.

"What makes you think I need your job?" Jaxon asked coolly, raising his eyebrows in skepticism.

As soon as Jaxon said those words, the entire room fell silent. Everyone was shocked.

"Find a job for me? Who do you think you are to find me a job? This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, aside from Weiwei Xing regular words, Mr Drew."

Diana, who was eating her sushi, couldn't help but halt mid-air as she looked at Jaxon with a hint of surprise.

Weiwei Xing couldn't take it as she let out curses, her words dripping with disdain. "You useless bastard! Can't you, for once, save yourself from shame and accept the help of someone richer and more influential than you? Stop behaving like you have something to offer and accept his offer. A hundred and thousands of you are nothing but a third of Drew; what are you proud of?"

"Feeling all high and mighty while you're nothing before Drew, innit?"

"Even with an opportunity, you still can't appreciate it, truly you are a waste!"

The crowd of women immediately start throwing either advices or insults on him as soon as Weiwei Xing cursed him. They suddenly found him full of a fake sense of superiority and pride while he was actually someone who rely on his wife for everything.


Author's Note: Greetings my readers ◉⁠‿⁠◉

If there's a mistake, typos or part you do not understand or feel like it makes no sense to you. Drop a comment and I will definitely go through them and immediately provide you a answer.


Author's Note:

Greetings, my readers ◉⁠‿⁠◉

If you come across any errors, typos, or parts that confuse you or don't make sense, please don't hesitate to leave a comment. I'll be happy to review them and provide a prompt response to clarify any issues. Your feedback is invaluable, and I appreciate your engagement!

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