All Chapters of Slumdog Billionaire : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
68 chapters
11. Did We Have Sex?
Chapter Eleven “Mmmmm” Declan remembered how their kisses grew more passionate and how his hands wandered. He remembered how Stella responded with equal fervour, clearly ready to take things further when they were together the last time. The atmosphere now was charged with similar anticipation, but just as they were about to cross into more intimate territory just when he was about to kiss her, Declan paused. He pulled back slightly, looking into Stella's eyes with a mixture of desire and concern. He remembered how much red wine Stella had consumed at the club. The thought made him hesitate; he wanted to be sure she was fully in control of her decisions, not just caught up in the heat of the moment influenced by alcohol. "Stella," Declan said gently, his voice low and careful, "are you sure this is what you want tonight? I don't want the wine speaking for you." Stella looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity and care in them. She felt a rush of affection for Declan, appreci
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12. Tycoon Guest Of Honor
Chapter Twelve “Hahahaha, you’re so funny ! Are you an upcoming comedian?” “No, I’m not “Declan replied but he ignored his reply. Stella's brother laughed out loud, dismissing Declan's claim. "You must be joking," he scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. "This is the event of the year. There’s no way a commoner like you could be invited, let alone be the guest of honour. Just because you married my sister doesn’t mean you’re suddenly an important part of the society! Better know that” The room filled with a tense silence as everyone waited to see how Declan would handle this new challenge. Declan maintained his composure, his expression calm and assured. Stella's brother, unable to contain his disbelief and irritation, raised his voice at Declan. "It's insulting for you to come into our house and lie about being a businessman!" he exclaimed, his face red with anger. He then turned to Stella, "You need to learn how to handle your husband and keep him quiet like a dog
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13. The Poor Doctor
Chapter Thirteen Stella's brother, still reeling from the shock of the cancelled business meeting, was determined to prove Declan wrong. As he scrolled through his contacts, searching for someone who could confirm or deny Declan's claims, his phone buzzed with a notification. It was a message from a colleague in the industry, informing him of the reason behind the cancellation of the exclusive dinner. He burst into a terrible mockery laugh, drawing everyone's attention back to him. “Hehehhehhehehehh, hohohooo” "Well, well, well," he sneered, looking at Declan with disdain. "It seems your little charade has been exposed. The daughter of the business tycoon hosting the dinner fell ill. That's the real reason for the cancellation, not your imaginary influence." Hissed Stella’s brother Declan remained calm, unmoved by Stella's brother's taunts. He knew the truth, and nothing Stella's brother said could shake his confidence. Stella, watching her brother's behaviour, felt a m
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14. 400,000$ suit
Chapter Fourteen Declan felt the rage bubbling inside him as Richard's cruel words cut deep. He wanted nothing more than to lash out, to show Richard just how wrong he was about him. But then he doesn’t want to do anything that will hurt Stella’s feelings and he knows that family means a lot to her , infact that’s the reason she even agreed to their arranged wedding. . But before he could say or do anything, his phone rang, breaking the tense silence. “Excuse me, I need to take this important call” Excusing himself, Declan stepped away to answer the call. It was from the business tycoon hosting the part.His daughter was seriously ill. The man was crying and begging Declan to come and help his daughter before she dies… he sounded really desperate for help. “Please , you’re our last hope. Safe my daughter “ Mr Yang ,the business tycoon pleaded Without hesitation, Declan promised to go to their mansion immediately to treat her. “Alright, I will do what I can to make sure yo
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15. Million Dollar Trust Fund
Chapter Fifteen “No! No! My daughter can’t die . She’s so young and has a great future ahead…“ As Mr. Yang watched in horror, blood began to trickle from his daughter's nose, and the beeping of the machine monitoring her vitals grew louder and more urgent. He knew that time was running out, and he couldn't bear to lose his precious daughter. "Stop! Stop immediately!" he shouted, his voice filled with panic and desperation. "Get away from her! You're only making things worse!" The healer, taken aback by Mr. Yang's outburst, stepped back, unsure of what to do. Mr. Yang turned to Declan, his eyes pleading. “I’m trying my best to heal her …” the healer started stammering , by now his hands were shaking and he was sweating profusely. He was also confused and didn’t know what to do. "Shut up and get away from my daughter. Please, Declan…please help my daughter" he begged, his voice cracking with emotion. “I thought none of you wanted me here “ Declan said while rolling the sleev
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16. Worse Than Cancer
Chapter Sixteen The healer, feeling deeply ashamed of for his actions and wanting to do anything that will save his pride and dignity in front of the rich businessman tycoon, approached Declan and Mr. Yang, bowing deeply. "I am so sorry for what I have done," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I was wrong to doubt you, Declan, and to interfere with your work. Please forgive me and teach me what you did so that I can be a great doctor and all my patients will respect me like a god” he said arrogantly Declan, seeing the not so genuine remorse in the healer's eyes only nodded because he doesn’t want to create a scene. "Just don’t play with people’s lives because you’re trying to prove a point," he said. "But you must learn from this experience and never repeat it.Money or status is not everything in life especially when it comes to saving people’s life" The healer nodded, grateful for Declan's simple mind which he thinks that he can easily manipulate to teach him
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17. 500,000 Million In Profit
Chapter Seventeen Mr. Yang, grateful for Declan's selfless service and wanting to ensure his comfort and privacy, made a generous offer. "Declan," he began, "I know how important it is for you to keep an eye on my daughter as she recovers and I also know you’re a busy business man and would like your privacy to attend your meetings and clients. But I want to offer you the luxurious penthouse in my new skyscraper hotel. It's a beautiful space, and it will give you the privacy you need while still allowing you to be close to my daughter." Declan was taken aback by the offer. He knew the penthouse was an incredible space, with stunning views of the city and luxurious amenities. "Mr. Yang, I don't know what to say," Declan said, his voice filled with gratitude. "That is a very generous offer. Are you sure?" Mr. Yang nodded. "I am sure. You have done so much for us, Declan. This is the least I can do to repay you. Plus, it will make it easier for you to keep an eye on my daughter.
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18. I Need A Heir
Chapter Eighteen *Ring Rinngggg Ringgggg* Stella's grandfather dialled Declan's number early in the morning. Declan, who had fallen asleep while working on his laptop, was jolted awake by the ringing. He answered the phone, his voice groggy. "Hello?" Declan said, trying to shake off his drowsiness. "Declan, it's me, Stella's grandfather," came the voice from the other end of the line. "I hope I didn't wake you up." "No, no, not at all,Good morning Sir" Declan replied, sitting up in bed. "Is everything okay with you, how is your health?" "I'm fine, thank you," Stella's grandfather said. "But I wanted to talk to you about something important." Declan, now fully awake, listened intently. "I've been thinking," Stella's grandfather continued, "about your living arrangements. I heard rumours that you've been staying in the penthouse at some luxurious hotel, but I think it would be better if you moved back into our family house." Declan was surprised by the suggestion. "Oh, um, why
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19. My Stubborn Wife
Chapter Nineteen Declan decided to pay a visit to his Inlaws and check up on his wife. As Declan walked into Stella's house, he could hear her talking to her grandfather. He hesitated for a moment, not wanting to interrupt, but then he saw them both smiling and knew it was safe to approach after whispering inside jokes to each other. "Declan, my boy!" Stella's grandfather exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. "Perfect timing. We were just talking about you." Declan smiled politely, unsure of what to expect. Stella's grandfather then surprised him by offering him a job at the stocks and investments company. "I want to offer you a job at my stocks and investments company," Stella's grandfather said enthusiastically. "It will give you valuable business experience and help you become an entrepreneur, apart from your medical work." Declan was taken aback by the offer. He knew Stella's grandfather meant well, but he also knew that he was not cut out for a job in finance. "Thank you,
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20. The Mafia’s 1 Billion Dollars
Chapter Twenty Stella's brother, Richard, was known for being a pampered, rich, spoilt brat. He often acted like a bully, especially towards Stella who he thinks will be given the position of the legitimate heir to the company instead of him. As she discussed the pressure of the deals with her family, Richard couldn't resist mocking her. "I'm sure you can't handle the task given to you," Richard sneered, his tone dripping with condescension. "I hope you fail and disappoint the family. Maybe then they'll realise how important I am." Stella tried to ignore his taunts, but his words stung. She knew Richard's behaviour stemmed from his own insecurities, but that didn't make it any easier to bear. Before Stella could respond, Richard turned his attention to Declan, her husband. "And you," he said, his voice full of disdain. "You're saying you'll help with anything she needs? What can you possibly do? You're a broke ass nobody, a beggar who doesn't even have $10 in his account."
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