All Chapters of The Legion Commander Strikes Back: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
201 chapters
• Dead To Me
Skyler cracked her eyes open and was immediately met with the view of the white ceiling. She took a few deep breaths, they were slightly painful, causing her to squint her eyes.She stirred in her bed and then sat upright. Her mother Elizabeth, who was asleep, jolted awake due to Skyler's sudden movement. Elizabeth's eyes widened in surprise. “Skyler!” She exclaimed. “Oh thank god you're awake!” She screamed joyfully and rushed to hug her. Skyler returned the hug and just blinked rapidly. She still felt disoriented. Her memories started trickling in, it started like a cough for her, and as the next few days progressed the cough worsened until she passed out one day due to suffocation.“How long have I been hospitalized?” She asked in a dry voice. “About two weeks, that was the scariest two weeks of my life, I genuinely thought I lost you darling,” Elizabeth said. “Oh,let me go call the doctor! And inform Ethan, he must be by the corridors or sitting in the waiting area,” she added
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• A Clash In Valerie's Office
Valerie was seated in her office, lost in thoughts. Sterling's enterprise was crumbling and there was little she could do to stop it. There was a knock on the door which caused her to raise her head. “Who is it? Come in.”The door hissed open, revealing Gregory Martins. Her blood ran cold in an instant. She jumped on her feet and zeroed her gaze on him. “What are you doing here Greg?” He asked distastefully.The man approached her with a cigar stick in his mouth and his walker clicked on the floor, he was wearing a wide grin she wished she could just smack off his face.“I believe you already know what I want.”It was her. Gregory Martins was among this city's elites, he was one of the few people that could give her the loan she needed to save her company, but he wanted her in exchange. Ever since Gregory set his eyes on her during a business summit, he had been persistently on her trail. He swept his gaze across the room and twisted his lips. “I heard sterling enterprise is fac
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• This Life Or The Next
Valerie pulled Ethan away from Gregory with all her might, as she was afraid he would kill him if he wasn't stopped."Please... please...let him go." She begged.Ethan stood up, and wiped his nose with his fist."Let him go? This bastard tried to violate you. What do you mean by let him go?" He fumed."He will ruin us..he will ruin me." Valerie responded, giving Ethan a desperate look which he ignored and lunged towards Gregory again."Ethan!" Valerie yelled and this time he stopped.Gregory dragged his weak bones up from the floor, while Valerie held Ethan back."How dare you?!" Gregory growled, glaring at Ethan."How dare you lay your filthy hands on me? Do you have any idea who I am?" He added."I do not care who you are. I would never let you hurt my woman. That would only happen over my dead body." Ethan responded and Valerie gasped."Your dead body huh? I will make it come to pass, and I will do whatever I want with her." Gregory said, pointing at Valerie."I would love to see y
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• Patterson's Business Card
Elizabeth sat next to Skyler, trying to feed her. The doctor had said she wasn't strong enough to feed herself yet, so Elizabeth decided to do it for her daughter."You are recovering really fast. I am so happy, baby. You have no idea what I went through these past few weeks. I thought something was going to happen to you, I couldn't even imagine what I could have done if something had happened to you." Elizabeth said softly."Mother, I am fine now. That is all in the past now. I am glad I am still here with you too." Skyler responded with a smile."Yes, thanks to Ethan. I really have no idea how he did this." Elizabeth added and Skyler's smile faded immediately."Mother, can you not talk about Ethan? The reason I survived is because of you. It is your efforts and not Ethan's. Please can we not talk about him? He is dead." Skyler remarked, and rolled her eyes."You do not say that about your brother. He tried his best for your survival." Elizabeth said, pleadingly."What best? What br
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• West Coast Scholarship
Skyler was quick recovering. The doctor had considered her fit to be discharged as she was now strong enough. She only needed to visit the hospital at intervals for checkups.On returning home the first day after being discharged, the first thing she did was to go check the mailbox for a letter. This was something she had always been doing before she got sick. She only hoped she was not too late yet."Mother, I'll just go check out the mailbox. Hopefully, I'd have gotten a letter." She said."Shh, you just got home. You need to rest." Elizabeth retorted"The mail box is just outside. I am not going so far away,so relax." Skyler said with a small smile on her face."Or I'll help you check it. You just sit down there. If you need little things like this, you can always let me know." Elizabeth stated.Skyler stood up and walked up to her mother. She placed her hands on her mother's shoulders."Look at me, mother. I am not a baby, I can walk up to the mailbox myself. Besides, have you for
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• A Visible Rage
Conrad was having a round table discussion with all the members of the board and the higher ups. He had a large chunk of shares, more that sixty percent shares because of the loan he gave Valerie. He wanted the company to himself and had been able to buy the board members to his side. They all collectively voted Valerie out of her position and Conrad was sworn in as the new CEO.Valerie had no idea what was going on in the company as the meeting was held about an hour after she left. She called the secretary who reluctantly explained the situation of things in the office to her. Without retouching her makeup or doing anything, Valerie rushed back to the company.When she got to the office, she found out that it had been locked from the inside, and her things were outside. Some of her personal stuff like her photo frame, log books, receipts and her favorite 'CEO of the year' mug were all thrown out.She heard voices coming from inside the office which meant Conrad was inside.She began
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• Ethan Still Loves
Valerie visited Elizabeth again. This was something she had been doing even in Ethan's absence and she had no plans of stopping now. She was so excited to see Skyler who was now a lot better than how she was a few days ago. Due to the incident with Conrad Patterson and the high emotions, Valerie had not been able to talk to Skyler the day she was discharged from the hospital, so she had a lot of catching up to do."Hi, Skyler. How are you doing? I am so excited to see you." Valerie said."Of course you are. Everyone is always excited to see me." Skyler joked and Valerie playfully pushed her head."You silly girl. How do you feel now? I am so sorry I couldn't really come see you at the hospital, I was so caught up with work and my family issues and everything." Valerie stated."It's fine actually. My mum was with me the whole time. And, I heard about what happened too...I mean your office as the CEO. How the hell did that happen? I was so pissed when I heard it. Who is that bastard?"
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• Valerie's Situations
Valerie decided to visit Sterling's Enterprise again, with the hope that Conrad Patterson would tell her it was all a joke and she was still the CEO. She went there with that thought on her mind, but the atmosphere that welcomed her brought her back to reality. "You! You are here again." The arrogant secretary said."That is not the right way to approach a person." Valerie corrected and the secretary let out a sarcastic laughter."What is the right way? Tell me. The right way didn't get you anywhere, remember?" She added.Valerie ignored her"Where is Conrad?" She asked."Hahaha, what an irony. You just spoke about the right way to address someone and now you call the boss by his first name?" The secretary asked, clapping her hands in an annoying manner."Okay, where is the CEO?" Valerie rephrased."Good, I like you. You learn fast. The CEO is in his office doing CEO duties in a much better way than the former CEO." The secretary said. Valerie didn't reply to her rude remark, she ig
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• Every. Single. Thing
Jason and Larry Vanguard were at the Vanguard's company. They had just arrived a few minutes ago, Larry as usual, didn't say anything to the staff, but Jason kept making derogatory remarks about any staff he came across.Larry walked into the administrative office and the sight he saw left him shocked, and standing by the doorway. Jason soon joined him at the door and was shocked too. Ethan was casually sitting on the chair, with his legs crossed on the table. He was staring at them with a raised brow and a smirk."How did you get in?" Larry asked, finally walking in. Jason looked around the office before quietly walking in. "Ethan?" He called, as if he wasn't sure who he was looking at. Ethan cleared his throat and took down his legs from the table."Are you shocked to see me? You should know that this day will come sooner or later." He said. He stood up and tucked his hands into his pocket."That doesn't answer the question. How did you get in?" Larry asked again. "You should p
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• Rules Of Business
Ethan watched Desmond cautiously as he called his police friend. He knew things were about to get real now. "Whatever police officers you bring, they are going to salute me." He said to Desmond as soon as he ended the call."You have been living in your dreams since you walked in here today. What is wrong with you, really? And why aren't you leaving?" Larry asked, looking pissed."Just like I said earlier, I came and I would leave at my own convenient time. Why do you all feel so worked up, uncomfortable and anxious having me around here? Am I not supposed to be family?" Ethan asked, with a smug smile."I know who my family are, and you are not one of them." Larry said."Am I supposed to feel bad about that?" Ethan questioned with a fake look of surprise on her face."And you are trying to tell me you would be saluted by the officers? What a joke! I would probably make it a little more worse by telling the police officers what you said about them." Larry said again."Do whatever you
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