All Chapters of Slumdog Billionaire : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
68 chapters
41. We Lost 45 Million Dollars
Chapter Forty One Stella woke up feeling dizzy and sick. She tried to push through the morning, telling herself it was just the stress. Her husband, Declan, hadn't been home for days. The last time she saw him, he walked out after a huge fight. She had asked him to leave, thinking he would come back after cooling down, but he didn’t. He didn’t even call. The worry gnawed at her, making her feel worse.As the day went on, her dizziness grew. She was supposed to attend a crucial meeting, but she couldn’t focus. She kept thinking about Declan, wondering where he was and if he was okay. “What the helm is wrong with Declan , this is so unlike him “ Stella whispered to herself and since no one really liked him because they think he is poor , no one bothered to look for him or ask her about him. She picked up the phone to call him, but then put it down, afraid he wouldn't answer. Her heart ached, and her head pounded.The next day, feeling even worse, she decided to see Doctor Jack, who
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42. Crazy New CEO
Chapter Forty-TwoClara hung up the phone, a wicked smile spreading across her face. Doctor Jack had assured her that he would send over the documentation stating that Stella was losing her mind and memories, making her too weak to continue working as the CEO of the family's company. As soon as the email arrived, Clara’s heart raced with excitement.She quickly printed out the document and snuck into her grandfather's sick room. The old man was barely conscious, his eyes half-closed, oblivious to his surroundings. Clara held the letter in front of him, guiding his trembling hand to place his thumbprint on the paper. He had no idea what he was signing.“Thank you, Grandfather," she whispered, tucking the letter into her bag. With her evil plan in motion, Clara felt an adrenaline rush. She knew she needed to look the part of the new CEO, so she withdrew $500,000 from the family account and headed to the most luxurious shopping mall in the city.At the mall, Clara strutted through the
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43. Stinking Dead Body
Chapter Fourty Three Clara felt a buzz in her purse and pulled out her phone. The message read, "Let's meet at our usual hiding spot. A body needs to be destroyed." She closed her phone after reading the message, topped up her makeup, and scanned her reflection in the mirror. Satisfied with her appearance, she left the restroom and bullied two workers for being too slow in restocking the shelves. As she exited the building, she lashed out at the valet, hitting him with her purse because his hands touched the body of her car."Don't you dare touch my car again!" she snarled, her eyes burning with fury. The valet stumbled back, his face pale with shock. Clara ignored him, got into her car, and zoomed off, the tires screeching as she sped away.The drive to the outskirts of town was a blur. Clara's mind raced with thoughts of her new position as CEO and the power she now wielded. She reached a dilapidated warehouse at the end of a deserted road. The place reeked of decay and danger,
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44. Kill My Sister
Chapter Forty FourClara was jolted awake by the sound of someone bashing into her house like a mad person. Heart pounding, she got out of bed and hurried downstairs. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she saw Stella stumbling into the house. Stella looked scared, weak, and unkempt. Her clothes were torn, her hair dishevelled, and her eyes wide with fear."What’s wrong?" Clara asked with fake concern, masking her true feelings. She already knew what was wrong with Stella."I don’t know," Stella replied, her voice trembling. "Something seems off and my husband, Declan, is nowhere to be found. I feel so bad that I don’t know much about him so that I can look for him."Clara's expression hardened slightly. "Stop worrying about that low-ass poor man," she said dismissively. "He is nothing to you, and he makes your position and status in society look so bad."But Stella continued to cry. "I still want to talk to him. I need to find him."Clara’s patience was wearing thin. "You’re sa
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45. The Sneaky Maid
Chapter Forty Five"We won’t get caught," Clara interrupted. "Not if you stick to the plan."Denver looked at her, doubt written all over his face. Clara took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "Just trust me," she said softly. "We’re almost there."Denver nodded reluctantly. "Okay. But if anything goes wrong…""Nothing will go wrong," Clara said firmly. "I promise."After Denver left, Clara sat down on the couch, feeling the weight of everything pressing down on her. She couldn’t afford to lose control now. Not when she was so close to having everything she had ever wanted.She had to make sure everyone played their part perfectly. And she had to keep Stella out of the way. Clara’s mind raced, trying to think of every possible scenario. She had to be prepared for anything.Hours later, Clara received a call from Doctor Jack. "It’s done," he said simply.Clara let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. "Good.""But there’s something you should know," Doctor Jack added.
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46. 911, it’s an emergency !
Chapter Forty SixDoctor Jack made his way to Stella’s hiding place, a grim smile on his face. He knew he had to be careful, but he was confident he could handle Stella. As he approached, he saw her sitting on the bed, looking anxious and frightened.“Stella,” he said softly, trying to sound comforting. “It’s me, Doctor Jack. I’m here to help you.”Stella looked up, her eyes wide with fear. “I don’t trust you,” she said. ““I know what you did.”Doctor Jack sighed. “I’m sorry you feel that way. But you need to come with me. It’s not safe here.”Stella shook her head. “No. I won’t go with you.”Doctor Jack stepped closer, his smile fading. “I’m afraid you don’t have a choice.”Stella stood up, backing away from him. “Stay away from me!”Doctor Jack lunged forward, grabbing her arm. Stella screamed and tried to pull away, but he was too strong. He dragged her towards the door, her cries echoing through the empty house.As he forced her into the car, Doctor Jack couldn’t help but feel a
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47. Where Is My Boss?
Chapter Forty SevenThe tension in the room was palpable when the door suddenly burst open. A police officer stepped inside, his presence sending a wave of panic through Clara, Richard, and Denver. They exchanged anxious glances, each one fearing the worst.Denver was visibly shaking, his nerves getting the better of him. Clara shot him a fierce look, silently commanding him to get a grip.“How can we help you?” Richard asked, his voice strained as he tried to maintain a semblance of calm.The policeman looked around the room, taking in the tense atmosphere before speaking. “We received a call from a lady reporting a criminal case. When we picked her up, she was unconscious and muttering incoherently. We need someone to identify her to confirm if she’s your sister.”Clara’s heart skipped a beat. Stella had made it to the police, but her condition was worse than they had imagined. Richard quickly grabbed a family photo from the shelf, showing it to the officer.“This is Stella,” he sai
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48. We Lost 500 Million Dollars
Chapter Forty Eight Chad, Declan’s right-hand man, was busy managing Declan’s affairs and finances. He had noticed that his boss had been increasingly emotional and preoccupied with his new wife and her family. Understanding the importance of giving Declan space, Chad made sure to handle everything meticulously, knowing that this wasn’t the first time Declan had disappeared without warning. He had grown accustomed to Declan's sudden absences, assuming it was just another one of those times.Chad was on his way to Declan’s pharmacy laboratory, a secluded and heavily guarded facility, nestled deep in the forest. As he navigated his black SUV Hilux through the winding roads, he was lost in thoughts about the recent transactions and the secretive projects they were handling. Suddenly, a young woman darted across the road, seemingly out of nowhere. Chad slammed on the brakes, but it was too late. The SUV struck her, and she crumpled to the ground.Heart pounding, Chad jumped out of the
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49. Useless Police
Chapter Forty Nine Chad was losing his mind. He had been searching for Declan everywhere. He’d organized his security team and even involved the police, but Declan was nowhere to be found. The police headquarters buzzed with activity, but Chad’s focus was singular. He was angry and furious, pacing the floor, his mind racing with the worst possibilities.A call came in, and his heart leaped, hoping it was Declan. But it wasn’t. It was a nurse from the mansion.“The young lady is now fully conscious,” the nurse said.Chad barely listened. “Keep her there. I’ll deal with her later,” he snapped, then hung up. He had bigger problems.More phone calls started flooding in. Stock managers and company executives were panicking. Rumors were spreading that the mysterious intelligence behind the companies was missing. Chad tried to calm them.“Don’t worry,” he said. “Don’t sell your stocks. Things will be fine.”But he was sweating. He didn’t believe his own words.He had to get to Stella. May
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50. The Wicked Soldiers
Chapter Fifty Chad took her hand. “Focus, Stella. Think. Did Declan say anything? Did he mention where he was going?”Stella closed her eyes, trying to remember. “He was worried about something. He said he had to take care of it. But I don’t know what it was.”Chad sighed. It wasn’t much, but it was something. He needed more.“What about the drug formula?” Chad asked. “Do you know anything about that?”Stella shook her head again. “No. I don’t know anything.”Chad stood up, frustrated. He needed more time, but he knew he didn’t have it. The clock was ticking, and Declan’s enemies were closing in.As he left the room, his phone buzzed again. Another call from the stock managers. The pressure was mounting, and Chad felt like he was about to break.But he couldn’t. He had to stay strong. For Declan, for the company, for everyone who depended on them.He got back in his car and drove to the company headquarters. As he walked in, he could feel the tension in the air. The employees were on
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