All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
181 chapters
Chapter 171
Damson stared at Mia, not believing his eyes. He was so carried away that he had forgotten that the person next to her actually asked him a question. She was dressed in a short blue gown which hugged her body tightly, showing her curves and it was paired with a matching bag. She had on her feet pretty shoes and her jewelry glittered as she moved. She looked beautiful and attractive.He couldn't help but wonder how she got to afford everything she was wearing because he could tell that they would be really expensive. She really looked like someone that was really wealthy. He would have thought she was, if he didn't know who she truly was. "I asked you a question, young man?" The voice said again and Damson took his time to look at him. The man was tall, with a face that looked really pale. He also had a cold look on his face which screamed 'don't you dare mess with me" "And who are you?" Damson asked after a moment, crossing his arms. "You just walked out of the hall and asked a q
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Chapter 172
"You seem to think everyone is like you." Damson chuckled. "Everything you have to say about me relying on Sasha is based on groundless rumors and you know that. You have no proof to show that I actually do rely on her." "For you, it's not the same. There's enough proof to show that all you do is rely on men for their money. Look at you right now. The only reason you're here right now is because of Sonic. I'm sure you can't even afford the clothes you're wearing yourself and the reason you left me was because you couldn't rely on me to give you money." "I'm so glad you let me and you can't imagine how much relief I've felt since then."Mia bit her tongue, not knowing what to say. Damson's words hurt her deeply. "I'm really not interested in continuing this conversation with you. I didn't even ask you for your input in this matter in the first place. How you ended up talking to me, I don't understand. So just stay back and mind your business. Maintain your position next to your boyf
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Chapter 173
Sonic bursts into laughter, looking at Damson like he has lost his mind. "Did you just say we should apologize to you? A mere worker who doesn't know his place is asking me to get on my knees." "Hold on, I'm trying to understand something here. How come you're so audacious? Who's the person backing you that makes you think you can talk to me like this." The workers from other charity stores noticed that there was something going on, so they began to gather around, forming groups and whispering to themselves asking who knows what was going on. Sonic was popular and well known. They wondered why he was talking to Damson, who is just a worker. "I'll repeat myself again." Sonic said coldly. "Kneel and apologize sincerely and I'll let you go without doing anything to you. You might want to listen to me now that I'm trying to make things easy for the both of us. Don't push me to the wall totally or else, you won't like the outcome." Damson chuckled. "I'll also repeat myself once. Apolog
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Chapter 174
Damson raised his hands up, facing the crowd. "Sonic Electronix is a big company that we all know about but to be honest there are some truths we don't know about it. If you don't know what's going on here, I'll explain it to you because I can see that a lot of you are confused." "Sonic, who is the president of his company, is trying to bully me because I'm just a mere worker. This is what we that have no power and wealth face everyday. The rich prey on the poor, oppressing them." Damson smiled to himself as the workers murmured among themselves, taking videos of him and what was saying, while the other sponsors glared at him. Sonic was shaking with anger badly but he was trying to control himself because if he should do anything to Damson, people would record him and have the video which might create problems for him later. He was about to reply to Damson when Luis walked into their middle, looking at the both of them. Damson was shocked to see him but he quickly hid it, acting l
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Chapter 175
Sonic looked outside the window of his car, clenching and unclenching his fist trying to keep calm but he couldn't. "Argh!" He yelled, hitting his seat. He was livid. "That man from Stellarcorp didn't have to involve himself. He ruined things for me." He thought to himself"Take it easy babe, you don't have to get angry over that idiot. He's just a waste of time. I'm used to him being that way." Mia said, reapplying her lip gloss. "Did we have to leave at all? We didn't even get to attend the program. I bought this dress to show off but I didn't get to. What a waste of money." She tutted. "Since we're not attending the program again, how about we go somewhere nice. We're already dressed up? It would be a waste to just go back home. I know a fancy restaurant that we can just eat and after that, I can keep you warm for the night." She added, rubbing his arms up and down with a sly smile. All of a sudden, Sonic pinned Mia against the chair, wrapping his hand around her neck. "This isn
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Chapter 176
"Aren't you supposed to try to cover up for Damson to an extent? He was your ex boyfriend. Shouldn't you at least still have some feelings for him? With the way you said that you were with him when he had nothing, I could tell it was because you liked him to an extent." Mia didn't say anything for a moment. "I don't care about him or anything that has to do with him again." She lied. She didn't want Sonic to know that she still wanted Damson to return back to her and have him to herself. "All I care about right now is money. When you have money, you have everything else and I'm a greedy person. I want to have everything. I kept to my own part of the deal. I gave you additional information, so you have to give me the money you promised me." Sonic reached for the bag and brought out more bundles, giving it to her. She smiled as she smelled the money, chuckling to herself. "Your work isn't done yet. I need you to still watch Damson. I'm curious to know who is backing him. He needs to
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Chapter 177
On the other side of the city, Sasha was still with Jaxson and had been pleading with him to release her but he didn't answer. He drove her down to his apartment and kept her locked in his closet. She couldn't stop thinking about Damson and was very worried about him. Jaxon had collected her phone and kept it, so that she wouldn't be able to call anyone for help. He wanted her to be with him until his plan worked. Her voice was hoarse and her throat was dry from shouting and crying but she still didn't stop shouting Jaxon’s name from where she was locked up. Why are you doing this, Jaxson? Open the door right now! Please!" She yelled for the hundredth time, hitting the door. Jaxson was frustrated and angry with the way Sasha was shouting. He had put the speaker he was using to listen to music at the highest volume so he wouldn't hear her voice and also hoped that she would keep quiet after a while but that didn't happen. She just shouted more and more. Annoyed, he got up from his
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Chapter 178
“You crazy bitch! What the hell did you just do!" Jaxon groaned out, looking at the screwdriver that was impaled at his side. He tried to pull it out but Sasha yelled, stopping him. "If you pull that screwdriver out, you'll bleed out and it will be very nasty. I've created a hole and I think it pierced one of your major organs. Trust me, you'll want to listen to me. Don't remove it or you'll bleed to death. If you know what's good for you, you'll call the ambulance immediately." She explained, breathing heavily. "I didn't want to do this but you forced me to."Jaxon looked at her in horror and cursed out before calling an ambulance with shaky hands. When she noticed that he was carried away, she pushed him with force, making him land on the floor with a loud thud. He wasn't so lucky and the screw driver went deeper into his stomach. He screamed out but Sasha paid no attention to him. Instead, she searched around the room trying to look for her phone. She would have run out of th
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Chapter 179
It was already late and the workers in the restaurant were already closing by the time Sasha got there. She looked around, hoping that she'd find Damson but she didn't. Although, deep down she knew that there was no way he would hang around here because he would know the men that tried to get him killed could come back for him. She walked up to one of the waitresses who looked at her warily."Hi, I'm so sorry to disturb you but do you remember the incident that happened here this afternoon. Some men were beating up a particular person. It happened over there. She said, pointing to the spot she and Damson sat together. I want to ask if you know what happened to the person that got beaten." "Oh, about that. The police came and the men ran away. The person they beat up was badly injured and the policeman even offered to call an ambulance for him but he declined. He sat down here for a minute before I had to tell him to leave. The image of him looking terrible wasn't good for the restau
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Chapter 180
Sonic was about to move and walk up to Sasha when he saw three drunk men surrounding her. He frowned as he watched them talk to her and what he thought was that she knew them but not until she looked uncomfortable talking to them did he think otherwise. He was already walking towards them to ask who they were when his phone rang. It was his father. He panicked and didn't know what to do for a minute. He wondered why he was calling him all of a sudden. He picked the call and cleared his throat. "Hello father." "I heard you didn't show up at the orphanage for the charity program. Most of my friends just called and asked to know why. I clearly told you that today was important and for the company to look good, you have to show up. Will you explain what happened and why you weren't there?""That's not true father…I was there, but something came up and I left immediately." Sonic replied, his heart beating fast. He was scared of his father because of the things that he could do to him. H
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