All Chapters of The Legion Commander Strikes Back: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
201 chapters
• Fighting For Valerie's Heart
Clifford had now made it a habit to visit Valerie in her house. He was trying to win back her love again. He always bought her different expensive gifts and presents which she gladly took. He had just returned from one of his visits when he bumped into Renee at the front door. She looked exhausted."Father, it's a good thing you're here. Have you gotten the drinks yet?" She asked in a breathless voice."What drinks?" Clifford asked, putting his car keys into his pocket.Renee frowned."Are you really asking me that? I told you to help me get the drinks." She said and Clifford's lips made an O shape as he remembered."I'm sorry, it slipped out of my memory. It wasn't intentional." He apologized."If you didn't go get it, where did you go?" Renee asked eyeing him suspiciously."Guess what? Valerie hugged me today. It shows she is finally warming up to me and she made lunch too." Clifford announced with a smile. He expected Renee to also be excited about the news, but instead, the scow
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• Dinner With All Vanguards
In the living room, sat Elizabeth waiting for Ethan to return from his visit to Valerie's. He soon returned two hours later."Welcome back Ethan, how's it going with Valerie? Is she good?" She asked, her voice laced with concern"Yeah, she is. We have finally settled our differences once and for all." Ethan said."Oh wow! That is great news. And speaking of news, I have one for you." Elizabeth said and Ethan raised a brow at her."Your uncle wants to have dinner with you or all of us rather." She announced.Ethan looked a little confused."My uncle? The last time I checked, I had no uncle, so who is this uncle we speak of?" He asked."Can you hear it mother? I told you we had no uncle." Skyler cut in from behind them.Elizabeth sighed."Desmond Vanguard. He is your uncle no matter how much you both try to fight that. It is the truth. He is still family." She said."We do not have to be related by blood before we can become family. And being related by blood doesn't make us family." Et
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• Mending Relationships
Jason returned to the house. He pressed the doorbell but there was no response. He pressed it again but still no response. He was very sure Renee was inside the house so why was she not coming to get the door?He used the knocker on the door to tap it continuously, so now it was either Renee was deaf or she was purposely ignoring him.Jason had invited her over to his house and she had finally agreed to come after numerous pleadings from him. She was not ready to make any efforts for the relationship to work.Jason decided to try the backdoor and luckily, it was open. He pushed it and walked in, he was a little worried that something was wrong with Renee so he hastily walked towards the bedroom. As he was walking past, his eyes caught sight of her sitting in the dining room, he retraced his steps and went to meet her there."Renee?" He called.Renee jumped in fright. "How did you get in?" She questioned as if he was a stranger."I pressed the doorbell a lot of times, why didn't you c
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• Desmond's Fear
Ethan sat in his office going through some files, one of which was the file Jax had brought along with him from the vanguard's company. He never got the time to go through the contract before signing it so now that he saw it, he decided to go through it again. Just as he was about to flip the page, he heard a knock on the door."Come in." He said. He thought it would be Natasha coming to update him as usual, but when he raised his head up, he saw Valerie standing at the doorway with a sly smile on her face. Ethan's eyes lit up on seeing her."Hey." She said, shyly."Someone missed me right?" He asked with a smirk."No, I didn't." Valerie said, sticking out her tongue to him playfully."Ouch." Ethan said, holding his chest. "And here I was thinking you came because you missed me." He added."Yeah, you thought wrong. You know Mr Vanguard, you should stop jumping into conclusions. You will only get yourself hurt." Valerie said."I never knew that. Thank you for telling me. I promise to k
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• Restaurant
When Ethan and Valerie got to the restaurant, Ethan had refused to make any orders despite Valerie's persistence."Go through the menu and select something already. The poor waiter can't keep going back and forth here." Valerie said, glancing at the waiter who was staring at them from a distance. He had been beckoned on by Ethan three times only to leave without Ethan taking any orders."He is only doing his job. Am I supposed to serve myself?" Ethan asked."That doesn't mean you should not be nice to him. Look at his face, I promise you if he decides to beat you up, I would join him and I'm not joking." Valerie threatened."Wow. This is serious. Alright before I get beaten up by you both, I would just make an order." Ethan said and Valerie exhaled in relief."Now, I just have to tip him." She said, she turned to the waiter and beckoned on him. The waiter hesitated before coming."Sorry for the inconveniences. We are ready to make our orders now." Valerie said with a smile.Ethan went
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• Strolling in Like A Duck
The Sterlings home was bustling. It was immediately filled activity as everyone was excited to see their grandmother. Valerie was a bit nervous as she was not in a good relationship with her grandmother. Sydney on the other hand kept casting mean glances at Valerie. Valerie sat in the living room quietly, she was texting Ethan and keeping him posted, not wanting to get involved in anything because she knew her grandmother would definitely find fault in whatever it is she was doing.Sydney returned to the living room after taking a shower. She saw Valerie sitting there alone then she went to the dining room to see Renee setting up the table. "You are so hardworking. What does that girl ever do?" She asked loudly, loud enough for Valerie to hear her."Oh. She does this most of the time. I am just doing it today." Renee said, which was surprising to Valerie. Sydney was a little stumped but she was bent on picking on Valerie."Aren't you the older sister? She is meant to do this regard
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• Daring Competition
Ethan ran his hands through his hair before drying it up with a towel. He had just finished taking his bath and was about to leave the house. He had decided to go pick up Valerie himself since she had refused to leave.Someone knocked on his door. It could either be Skyler or his mother."Come in." He said.The door was pushed open and Skyler walked in still putting on her pyjamas and her face looking sleepy. Ethan raised a brow at her."What?" He asked."Mother wanted me to give you this." She said, handing over a sealed letter to him."What is this? And where is mum?" He questioned, eying the paper."She had a function to attend to. She just found this in the mailbox and called me to take it. It was sent to you. Take it already, I need my beauty sleep." Skyler complained.Ethan took the paper from Skyler."Thank you." He muttered."Yeah, whatever." Skyler mumbled and left the room. Ethan guessed she was going back to bed because if she didn't, she would be grumpy for the rest of the
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• The Battle Heats Up
Keith did as Ethan has ordered. When Conrad was about to leave the venue of the ball in a drunken state, he was ambushed by some men and was severely beaten up.The next morning, he was fuming. Good thing he was able to return home himself without being found out by his father as he couldn't let his father know what he had done. The president had no idea his son had claimed Sterlings enterprise.Conrad could easily find Ethan's apartment in the estate so he drove there.Valerie was just waking up from her sleep as she had spent the night in Ethan's place after he refused to let her go home, saying her family would most likely not let her come into the house at that time.When Conrad got to the gate, he met a security."Open up." He ordered."Who are you?" The security asked. Conrad looked surprised."Who am I? Are you fucking kidding me? Open the damn gate." He ordered. He wondered how the security man could not recognize him and that made him even more mad."I'm sorry. I have no idea
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• Getting The Job Done
Skyler went to a coffee shop first, after discussing with her friends. They had agreed to come pick her up from there. Skyler really hated this new arrangement, there was no way she would be walking around with a bodyguard all around her, at every minute."A cup of latte please." She said to the waiter when he walked up to her, she wanted to take it to pass out time before her friend's arrival. She turned to admire the coffee shop and then she saw Irene again. She had forgotten she was with someone."Why are you staring at me? Look somewhere else please." She said with a look of disgust on her face."I'm sorry ma'am." Irene said and looked away."Look, I have no idea what my brother must have said to you but I am really not comfortable with you around me. Do you really have to follow me?" Skyler asked."I was paid to do a job ma'am. And it is against my rules to be negligent. The legion commander wants a job done, so I'll have to make sure it is done." Irene responded and Skyler rolle
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• The Commander's Proposition
Ethan drove to Valerie's home again that night. He wanted to make an important decision in their life. Valerie was not expecting to see him again that same day after what had happened earlier with Conrad Patterson."What do you want?" She asked, on seeing Ethan."To apologize." Ethan responded and Valerie raised a brow at him."Okay? Go on." She probed."I already did." Ethan said and Valerie rolled her eyes."Are you kidding me? If you have nothing to say, please leave. Get out of my house. I pleaded with you not to hurt him but you did. Conrad is the president's son. You were not supposed to do that. What if something had happened? What if it got more serious than that? What if he lost his life in the process? What could I have explained?" Valerie fumed."You are only overthinking. It is not as serious as it seems. This is just your feminine traits acting up." Ethan said and Valerie's eyes narrowed."My feminine traits? Are you serious? So me expressing my concerns over your actions
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