All Chapters of The Return Of Franklin Miles: Chapter 121 - Chapter 125
125 chapters
Bill Ford held his phone in one hand, staring at it for a moment before dialing Ivan, his most trusted loyalist. Casey, still buzzing from their conversation about the hotel, was lounging on the couch nearby, flipping through a magazine absentmindedly. The excitement on her face had yet to fade, her thoughts clearly preoccupied with the hotel and what it would mean for her.Bill's phone rang twice before Ivan’s gruff voice answered. “Mr. Ford?”“Ivan, I’ve got a job for you,” Bill started, his tone steady and firm. “I want you to meet with some representatives on my behalf. We’re looking to acquire the Empire State Hotel.”There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Ivan spoke again, his words slow and measured. “The Empire State Hotel? That's a pretty big target. You’re sure about this?”Bill glanced at Casey, who gave him a small smile, her eyes filled with that same bright excitement. “Yes, I’m sure. Casey’s been after this for a while now, and it’s time we make it
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Daisy Bernard was sitting on the edge of her bed, staring blankly at the wall. Her body was tired, every little movement seemed to require extra effort. Her stomach twisted into knots, a familiar sensation these days, and the constant waves of nausea made her mood worse. She hadn’t told many people yet, but the signs were starting to show. She couldn’t ignore it anymore—there was a life growing inside her, and it terrified her.She ran a hand through her hair and exhaled slowly. The plan had felt airtight weeks ago, like a surefire way to ensure her and her babies future and security. But now? Now, the weight of it all felt unbearable. And Franklin... He had no clue what was coming.Her mother, Mrs. Bernard, entered the room, as she often did, without knocking. “How are you doing today?” she asked, though it sounded more like an inspection than a genuine question. She studied Daisy with an analytical eye, her lips tightening at the sight of her daughter’s pale face and slouched postur
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The day was coming to an end as the black sedan carrying Vera Martyn and her sister Deborah pulled up to the entrance of the Empire State Hotel. The sisters had been discussing the upcoming work quietly on the ride over.Immediately they stepped out of the car, the warm lights of the hotel washed over them, and they took in the towering structure before them. Franklin Miles was standing at the entrance with Mr. Hughes, spotted them immediately and walked toward them with a welcoming smile.“Welcome, Vera, Deborah!” Franklin’s voice carried warmth, and there was a genuine friendliness in his expression. He stretched his hand toward them, offering a firm handshake to both sisters.Mr. Hughes stood beside him, watching carefully, a proud look on his face for how far the hotel had come despite recent events.“Thank you, Sir, Franklin,” Vera responded, her eyes scanning the details of the hotel’s facade. “The place is even more impressive in person.”Franklin chuckled softly. “I’m glad you
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Casey Ford arrived at Richmond’s place in the early evening, carrying a couple of bags with her. The house felt quiet, almost too quiet, except for the occasional sounds coming from the television inside.Richmond Wright had been under house arrest for a while now since after she got him released, and she had made it a habit to visit him whenever she could, always bringing something to make the time pass by more easily. Casey knocked lightly on the door, and after a few moments, Richmond opened it. He gave her a tired smile, clearly glad to see her."Hey, you," she said softly, holding up the bags. "I brought some stuff. Thought it might cheer you up."Richmond's smile widened a little as he stepped aside to let her in. "You didn’t have to, but I’m happy you did."Once inside, Casey placed the bags on the small table in the living room. There were flowers, some homemade food, and a few small gifts—things she thought would brighten his mood, even just a bit."So," Casey began as she p
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The meeting room was spacious and modern, with sleek furniture and large windows that allowed plenty of sunlight to flood in. Seated around the table were the new heads of Miles Empire—Mr. Thayer, Mr. Lee, Mr. Patel, and Mr. Reynolds—each reviewing documents and reports in front of them. The air in the room was heavy with an unspoken sense of purpose, as they prepared to discuss the future of the company they had taken over. They had worked hard to clean up the mess left behind by the previous leadership, and now was the time to assess their progress.Mr. Thayer, the eldest of the group, sat at the head of the table. He placed his papers down and adjusted his glasses, his eyes sweeping over his colleagues. “It’s been a long road,” he started, his voice calm but firm. “But we’re making strides. The damage from previous decisions hasn’t been easy to overcome, but I believe we’re turning a corner.”Mr. Lee nodded silently, taking in Thayer’s words. He leaned back in his chair, arms crosse
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