The Return Of Franklin Miles
The Return Of Franklin Miles
Author: DIAMOND💎

"Suite 200.’’ Franklin Miles gritted his teeth and muttered under his breath.

He was dressed in his gray pants and white shirt, delivery uniform as he walked into Golden Gate Hotel, looking for the suite where he had to deliver the food.

He checked his pocket for the suite's number, he felt the ring in his left pocket and took it out. He looked at the ring with a mix of feelings, gently touching it as it sparkled in the light.

He smiled, thinking about the romantic moment he planned with his girlfriend, Daisy Bernard. This ring was his engagement ring, and he was going to propose to Daisy after work today.

He carefully put the ring back in his pocket and took out the card with the suite number written on it.

Franklin knocked on the door, which opened to reveal a man in his early thirties.

"Hello, Sir," Franklin said, with a polite smile. "Your delivery is here."

"Oh, excellent!" the man replied, his eyes twinkling. "But why don't you come inside? I have something I'd like to show you."

Franklin was confused because it was against the rules for delivery people to enter clients' suites.

This was the first time he faced such a situation in all his delivery experiences. "Sorry, Sir, I can't come in. It's against the rules," Franklin replied.

The man looked a bit disappointed. "But I just want to show you something," he said. "It'll only take a minute."

Franklin felt a bit guilty for refusing, but he knew he had to follow the rules. "I'm sorry, Sir, but I really can't," he said, trying to sound apologetic. "The hotel has strict rules about this sort of thing."

The man's face looked genuinely arrogant. "I'm Richmond, the CEO of this hotel," he said, sounding proud. "I just thought it would be nice to have a drink with you." 

Franklin hesitated, unsure if it was a good idea to go into the CEO's suite. But the man seemed friendly enough. Plus, he was clearly a man of means, so what harm could it do?

"Honey, who's at the door?" a woman's voice called out, sounding amused.

"It's just a delivery man," Richmond replied, sounding slightly cocky. "I'll be right back."

The woman giggled again, and Franklin could hear the rustling of bedsheets. He felt awkward, knowing that the two were clearly having a private moment.

"You're such a naughty boy," the woman purred, her voice low and sultry. "Making me wait while you play with the delivery man."

Richmond laughed.

"Why don't you invite him in for a drink? I bet he'd rather stay here and watch us," the woman continued in a husky and seductive manner. "After all, we're much more interesting than his boring old delivery route."

Franklin's cheeks burned with shame, but he was used to it. 

The man grinned and opened the door wider. Franklin was shocked by what he saw in the room: His girlfriend, Daisy, almost naked, lying on the bed with flushed cheeks.

"Daisy?" he called out, hoping it wasn't her. But it was his Daisy, the girl he planned to propose to after work today, nearly naked in a hotel room with another man.

"What are you doing here?" Franklin asked, trying to stay calm despite his nerves.

"Frank! Why are you here?" Daisy responded, clearly surprised to see him. She knew there was no point in defending herself; the situation was obvious.

"I called him here because I thought it would be fun seeing your miserable boyfriend being here," Richmond said with a strange smile.

"Daisy, you told me you were studying in the library! This is how you study?" Franklin couldn't believe what was happening. He had been dreaming of proposing to Daisy and having a happy marriage, but now he felt intense pain.

"Well, since you are here already. I guess you know what is happening now. There is no explanation for whatever is going on here," Daisy said indifferently, showing no remorse. ”By the way, our relationship is over, so just leave and continue to deliver your food now. Don't disturb me every day, I felt queasy staying with a poor guy like you," she mocked.

Franklin felt his heart race. He tried to hide his hurt. "Why? You said you loved me, we would be together forever." He quivered, his voice barely audible. He hoped she would say it was all a joke, but she didn't.

"Franklin, don't you get it? I cannot be with a man like you! I want iPhones, designer bags, and limited-edition dresses! Not the cheap necklace from a little shop!" Daisy blustered. "I'm so embarrassed telling my friends and family that my boyfriend is a delivery man!" Daisy continued arrogantly, forgetting she also came from a poor family.

Franklin spoke with a trembling voice, "But I thought we loved each other, we could..."

"Love? The one who truly loves me would give me a $10,000 stipend, expensive cars, and beautiful houses, not like you! You only say, but never do," Daisy sniggered.

Her words echoed in Franklin's mind, causing more pain and breaking his heart.

As Franklin and Daisy argued, Richmond watched from the side with a smirk on his face. He enjoyed seeing Franklin's pain, and he seemed to relish adding insult to injury.

"You know, I've heard that delivery men are known for being unreliable," Richmond said, his voice laced with malicious intent. "It's no wonder she decided to ditch you."

Franklin's face turned red with anger. He wanted to punch Richmond in the face, but he restrained himself. He knew that violence wasn't the answer, no matter how much this man had hurt him.

"But I gave everything I had to you. Is the love from a poor man worth nothing?" Franklin whispered.

"Yes, if you're just a poor delivery man, then how dare you talk about love?" Daisy snickered.

Franklin smiled, suddenly feeling calm now that he knew what kind of person Daisy truly was. “I hope you don't regret this, Daisy!”

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