All Chapters of Wealthiest Son In Law: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
90 chapters
Chapter 52: "Let me look for... Him?!"
"Jaxon?" "Mmm?" Both of them said simultaneously, their voices laced with a mix of surprise and curiosity.Who was it, if not Drew, the first person Jaxon had embarrassed when he had wanted to show off his wealth before him? Standing beside him was a lady in heavy makeup and a thick smell of perfume that made Jaxon almost puke. The woman's presence seemed to amplify Drew's arrogance, and Jaxon's eyes narrowed slightly as he took in the scene before him."What the hell is a useless man like you doing here?" Drew sneered with disdain, looking down on Jaxon, who was still sitting down, his expression calm and collected."What does it have to do with you?" Jaxon asked back, his voice laced with a hint of indifference, his eyes never leaving Drew's face."Of course, it has everything to do with me," Drew replied, his voice dripping with smugness. "You made me lose most of my business, but guess who now works in a company that earns over a billion? Me! And guess what? I am the personal s
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Chapter 52: Good, get lost...
"True, let me immediately call the guards," Drew added with disdain, his voice dripping with condescension. But just then, his phone rang again, and it was the manager calling. Calmly, he picked up the call."Oh, they said he is dressed in a black T-shirt, a blue jeans, and black sneakers. Overall, he is a low-key person and doesn't show off that much.""Okay, let me search for... Him?!" Drew's voice halted as his body stiffened, and even the woman standing with him stiffened in shock. Right in front of them, Jaxon, who was sitting with a look of amusement directed at them, was wearing the exact clothes the boss described! The realization hit them like a ton of bricks, leaving them speechless and stunned."Can't you greet your boss now?" Jaxon asked with amusement, his eyes sparkling with mirth as he gazed at Drew. He found Drew's expression hilarious at that moment and couldn't resist teasing him a bit."Impossible... How could this be... No way... Impossible... This... No... I can't
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Chapter 53: Jaxon's new company's cream debut
"Yes, it is indeed deserving. The boss can go through them if he doesn't believe me." She replied, her voice barely calm.In truth, it wasn't just Drew's credentials that had earned him the position of secretary. Li Xiao had a secret, one that she kept hidden behind her professional demeanor. She and Drew had a intimate relationship, and she had given him the position so they could secretly meet in the office and have a bit of fun before continuing work. The thought sent a blush to her cheeks as she wondered how she could delete the videos in the camera before Jaxon saw them.'I better make sure the boss doesn't know about this, least it brings issue to me.' she thought inwardly.Jaxon wasn't aware of the Manager's thoughts as he kept asking her questions about the business and how it operates, finally, he asked for the contract, which the manager promptly brought to him. After he signed it, he stood up and straightened his clothes before saying, "I will be going back. You have my pho
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Chapter 54: Jaxon and Diana cooking together for the first time ever!
"So, do all you can to make the marketing department make it overly popular. Use celebrities from different influential countries and continents to advertise it. If possible, create a cheaper version that will cost 150,000 Yuan, while the VIP one I am holding should go for 250,000 Yuan. With such movements, it will make the cream even more exclusive and people will desperately seek it out. Also, keep a close eye on your workers, as I fear that if they cannot get it through legal means, they might try bribing some of the workers to get the cream."Jaxon offered these words of advice, which Li Xiao listened to attentively. "Don't worry, boss, I will immediately do as you suggested," she replied with seriousness. With those words, Li Xiao saw Jaxon off before returning to her office to continue her work."With this new boss, why do I feel like our store will experience a surge in popularity soon?" Li Xiao thought inwardly.****RingRingRingStepping outside the building, Jaxon suddenl
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Chapter 55: Jaxon embarrassed Henry
"But mom! That food is more than enough for us all!" she protested, her voice rising in frustration. "Can't you see he's tired too?!"Henry, ever the yes-man, chimed in, "No, Diana! This food wouldn't be enough for us! Unlike you city folks who eat like birds, we from the small town have hearty appetites and this wouldn't do! Your mom is right! Let him cook!"Hearing those words, Diana's face flushed with anger, her patience finally wearing thin. "Fine! Eat my share! Jaxon, I will join you in the kitchen and help you cook!" she declared, her voice firm and resolute, as she turned to stand by Jaxon, her eyes flashing with defiance.Before Jaxon could respond, Diana dragged him along as they both passed by Weiwei and the mother and son duo, who were sitting down and devouring chunks of meat, drinks, and food like ravenous dogs that hadn't seen food in weeks. Diana couldn't help but cast them a subtle look of disgust at their uncouth eating habits.Just as Jaxon and Diana were about to e
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Chapter 56: Diana feeling emotional
"No, is he even sure it can browse the Internet? I bet eight hundred of it can't measure up to my iPhone 13 Pro Max," Henry sneered, his tone laced with disdain.Jaxon didn't reply, his focus fixed on his phone. After entering his company name, he found the website and clicked into it, then inputted the pin written on the bottles. Finally, it showed the recipient's name. With a smirk, he stepped towards the two women and the arrogant little boy, saying, "You want to know who owns it? Here, see for yourself."He then showed them his phone, and as soon as Xiao Pork, Henry, Weiwei Xing, and Diana saw the screen, they gasped in shock, their voices simultaneous: "Impossible!" Their eyes widened in disbelief and different mixture of emotions, and some of their faces pale with astonishment.Why wouldn't they be shocked when what was shown on the screen was:*=============================================== Recipient Name: Jaxon Lathwyn Date Bought:
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Chapter 57: Weiwei Xing grudge
"... You will still love me? Even after how I and my mom treated you?" She asked, filled with disbelief. "You have changed, you now stand by me, and that is what matters." Jaxon replied. Hearing those words, Diana felt like Jaxon was shining at that moment, she felt like he was a tall pillar, a pillar she could lean on, and subconsciously, she leaned on him as her head moved towards his head, her lips a mere inch away from his, she could feel his warm, gentle breath on her face, and just then, she subconsciously perk him on the lip. Jaxon felt a shiver down his spine as he watched Diana perk him, even though it was just a light perk on the lip, it still left him feeling shocked and at the same time, happy. Subconsciously, he lifted his hand and touched his lip, reminiscing on the perk, subconsciously he let out, "that was my first kiss..." Hearing his words, Diana's face turned red as she quickly stormed into his bathroom out of shyness and shut the door, leaving Jaxon, who was
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Chapter 58: Henry's dreams
"No, two isn't right, Jaxon. You have helped a lot in this house. Take this one and use it. Let your skin be smooth too. Just one will be enough for me."Without waiting for Jaxon to reply, she shoved it into his hand and swiftly headed towards her room upstairs, leaving everyone shocked. Diana felt that today was different. How could her mother even consider Jaxon to give him such a gift? Meanwhile, Jaxon, after looking at the mother and son duo, understood what was happening. Due to what Xiao Pork said earlier, it seemed Weiwei Xing got a small grudge on her. Well, that was nothing he was concerned about, he thought with a smirk as he excused himself and headed to his room.As he walked away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had managed to win over Diana, and even got a gift from Weiwei Xing. He chuckled to himself, thinking that this was just the beginning. Little did he know, Xiao Pork's eyes were fixed on him, her gaze burning with anger and resentment. "D
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Chapter 59: Attack at the roadside
Foolishly, he went outside to make a call and told the man about what Jaxon had. The man promised he would help in getting them what he needed before killing Jaxon. Excited, Henry ended the call and immediately called another person again, telling him the same thing. The other person asked if he was sure, and when Henry replied he was certain, the other person readily agreed and even promised to mobilize all his men and hide at the side of the road, waiting for Jaxon. Excited, Henry ended the call and told his mother everything was settled. With that, the both of them went to their room to sleep, with Henry dreaming of his bright future with a big house filled with harems.****The next day, early in the morning, after some martial arts exercises, Jaxon took his bath and headed to the kitchen to quickly prepare some food. Following that, Diana came down from her room, all dressed and ready for work. "Good morning, darling." Jaxon greeted her with a smile on his face, the event that
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Chapter 60: Let them get an ambulance! not for me but themselves!!!
"Hehehe, let your grandpa make you climax in pain!" he sneered as he rush towards Jaxon who just stood looking at him. But just as he reached Jaxon, a snapping sound was heard and he found Jaxon has blurred away from his previous position. Confused about where the sound came from, Dogface tried moving but couldn't, which confused him even more.Just then, he saw his head looking downward, and opposite him stood his headless body. "Eh? I died?" That was the last thing Dogface thought of before his consciousness faded and his lifeless body collapsed to the ground.****"...Boss, is my eyes paining me?" The lanky man asked with shock as he saw the death of Dogface. Since he and the rest were far away, they saw everything clearly - how Jaxon moved at a speed that no normal human would ever be able to achieve. The boss's face turned pale as he saw it too, and without thinking, he knew who they were facing. "He... Gulp... He is a martial arts expert..." The boss stuttered with despair in
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