All Chapters of Slumdog Billionaire : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
68 chapters
31. I Need A Divorce
Chapter Thirty One The lady was so scared, so she picked up her phone to call a number. "Hello, I need help. I have an unconscious man who is bleeding under my arms right now!" she screamed into the phone. "Is he dead? Do you need us to dispose of him?" the person she called asked. "No, I can't dispose of him! What if someone catches me?" she panicked, her voice shaking. "This is too risky." The man on the other end of the line sighed, rolling his eyes. "Isabella, we're bigger than the police. Remember who you are. You're the daughter of a powerful mafia lord, and your father loves you too much to let anything happen to you." As she continued to panic, a black SUV pulled up beside her. A burly man in a tailored suit stepped out, his face a mask of irritation and concern. "Isabella, what are you doing close to the homeless station?" he demanded. "Are you sure this man isn't homeless? I think we should dump him here. His clothes are too basic, and I don’t think anyone of imp
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32. Crazy Mafia Girl
Chapter Thirty Two Isabella couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered as she worked on Declan's wounds. Marco's grumbling echoed in the background, but she tuned it out, focusing solely on the man before her. The blood had slowed to a trickle, but he was still unconscious, his face deathly pale. She cleaned and bandaged the wound as best as she could, but it was clear he needed more than just first aid. "We need to call a doctor," she said firmly, glancing at Marco. "Someone we can trust." Marco scoffed. "And who exactly is that? In our world, trust is a luxury we can't afford." Isabella bit her lip, frustration boiling within her. "I'll call Dr. Ramirez. He owes us a favor." "Fine," Marco grumbled, leaning against the wall. "But this is your mess, Isabella. I hope you know what you're doing." Isabella ignored him, pulling out her phone and dialing Dr. Ramirez's number. The phone rang twice before he picked up. "Isabella, it's late. What do you need?" Dr. Ramirez
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33. Cure For Cancer
Chapter Thirty Three Declan limped out of the safe house, the pain from his wound a constant reminder of his mission. The city was dark and silent, the streets empty. He clutched the ring in his hand, the neon blue flame flickering as if it sensed his desperation. He had to find his sister. Nothing else mattered. He wandered from one homeless shelter to another, asking about a seventeen-year-old girl. Each time, the answer was the same. No one had seen her. He described her as best as he could, but without his phone, he had no picture to show them. Frustration gnawed at him as he trudged through the cold night. At one shelter, an old man shook his head sympathetically. "Sorry, son. Lots of young girls come through here, but none match your description." Declan thanked him and moved on. The hours passed in a blur of disappointment and growing despair. He checked alleyways, parks, and underpasses, calling out her name, hoping for a miracle. But the city remained silent, offering n
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34. Dirty Dangerous Games
Chapter Thirty Four Isabella smirked as she ended the call. Dr. Ramirez had played his part perfectly. She dialed another number, her voice low and filled with satisfaction when it connected."The deal and mission have been achieved. The tracker on Declan’s body is working perfectly. We can see his every move," she reported.There was a brief pause before the voice on the other end replied, "Excellent work, Isabella. Continue to monitor him closely."She ended the call, turning to Marco with a predatory gleam in her eyes. "Unlock his phone," she ordered. "We need to find out more about him."Marco fumbled with the phone, his thick fingers awkwardly tapping at the screen. After a few minutes of futile attempts, he looked up, frustration evident on his face. "I can't do it," he admitted.Isabella's eyes narrowed. "You're stupid and dumb," she snapped. Marco flinched at her harsh words, but he quickly composed himself and offered a meek apology."I'm sorry, Isabella.""Go and have it fi
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35. The Warning!
Chapter Thirty FiveIsabella stayed in her bedroom, scrolling through Declan’s phone and noting the wealth of information. Her excitement was palpable; this phone was a goldmine. But her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening again. Richard walked back in, his eyes narrowing as he approached her."Isabella," he said, his voice sharp. "Do you have Declan's phone? Did you find anything tangible in it? He's always talking about how important he is, and it seems like he's in contact with some exclusive rich men—business tycoons and politicians."Quickly, Isabella slipped Declan’s phone behind her bed, her heart racing. "No, I didn’t see anything," she lied smoothly. "Declan’s phone isn’t with me."Richard's eyes darkened, and he stepped closer, his demeanor menacing. "You know how much I can destroy your life if you lie to me, right?"Isabella nodded, trying to hide her fear. "Come on, baby," she cooed, her voice softening as she moved closer to him. "I’ll do anything
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36. More Secrets
Chapter Thirty SixAs they lay intertwined, the sudden sound of a phone ringing broke the intimate silence. Richard's eyes flicked toward the sound, originating from behind the bed. His expression immediately darkened with suspicion."What's that?" he demanded, his voice sharp and icy.Isabella's heart skipped a beat. Panic surged through her as she realised Declan’s phone was still behind the bed. Thinking quickly, she moved to distract Richard, but he was already getting up to investigate."Wait!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with feigned urgency. She grabbed his arm, her eyes wide. "Please, don't go there."Richard stopped, his eyes narrowing as he turned to look at her. "Why shouldn't I?" he asked, his tone dangerously low.Desperate, Isabella did the only thing she could think of. She yanked him back towards her and, with a dramatic flourish, began tearing at her dress, exposing more of her skin. "Because," she said, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and desire, "I want y
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37. I’m Going To Be A Billionaire!
Chapter Thirty Seven"You're so wet," he growled. He added a second finger, kissing her harder and pushing his tongue into her mouth in a rhythm that matched the thrusts of his fingers inside her, his palm rubbing her clit.She made a needy sound and rocked against his hand, seeking more pressure from his palm."Oh, no," he said, removing his hands from her body and wrapping them around her wrists. "Not after all that teasing. You have to wait for me." He held her hands above her head against the shower wall and kissed her hard, pressing his body against hers.She felt his hard cock trapped between them and squirmed against him, continuing her teasing while he kissed her deeply. Reaching down, he gripped his cock and slid it between her thighs, making sure the shaft was tucked between her lips, rubbing against her clit. He moved his hands to the outside of her thighs to hold them together, his cock trapped between them.She gasped as he started moving, thrusting between her legs, fee
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38. The Ambush
Chapter Thirty Eight Declan sat back in his chair, the weight of the recent breakthrough pressing on his mind. He knew the implications of his discovery and the danger it posed. The pharmaceutical giants wouldn't hesitate to eliminate anyone who threatened their profits. He had to be strategic, cautious, and above all, discreet. Declan's fingers danced over his keyboard as he drafted a confidential message to the President, outlining the groundbreaking cancer cure and requesting an urgent, private meeting. He highlighted the importance of secrecy to prevent interference from those who might want to suppress this life-saving treatment. His heart pounded as he hit "send," knowing this was a pivotal moment.Hours later, he sighed with relief when his computer blinked, indicating a new message. The President had agreed to see him in his private chamber. Declan's sense of urgency intensified, and he knew he had to act swiftly. He reached for his phone to call Chad but then remembered
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39.pierced To His Heart
Chapter Thirty NineThe darkness threatened to consume Declan, but as he teetered on the edge of unconsciousness, a strange sensation coursed through his body. He felt a warmth emanating from his ring, and the neon blue flame flickered back to life. Suddenly, an intense surge of energy filled him, pushing away the pain and giving him a burst of strength.His eyes snapped open, glowing with a fierce determination. The men in black noticed the change and moved to restrain him, but Declan was faster. With a powerful twist, he broke free from their grip, using the momentum to deliver a swift, brutal punch to the nearest assailant. The man crumpled to the ground, unconscious.Declan sprang to his feet, his movements a blur of speed and precision. He disarmed one attacker with a well-placed kick, sending the gun skittering across the floor. Another tried to grab him from behind, but Declan ducked and delivered an elbow strike to the man's ribs, followed by an uppercut that sent him sprawlin
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40. The Poisoned Smoothies
Chapter Forty Stella sat on the edge of her bed, her hands shaking as tears streamed down her face. She clutched a crumpled tissue in one hand and stared blankly at the wall. The house felt empty and cold, a reflection of her heart. Her husband whom she was forced to marry, Declan, had barely spoken to her in weeks. He was always busy, always too preoccupied to notice her pain. She was sure he was cheating on her. The thought gnawed at her soul, making her stomach churn with a mix of anger and sadness."Why?" she whispered to herself. "Why doesn't he love me?"Her sobs grew louder, echoing through the silent house. Her brother and sister were nowhere to be found. They had left her to manage the family business alone while their grandfather lay sick in the hospital. The weight of responsibility was crushing her. The business was sinking, and she felt helpless.Just then, the door creaked open, and Clara, her older sister, walked in. Clara had never cared much for Stella. She was al
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