All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
181 chapters
Chapter 161
Damson entered the party to see that it was crowded with people. He wasn't expecting a lot of people to turn up but he could tell that most of them were not from his class.He walked around, trying to get used to the loud music booming from the speakers. Girls were taking videos of themselves giggling, aware of the looks they were getting from the boys. After walking around for a while, he decided to sit and have a drink. He tried to find Luke but he couldn't. He figured that he might be dancing and having the time of his life. Some minutes later, Damson was starting to get bored. He had no one to talk to and he was tired of looking around, looking at people to find out if they were in the lounge to party or not. He was about to leave when Caleb staggered towards him, sitting a girl hanging by his side. I wasn't expecting to see you here. He slurred. I didn't know you were the party type. Damson shifted back, the stench of the alcohol he could smell from Caleb almost choking him.
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Chapter 162
It has been a week since the party but it was still the most talked about in school. Everyone was shocked and surprised about the turn of events. Nobody saw it coming.They had expected that the party would last through the night till the next morning, having the time of their lives, not knowing that a fire outbreak would happen. There had been fights. Some students wanted a refund of their money, claiming that the fire was staged, while some wanted the party to be held again. They had plans that were ruined and they weren't happy about it. Linda, who was the mastermind of the party, couldn't even explain what had happened to the students because she was taken away by Viktor and wasn't around when Caleb started the fire which made things worse because no one believed that and called her a liar. It was a very messy situation that she had to stay away from the school premises because people started to harass her. Damson, on the other hand, didn't know how to feel. He wanted to find
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Chapter 163
Sasha stood up from her seat immediately she heard what Jaxon said. "You must be out of your mind." She sneered. "I have no connection with you and I'd suggest you leave here right now." "Are you trying to act like you don't know me?" Jason asked with a scoff. "You're denying what we have because of a person you're having a fling with. He's not even worth it." "Shut the fuck up! Damson isn't a fling, he's my boyfriend. Get that into your thick skull and get the hell out of here." Jason smiled smugly. "You want me to leave? Are you sure about that? That wasn't what you said to me when you had your lips pressed on mine in a frenzy kiss. You even held me tighter and told me not to let go but now, you want me to leave? What are you trying to play at?" "Everyone knows that we're supposed to be in a relationship because of our history. We've come a long way and your parents are even looking forward to the day you'll tell them we're now dating. We both heard them whisper to themselves ho
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Chapter 164
Damson didn't say anything for a minute. He stared at Jaxon and chuckled before he grabbed Sasha and planted a kiss on her lips making her eyes widen. He wasn't satisfied with the kiss and forced her mouth open using his tongue to explore her mouth. After a while, he let go of her and let out a satisfied grunt as he watched her chest rise and fall. He had never kissed her like that before so it caught her off guard. He faced Jaxon who looked very angry with a smirk on his face. "From the little show you just watched, I hope I'm able to convince you that I will not break up with Sasha nor would I allow her to end up with someone like you. She's mine!""Now, this is the last warning I'd be giving to you. This must be the last time you pester Sasha. I must never see you around her or you'll be surprised by the things I'm actually capable of doing. If you don't want your dad to worry or cry over you, you'll listen to me." Jaxon furrowed his eyebrows. "You bastard!" He snarled. "You dar
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Chapter 165
As soon as Jaxon left with Sasha, the men resumed beating up Damson. He was too tired to fight back so they had the upper hand and almost beat him to a pulp. He was lucky because the manager of the restaurant had to call the police when they found out that the men weren't showing signs of stopping the beatings and as soon as they heard the siren of the police car they ran away. The police men walked up to him to ask what had happened and who the men were but he didn't say anything. He could have easily told them about Jaxon and what he did but there was no point. They offered to call the ambulance for him but he rejected their offer and told them he would go to the hospital himself. He sat on a chair, his hand over his face and he panted heavily. He was tired and his body was aching all over. He brought out his phone and called Sasha but she wasn't picking it up. He hoped that she was fine and Jaxon didn't do anything to her.He was brought out of his thoughts when one of the wait
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Chapter 166
Maria rubbed her forehead, sighing heavily. Her boss had mistaken Damson for the worker she was expecting and she didn't wait for her to explain. This isn't the first time she'd be dealing with her mixing people up. She was fed up. "I'm so sorry about that, Damson. She didn't give me the chance to explain to her that you're not the new worker." Maria said. "Oh, it's fine, I could see that she was impatient so it's not your fault at all. Don't worry about it." Damson said, wincing as he adjusted his shirt. "You should go to the hospital. What if you have an internal bleeding or a broken rib, that would be bad. All these little winces can be a sign.""I'll go after I'm done here. What we have to do won't take long, will it?" "What do you mean by that? What are we doing together?" Maria asked, confused. "We have to pack the shoes in the boxes or have you forgotten what your boss said?" Oh, I remember but what I don't understand is why we have to do it together. You even have to be
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Chapter 167
"I'm really sorry that this is happening. I didn't know that she'd end up suggesting we take the boxes to the orphanage." Maria apologized. "I know that you might have plans of your own but to be honest, I can't do this alone. You might have to shift your visit to the hospital. "I don't even understand why the new worker isn't showing up. This doesn't make a’y sense,"Damson wasn't even bothered about what Maria's boss asked them to do. What he had in his head was the conversation they were having before Maria had to pick the call. He really wanted to know what happened between her and Caleb and was annoyed that the call came through. "Are you even sure you're listening to me?" Maria asked, bringing him out of his thoughts. "I said I'll make sure you get paid for this so you won't just work for nothing." "Oh, it's fine. I'm really not interested in the pay but if you're insisting, I'll have it." Damson replied with a smirk. "I didn't even insist." Maria laughed. "Just say you wan
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Chapter 168
Damson watched Luis as he spoke to people sitting around him, laughing with each other like they've known themselves for a long time. He was surprised and wondered how Luis got to be friends with some of the wealthy people in the city. "What is going on? Is there something Luis is hiding from me and do I truly know his real self?" Damson thought to himself. "Are you okay? You look disturbed." Mia said and Damson took in a deep breath, rubbing the side of his mouth. "Yeah, I'm good. I'm just looking around and watching everyone." He didn't want Maria to know that Luis was in the hall. "Hm, alright then. If you say so. I want to go and say hi to some of the kids. We'll be sharing the shoes to them ourselves so I want to make them familiar with me. Are you interested in going with me?""Oh, no. Not right now. I'll watch you first to see how you do it. I'm not so good with kids and I don't want to mess up. Also, my face isn't even the best right now and they might get scared." "True,
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Chapter 169
Damson crossed his arms as he watched Luis speak to him, explaining why he was in the orphanage. He didn't know if he should believe him or not, but he sounded really convincing. "It's not that I don't want to believe you but did I really tell you that you shouldn't involve me in matters like this? This is quite big and important." "Yes you did, young master. You didn't specify exactly what I should inform you or not but I felt like this wasn't important since I could do it on my own. I apologize if I did the wrong thing but I'm not here based on any bad agenda. I'm here on behalf of Stellarcorp. I'm not even big enough to run a sponsorship." "Infact, you can ask the manager if she truly sent a proposal to the company. I don't understand why you think I'm someone who you can't trust, your father made me the person you can always turn to, to help and guide you." "If he had thought that I couldn't be trusted, he wouldn't have given me this position." Damson cleared his throat and r
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Chapter 170
Maria gasped, staring at the pieces of the business card on the floor. She didn't understand what was wrong with Damson and was very annoyed. "Sorry, please give us a minute. She said to Paxton before dragging Damson to the side. "What is wrong with you? Why are you being such a jerk? This man is trying to help us and you're being very rude!"Damson scoffed. "Rude? I haven't even done anything. He's getting on my nerves and if he's not careful, I'll make him regret coming here. He needs to understand that we're not interested in his offer." "I'm so tired of how you act. Why on earth are you behaving like this!? I have a mouth of my own and I can make decisions myself. You didn't even ask me how I feel about the job offer before saying we aren't interested. What if I'm actually interested? Can you just stop being obnoxious?" "You can't be interested in his offer and that's final!""You don't get to tell me what to do. You of all people should know that I need a better job offer and
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