All Chapters of Wealthiest Son In Law: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
90 chapters
Chapter 41
Instead, he saw Jaxon looking at him with amusement, as if he had just seen a rare species of monkey exhibiting in his presence."I had the strength to force you back then, do you have it?" Jaxon asked with a leisure smile on his face as he looked at John, despite him sitting down while John stood, it felt like he was looking down on John which made the latter red from humiliation.Just when John was thinking of a way to salvage his dignity from this embarrassing situation, a voice laced with sarcasm pierced the air, directed at Jaxon. "I didn't expect the Xing family to be kind enough to allow such a downgrade man into this banquet. The Xing family are sure generous."Turning towards the voice, he saw Doctor Mo Fan's disciple, Jordan, walking into the banquet with an extravagant gift in his hand, dressed in a sleek white tuxedo suit. John's face transformed into a fawning smile as he hurriedly approached Jordan, eager to ingratiate himself."Ah, welcome, Doctor Mo Fan's disciple," Jo
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Chapter 42
"That thing in his hand is a dried carrot, not ginseng. It's been coated with ground ginseng to distort the smell of the carrot." Jordan's response was swift and laced with sarcasm. "Pft! Then tell me, oh esteemed one, how does the carrot have a root similar to a ginseng?" He posed his next question with a smug look, seemingly enjoying the exchange. But Jaxon was not to be rattled. "I thought you said you could understand things with a single glance? Guess you're fake, does that root look real to you?" Jaxon's smirk grew wider as he added, "That ginseng root seems to have been glued in an unnoticeable way to that carrot." "I choose to disagree!" An old man who was sitting elsewhere suddenly exclaimed, his voice filled with conviction. "With my ten years of experience running a pharmacy, I can boldly assert that this ginseng is genuine and of high quality. Young master, you are fortunate to have acquired it for over 1 million Yuan. If it were sold in a high-end establishment, I as
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Chapter 43
"Nothing, Master," unable to admit his failure to identify the fake ginseng, which would only bring shame to his master. John also attempted to downplay the situation, saying, "There's no issue, esteemed Doctor Mo Fan," desperate to maintain his image as the future Patriarch and avoid any stigma from being scammed.However, one person remained unconcerned about their thoughts - Jaxon. "Doctor Mo Fan, your disciple here failed to identify the fake ginseng and even claimed it was a rare, 1,000-year-old herb worth 7 million Yuan. Meanwhile, the young master of the Xing family was wise enough to purchase the fake ginseng for a mere 1 million Yuan instead of the inflated price..."As Jaxon's words trailed off, everyone turned their attention to him. John cursed inwardly, "Piece of shit can't keep his mouth shut!" He shot Jaxon, who sat calmly, a hateful glance. Doctor Mo Fan, not wanting to waste his time on the drama, decided to move on and get the party started. He approached the patria
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Chapter 44
"Insolence! Fool! Nonsense! Is this how I trained you? I am deeply disappointed in my weak and fragile body, weakened by old age, or I swear I would have beaten you to a pulp! Do you know who you are talking to? Do you know he was my first-ever student? If you had just 0.000000012% of his talents, you would have gone far in life! You are nothing but a fool who knows how to make me lose face! And is this how a noble family behaves before their guests?! Insulting someone in such an unmannerly way! I am highly disappointed in you all!"The room fell silent in shock and confusion as Doctor Mo Fan, known for his gentle nature, roared with unbridled anger. Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief, wondering what had just triggered such an outburst."Is there an issue?" the Patriarch asked, his voice laced with doubt. He was genuinely perplexed, wondering why Doctor Mo Fan was so enraged and who he was referring to as his first student. Could it possibly be Jaxon? That can't be possible... Rig
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Chapter 45
"Ah, John, please join us on the stage as well," the patriarch said with a smile, and John complied. "Ahem," the patriarch cleared his throat before instructing John to stand on his right-hand side and Diana on his left-hand side. "Now, I am aware that many of you have heard rumors about my family securing a billion Yuan contract, and I am pleased to confirm its validity. Today, I have called upon John to appoint him as Diana's assistant manager. I am confident that she alone cannot manage such a substantial contract, and John's experience will be invaluable in guiding her."Upon hearing those words, John initially wore an expression of disbelief, which swiftly transformed into one of pride. He surreptitiously gazed at Diana, his look conveying a sense of superiority, as if to say, 'Even if you have the contract, so what? Grandpa still favors me.'Diana, on the other hand, felt shocked, confused, and betrayed. She couldn't help but thought to herself, 'After all my hard work, they ab
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Chapter 46
"Piece of shit!" she hissed, grabbing Diana's hand and dragging her back inside. "Stay away from my daughter!"Jaxon didn't flinch at the insult, instead, he took a leisurely stroll away from the banquet hall. A short distance away, he entered a small manmade forest, designed for picnics and events. The tall trees blocked the moonlight, casting the area in a darker shade. Suddenly, Jaxon's eyes sharpened, and he dodged to the side, avoiding a fist that whizzed past his head and slammed into a tree. Crack!The force of the impact caused the tree bark to crack, and Jaxon's eyes narrowed as he turned to face his attacker. "Who are you?" he asked, his tone firm and commanding as he quickly took a fighting stance."Who am I?" the man in the shadows sneered, his voice dripping with cold venom. "Fools like you don't deserve to know me." He spat, his words laced with contempt.Jaxon replied calmly, his tone measured, "Do you know, you are currently in the Xing family territory, and you're t
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Chapter 47
"my type of man." Her breath caressed his skin, sending shivers down his spine.She had been in the woods, watching the two moves Jaxon did, and it made her heart beat louder, and racing with excitement. She couldn't help but wish to make Jaxon her man, not caring if he had a wife or not. As she look at him, her eyes seemed to gleam with a predatory intensity, fixed on him like a hawk eyeing its prey."Not interested, and stay away from me," Jaxon said coldly, his voice devoid of emotion, as he walked away, leaving Meng Fei eyeing him like a predator eyeing her prey."It wouldn't be long before I make you fall under my skirt, worshipping me like your life depends on it," she purred, her voice dripping with confidence and seduction, her eyes never leaving Jaxon's retreating figure."As for you," she turns towards Wang Xu with a sneer and said, "you can't even stand two of his strikes. You aren't worth my time." With that, she stroll away, living Wang Xu with broken bones lying on the f
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Chapter 48
"Annoying fly," Jaxon muttered, his voice laced with disdain, making the guard freeze in shock. He didn't even spare the guard a glance as he made his way towards one of the chairs and sat down, crossing one leg over the other in a leisurely manner."Hey, get out of that chair! It's meant for important people, not useless people like you," the second guard ordered, his tone dripping with arrogance.Jaxon turned a deaf ear to the guard's command, his expression serene and unbothered. "You...!" The guard's face turned red with fury, his eyes bulging in disbelief. Since when had someone ever ignored him? He had been working at the Master Sage Company for a while week, and no one had ever dared to disobey him. Just last yesterday, he had broken someone's leg and hand, sending them to the hospital, and no one had even questioned his actions. The power of having the Master Sage Company backing him was evident, and yet, here was a useless man looking down on him? Hmph, the man didn't know w
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Chapter 49
"Hahaha, let them come and don't give me any guards. I was the leader of the Dragon Legion for a reason, and that reason is because I am strong, strong to the point where ten of my assistants couldn't still take me down. Who are mere assassins that I should fear?" He sneered, his voice laced with confidence and arrogance."Young Master Jaxon, I know it will be hard for them to kill you, but remember, you are not alone this time. They can use your wife as leverage against you," Sir Li Wei cautioned, his voice laced with concern."Don't worry, I am ready for them," Jaxon replied with a smirk, his eyes gleaming with a hint of madness. He stood up from the soft chair and moved towards the glass that gave him a full view of the outside world. With his eyes as sharp as an eagle and his arms folded behind him, Jaxon stood with his back straight, exuding an aura of power and dominance. At that moment, it felt like a war god was standing and looking down on his territory."Let them come, for I
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Chapter 50: Proud Drew
"Damn! You dare knock the boss out! I will murder you!" The first one yelled at the top of his lungs, his face red with rage, as he released Diana and dashed towards Jaxon with a fierce determination."You don't know what is good for you, die!" The second one shouted, pushing Diana into the nearby bush and dashing towards Jaxon with a similar ferocity.Seeing them coming towards him, Jaxon moved at an incredible speed, his body seemingly gliding across the ground, and appeared before the first one in an instant. He grabbed the man's fist in a straightforward way and slammed his second hand onto it, breaking it with a sickening crunch. Just when the man wanted to scream in agony, Jaxon grabbed his jaw with a vice-like grip."You are pathetic..." He uttered, his voice cold and detached, and the next thing he did was blood-chilling. With a swift and brutal motion, he ripped the jaw out of the man's mouth, causing blood to spew out in a fountain, and the man's eyes rolled back into his he
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