All Chapters of Slumdog Billionaire : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
68 chapters
21. Peed In His Pants
Chapter Twenty One As the leader of the gangster-looking men accused Stella's brother, Richard, of owing them 1 billion dollars, her heart sank. It was an absurd amount, far beyond anything Richard could have borrowed. “Richard bullying , stealing a few dollars , smoking and getting drunk was the least you could do but when did you start gambling and taking huge loans ?!” Grandfather shouted angrily, almost hitting Richard with his walking cane stick but Richard dodge him. "That's not true!" Richard exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear and anger. "I only borrowed 1 million dollars because I was broke and needed quick cash to buy the new Ferrari sports car that got stolen when I got drunk at some party! I never borrowed 1 billion dollars!" The leader of the men frowned, clearly not pleased with Richard's response. "We have records that prove otherwise," he said, his tone cold and menacing. "You owe us 1 billion dollars, and we're here to collect." Richard's face turned pa
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22. Stupid Spoilt Brat
Chapter Twenty Two The air was thick with tension and the stench of gasoline. Stella’s heart raced as she clutched Richard, who was now trembling with fear and pain. “Please,” she begged, “we’ll find a way to get the money. Just don’t hurt him anymore.” The leader smirked, clearly enjoying the power he held over them. He twirled the pliers in his hand, making Stella’s blood run cold. “Bitch, time is ticking,” he said. “Decide quickly.” Grandfather, his face pale with desperation, stepped forward again. “I’ll sell everything. The house, the cars. Just give us some time…” he said his face filled with regret and disappointment. But Richard, his face a mix of defiance and terror, cut him off. “Don’t you dare, Grandfather! I don’t need your help. I don’t need anyone’s help!” The leader’s eyes narrowed. “You don’t seem to understand your position, boy, your just a skinny whining child who doesn’t know how to control the way he spends money on drugs and women when he doesn’t e
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23. From Thug To Police Case
Chapter Twenty ThreeThe sirens blared louder, filling the tense silence that had settled over the room. The door burst open, and police officers rushed in, their eyes scanning the chaos."What's going on here?" demanded the chief, his voice firm and authoritative.Before anyone could respond, Richard jumped to his feet, shouting, "Nothing's wrong! It was a false alarm!"The chief's eyes narrowed. "A false alarm? We saw a suspicious black truck on our way here. Care to explain?"Stella tried to speak, but Richard grabbed her mouth, silencing her. Her eyes widened in fear and frustration.Declan stepped forward, his voice calm but stern. "Richard, stop making it hard for us and the police to help. This is serious."Richard glared at him. "Shut up when men are talking, Declan!"Declan's eyes flashed with anger, but he kept his voice steady. "You should consider accepting help while it's still available. Before it's too late."Richard's face twisted in fury. "I will never be at the mercy
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24. Smoking & Flirting
Chapter Twenty Four The police chief raised his hand, calling for silence. "Everyone, keep quiet! We need to get your grandfather to the hospital now," he ordered.An ambulance arrived, and paramedics rushed Grandfather out on a stretcher. Stella held his hand, tears streaming down her face. Declan followed closely, his face tense with worry. At the hospital, the doctors sprang into action. Grandfather was whisked away to surgery, and the family was left in the waiting room, their faces pale with fear and anxiety. Hours passed, and still, there was no news. By the time the doctors emerged, they looked exhausted. "We've done all we can," one said grimly. "But his condition is critical. We'll have to keep him in intensive care and monitor him closely."The police officers, who had stayed to take statements, looked at the tired and distraught family. "We'll be back tomorrow to get everyone's statements," the chief said, glancing sympathetically at Stella. "You all need to focus on you
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25. He Is Dead
Chapter Twenty Five Declan's hands moved quickly, performing chest compressions, his face set with determination. The room was silent except for the beeping of the heart monitor, which suddenly stopped. The flatline sound echoed through the room. Stella gasped, her eyes wide with horror. "No, Grandfather, no!" she cried out, rushing to his side.Doctor Jack stepped forward, shaking his head. "It's over," he said, a cruel smile forming on his lips. "Declan has killed the great businessman because of his busy body. If only you had left the job to professionals, this would have been successful."Declan looked up, his eyes filled with defiance. "Don't conclude yet. It takes time for the medication to kick in. We still have hope."Clara, eyes blazing with fury, stormed towards Declan. "How dare you! You've killed him!" she screamed, raising her hand to slap him.Declan saw her coming and moved just in time. Clara's slap missed him and landed squarely on Richard's face, who had been stand
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26. Black Suspicious Vans
Chapter Twenty SixDeclan lunged after Stella, desperation etched on his face. "Stella, please, you have to understand!" he called, his voice cracking with emotion.But just as he reached the door, the nurse grabbed his arm. "Declan, wait," she purred, trying to pull him back. She leaned in, her lips dangerously close to his. "Stay with me. She doesn't understand you like I do."Declan's eyes flashed with anger. He yanked his arm free and shoved the nurse away. "Get off me!" he snapped, pushing her aside with surprising force. Without another glance, he sprinted out into the corridor, searching frantically for Stella.He found her standing outside Grandfather's room, her back rigid with anger. "Stella," he panted, reaching out to touch her shoulder. "Please, just let me explain."Stella turned, her eyes cold. "There's nothing to explain, Declan. I saw everything."Before Declan could respond, Doctor Jack stepped out of the room, a smug smile on his face. "Good news," he announced. "Gr
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27. I Dare You To Shoot Me
Chapter Twenty Seven Declan stood his ground, his heart pounding in his chest. "Stop behaving this way," he warned, his voice steady but firm. "Let's settle things like normal, civilized people."But the thugs only laughed, their sneers growing wider. They continued ranting and creating a scene, their voices loud and threatening.Declan turned to Stella. "Take your brother and go," he urged, his eyes intense. "Before things get nasty."Stella nodded, too tired for more drama. "Come on, Richard," she said, tugging at her brother's arm. Richard, still clutching his cheek, stumbled along beside her.But Clara folded her arms, defiance in her eyes. "I'm staying," she declared. "I want to see what happens."Infact, Clara pulled out her phone, aiming the camera at Declan and the thugs. She was ready to record everything, convinced that Declan would end up embarrassing himself.The leader of the thugs, the one with the scar, stepped forward. His eyes locked on Declan. "So, you want to play
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28. Plot Twist
Chapter Twenty Eight The thug leader's hesitation turned into resolve. His finger tightened on the trigger, and a cold smile spread across his face. Just as he began to pull the trigger, a sudden noise broke the tense silence—a loud, commanding shout echoed through the street."Drop the gun!" All eyes turned to see a squad of police officers rushing towards them, their weapons drawn. The thug leader's eyes widened in shock. He hesitated for a split second, his grip on the gun faltering.In that moment, Declan saw his chance. He lunged forward, knocking the gun from the thug's hand. It clattered to the ground, and the officers quickly surrounded them, their presence overwhelming the thugs."Hands up! Now!" one of the officers commanded, his voice authoritative and unyielding.The thug leader, realizing he was outnumbered and outgunned, slowly raised his hands in surrender. The other thugs followed suit, their bravado evaporating in the face of the police.Declan stepped back, breathi
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29. The Missing Homeless Sister
Chapter Twenty Nine As Declan turned to Stella and Clara, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, Stella's voice cut through the air, sharp and unforgiving."I have nothing to sort out with you," she said, her tone laced with bitterness. "I saw you cheating on me with the nurse. I hate you, Declan. I want a divorce desperately."Declan's heart sank at her words, a heavy weight settling in his chest. He opened his mouth to respond, to plead with her, but she cut him off with a sharp gesture."Stop saying that," she spat, her eyes blazing with anger. "We just recently got married, and you've already shattered everything."Declan felt like the ground had fallen out from beneath him. He reached out a trembling hand towards her, desperate to explain, to make things right, but she turned away, rolling her eyes in disgust.Without another word, Stella stormed off towards the car, leaving Declan stranded on the sidewalk, his world crumbling around him. He watched her go, his heart achin
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30. Is He Dead ?
Chapter Thirty The sleek Ferrari navigated through narrow, winding streets until it reached a part of town Declan barely recognized. Dilapidated buildings lined the road, their windows shattered and covered with grime. The air was thick with the stench of decay and garbage, assaulting his senses and making his stomach churn.The woman parked the car and stepped out, motioning for Declan to follow. He hesitated for a moment, glancing around at the desolate surroundings, but his desperation to find his sister pushed him forward.As they walked, Declan scanned the area, his eyes darting from one homeless person to another. Ragged figures huddled in doorways and makeshift shelters, their faces etched with hardship. He searched for any sign of his sister, but none of the faces looked familiar.His head began to throb, the pain intensifying with each passing second. Memories he had tried to bury deep within his mind started to resurface, chaotic and disjointed. Images of his sister's laugh
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