All Chapters of The Legion Commander Strikes Back: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
201 chapters
• Learning In Time
Darren Hart was preparing to go back overseas. He had gotten some more experience and fame since he successfully treated Skyler. Now he had a very important research work to do out of the country. Before leaving, he felt it wise to come see Ethan.Ethan was at the family house and that was where Darren came to see him. He met Elizabeth first and she was happy to see that a responsible man was there to see Ethan. As at then, she had no idea he was Skyler's doctor. She welcomed him in and went to call Ethan.She came back to the sitting room to meet him."Do you want water? We have some cold water. What do you want?" She asked, concerned.Darren gave her a cheerful smile."I'm okay ma'am. I actually don't intend on staying so long. I just need to see Ethan. I have a flight to catch." He explained."Oh, I see. Ethan should be here any moment from now." Elizabeth said, and at that moment, Ethan walked in."Oh there he is." She added."Doctor Darren. It is a pleasure to have you here." Eth
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• Tickets For The Ceremony
Ethan was just about to walk into his bedroom when he got a phone call from Natasha. Natasha never calls except there was a pressing issue, so he picked up the call immediately."Hello Natasha." He said."There is a problem, a huge problem." Natasha started. "Spill." Ethan said."Sterling's Enterprise is on fire. The whole building." Natasha revealed.Ethan felt his whole body become cold. His mind immediately went to Valerie."Where is Valerie? Was she inside the building? Is she safe?" He asked half yelling at Natasha as if she had caused the fire."I don't think she was." Natasha responded.Ethan opened his closet door to look for a simple shirt to wear because he needed to see Valerie. His brain was in turmoil."Do some more investigations. Find out her exact location. I am on my way." Ethan ordered."Yes sir." Natasha said and hung up the call.Ethan hurriedly wore the shirt and rushed out of the room."What is it? Why are you in such a hurry?" Elizabeth asked on seeing him."Va
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Renee had a really amused look on her face. There was no way the family would get a regular invite and Valerie who was worthless would have a VIP invite. It was impossible."You would probably wake up some day, Ethan. But I like it. You and Valerie dreaming together. Since you both can't achieve anything in your life, then you should stick to being delusional." Renee said. She gave both of them a quick glance and walked out on them.Valerie groaned and stomped her feet heavily on the floor out of frustration."Calm down." Ethan said, holding her back."Don't touch me!" She screamed at him. "This is your fault. You made me look so stupid, how could you?" She fumed."How? I didn't." Ethan responded calmly."What was all that nonsense about me getting a VIP invite? How is that even possible? I can't even get a regular invite and you chose to embarrass me by saying I'd get a VIP invite? What the hell are you on?" Valerie fumed, with a deep frown on her face."Because I am the
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• Dawn Of The Ceremony
Valerie woke up really late and also with a headache. She wondered why no one tried to wake her up. It was 10am already. She rolled off the bed and walked out to the living room where Elizabeth and Skyler were having a discussion. The moment she walked in, they both became quiet."Good morning, Valerie." Skyler greeted."Good morning mother, good morning Skyler." Valerie responded with a small smile."Are you okay, dear?" Elizabeth asked, with a look of concern. She had noticed Valerie's slight unease as she smiled."Yes mother, I'm okay." Valerie responded. She was already having a little outbreak of sweat."Are you sure? You don't look okay." Skyler said. She stood up and walked to Valerie."I have a little headache. I'll be fine." Valerie said."I have some pain relief. Skyler go get her breakfast. She should eat before taking the drugs." Elizabeth instructed. Skyler immediately went to the kitchen to do as she had been told. "Come sit with me, dear." Elizabeth said softly.Valer
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• Invited By Status
Martha Vanguard had done a really good job in preparing her family for the Unveiling ceremony. Her husband picked his newest car, and that was used to convey them to the event.Jason and Larry looked dazzling, both of them wearing suits, Jason in a black suit and Larry in a white suit, with their haircut freshly trimmed. Larry had shades on and his hands were stylishly placed inside his pockets.Some minutes after they arrived, the Sterling's arrived too. Clifford Sterling was driven in his own private vehicle while his wife and Renee arrived in a different vehicle.Renee had a black dress on, matching Jason's black suit. She immediately located him after she got in. Jason also looked happy to see her."Why didn't you let me come pick you up myself?" He asked as he took her hands in his to give her a kiss."It's an unveiling ceremony and not a date." Renee reminded him with a smile."Oh." Jason gasped and rolled his eyes playfully. "How could I have forgotten that?" Renee laughed."W
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• Limousine Arrival
The whole place was noisy. Clifford still sat hoping he would be told to move to the VIP area.The president's family soon arrived. An usher walked them to the VIP area, Clifford frowned on seeing the gesture. Soon, the president was also taken to the VIP area. Clifford braced himself up, since the president had been moved to the VIP area, he felt that as he was mayor, he would be the next to move.His hopes were soon shattered as the ushers returned to their initial positions. He turned to look at Desmond who had an indifferent look on his face.The noise soon died down as Lieutenant Jax made his way to the entrance fully clothed in his official kit. He had a strict look on his face with no traces of a smile.Lieutenant Keith also arrived, looking no different from Jax. The last to come in was Lieutenant Lucy, She was also dressed in her full kit, but she had a smile on her face.The ceremony began immediately after the Lieutenants had been made comfortable in the VIP area.Desmond a
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• The Commander Unveiled
The ceremony proceeded with a dance performance by a dance crew wearing feather -like clothes. It was fun and everyone enjoyed it. Soon, it was time to unveil the legion commander.Desmond braced himself up on his seat to see who the legion commander was. He had waited for so long to meet him, and the moment was finally here. He silently hoped the legion commander was going to be an easy going person, and someone he could easily win over. He looked at his wristwatch to check the time."Please make welcome to the stage the legion in the person of..." The host said and paused there without calling any name. Everyone stared anxiously at him."Y'all should relax." He said, and burst into laughter.Both Desmond and Clifford sighed impatiently. Desmond dabbed nervous sweats away from his forehead with a tissue. He looked at his wristwatch again for the umpteenth time."Before the legion commander is finally unveiled, I would like to thank some notable persons here for honoring our invitati
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• Platter Of God
Valerie was still shocked. She remembered how Ethan had told her lots of times that he was the legion commander and how she had refused to believe him. It felt like a slap to her face.Ethan was still busy attending to some other things. The Vanguards and the Sterlings had left the venue with their tails in between their legs in shame.Elizabeth and Skyler on the other hand were busy admiring some of the cars still parked there. Valerie had sat down quietly, refusing to speak. They couldn't possibly force her against her will.After everything was seemingly settled, Ethan came to join them where they were all sitting."Mother, are you good?" He asked."I am just surprised, this is unbelievable." Elizabeth replied. Ethan turned to Skyler."How about you?" He asked."I am fine. The person you should be asking these questions is Valerie. She has been in a daze." Skyler responded.Ethan turned to Valerie who sat at the end of the table, looking a little pale."Valerie?" He called as he wa
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• Resurfacing Of Old Pictures
Valerie lay curled up on the bed, she had barely slept the previous night due to her overwhelming feelings. It was now 8am and she was finally dozing off. Skyler had just finished making breakfast. She was setting up the dining table for breakfast when she heard the doorbell ring. "Mother, are you expecting someone?" She asked. Elizabeth was still in the bedroom so she could not answer Skyler's question. Skyler sighed and walked to the front door. She opened it and saw the least person or people she was expecting to see. Clifford and Renee Sterling."Hi." Renee said with a wide smile, stretching her hand towards Skyler. Skyler frowned, leaving Renee's hand hanging."What is going on here? Don't you think you are in the wrong place?" She asked."Of course not. We definitely are in the right place." Renee added, dropping her hands.Skyler averted her gaze to Clifford who had not said anything."Mayor, is there a problem?" She asked."Not at all, I am just here to see my daughter. I b
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• The Architect
Ethan got a call from Natasha. He had told her to fix a meeting with one of the best architects in the country. He had a project to discuss with him."Hi sir, I was finally able to contact the architect. He agreed to see you today." Natasha said."Alright, that is some great news. What time is it?" He asked."The architect insisted you pick a time and location. He doesn't want to interfere with your own schedule as he is completely free today." Natasha stated."Oh, I see. 4pm is fine. I will text you a location later." Ethan said."Alright, I will communicate Everything else with him and keep you updated." "Thank you, Natasha." Ethan said and hung up the call.Ethan arrived at the restaurant he had chosen for the meeting. He didn't want to sit in an open place to prevent attention, so he booked the private area of the restaurant for the entire duration of the meeting.The architect sat quietly, flipping through the pages of the menu on the table. He had been reading it since he got i
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