All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 181
181 chapters
Chapter 181
"You sound and look very serious. Are you sure this is something you can handle by yourself? You can talk about it and who knows, I can help you out. A problem shared is half solved." Sonic said. "I don't even even know you or your name. Isn't it weird for me to start opening up about who is going on with me just like that? What you should try to ask right now is my name." Sasha replied, rubbing her arms while wondering if telling the stranger in front of her about what happened will help her find Damson. "Oh, my bad. Sorry about that. I was just very worried about you. That's why it slipped my mind to ask you what your name is. My name is Sonic and I work I'm the president of Sonic Electronixs. What about you?""Wait, is it the same popular Electronics company you're talking about?" Sasha asked and Sonic nodded, impressed with how he was being looked at by her. "Wow, I never thought I'd see the face behind the company and also, sorry about my reaction. I'm just a little surprised
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