All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
181 chapters
Chapter 151
Linda screamed out, holding her face. "Why did you just hit me, are you crazy? The person ignored her and moved to Aria and Dorothy, slapping them too. Damson watched in shock, wondering who the person was and why she slapped the three girls. It was not until the person faced him he realized it was someone that he knows. It was Sabrina. Damson was surprised. "Hey, what are you doing here?" "What do they do here, sleep?" She smirked at him. "I came to pick some outfits for work." "Hey! Look here you crazy woman. What right did you have to just slap us like that. Are you out of your mind?" Linda asked, her eyes blazing with anger. "I didn't know I was going to run into you here." Sabrina said to Damson, ignoring Linda. "I even thought that there was no way we would meet again." "Eh, come on. Why would you think like that, this city isn't that big. I was sure we could run into each other at some point." Damson said, putting his hand in his pocket. Linda scoffed. "Are you deaf? C
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Chapter 152
Damson sat opposite Sabrina as they shared a box of pizza together with a glass of cold juice on each side of the table. "When you told me that you'd take me out for a meal, this wasn't what I had in mind. I was thinking of something more expensive and nice, like steak, not some cold ass pizza." Sabriba said, playing with the pizza. It's not even sweet. It's just cold and hard." "Come on, the pizza is not that bad. It's quite warm and there's no restaurant that is good here. This is still the best. Or would you have preferred I bought you ice cream instead. There are a lot of ice cream shops here." Tch, never mind. Sabrina said, taking a big bite from her pizza. It's just that I did a lot of work in the store. Talking to those girls wasn't easy. Remember it wasn't my plan to. All I wanted to do was just get some outfits and go home." "Jeez. You're really petty and good at making someone feel guilty. Okay, I promise to treat you to a better meal next time and yes, it's going to be
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Chapter 153
Damson left the office with different thoughts running through his mind. He was mentally exhausted from how the day went and the anonymous note he read in the office made things worse for him. He wanted to believe that it was just a prank but Luis' reaction made him change his mind. He wasn't sure if something was going to happen or not but he wasn't going to risk it. He has told Viktor to drive him back to his dorm because he didn't have the strength to start looking for a taxi. He was very tired. He looked at the box of dress beside him. The dress Sasga would be wearing to the party with him, but with what he had just found out in the office, he wasn't sure he wanted Sasha to go with him again. The last time they attended a party together, she almost got hurt, now that they're about to go to a party together again, there is a possibility of something bad happening. He didn't want her to go at all anymore. He didn't know how she would react if he should tell her that he doesn't w
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Chapter 154
I" would have loved to go with you but I won't be able to because of my health. The party is tomorrow night and I would have to do my make up and fix my hair but to be honest, I don't think I have the strength for that because I'm the only one who understands how stressful it can be." Sasha said."It's not even smart for me to put myself through stress when I'm supposed to be in bed resting. If I push myself to go to the party, I won't enjoy myself and I would get worse than this and I don't want to also end up in the hospital." "I hope you're not mad that I won't be showing up? I was really looking forward to the party and I'm sorry that I messed up your plans. I wish I hadn't fallen sick. She said, sadly. "Don't be sad, Sash. It's not your fault that you got sick and also there are going to be more parties to come, this won't be the last. I can even come and spend time with you and not go to the party. I'll just explain to Luke that you're not feeling too good and I can't afford t
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Chapter 155
Damson's head was spinning by the time he got back to the dorm. Luke had stressed him out. Not only did he force him to get a haircut, he made him get a manicure and pedicure, just because of the party. He was so annoyed. He looked at the time as he laid on his bed. It was already 7pm and the party will start by 8pm. There was no way he could quickly take a nap. Luke would throw a fit if he should find him sleeping. His mind went back to the note he read, making him sit up on the bed. It had actually been at the back of his mind but he has been pushing it aside, not wanting to dwell on it too much. He hoped nothing big was going to happen and the note was just a prank. He took his phone from his bed and asked Viktor to double the security surrounding the hotel, making sure that no one leaves their positions at all for no reason and they must be on the lookouts for anything strange. He also had some police men stationed not to far away from the hotel, just in case they needed some
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Chapter 156
Damson Shook his head as he watched Luke panic before rushing to spray perfume on his clothes then going to the bathroom to clean his mouth with some mouthwash. "Make sure you don't forget your ticket, Damson. Without it, you won't be able to enter the lounge and you'll have to return to the dorm." He yelled from the bathroom."How are we going to get to the hotel?" Damson asked as they left the room."Oh, yes. I asked Jay that stays in block three if we could go with him and he agreed but actually, I overheard him talking to his friends that it was just he and his girlfriend that are going to be in the car and he told them that if they had anyone that was interested in going with them, they should let him know." "I know what I did was very smart." Luke said, grinning. "We will get a ride in a Tesla. "Do you know how amazing that is?""You didn't have to do that, we could have just boarded a taxi, which I'm sure would be more convenient." Damson said. Luke glared at Damson. "You'r
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Chapter 157
The taxi dropped Damson and Like off a stone thrown from the hotel and Damson used the opportunity to look around to check if the policemen he asked for backup were around. "Why are you looking around?" Luke asked, after noticing that Damson was looking around a lot of times as they walked to the hotel. "Did you misplace something or are you searching for someone?" "Oh, I'm good. I've not been here before so I'm just looking around." Damson lied. "You know how it can be when it's your first time somewhere. I'm just fascinated. We're going to the biggest hotel in the city." "Well, you don't have to make it obvious. Let's walk fast, I can't miss out on more fun at the party." Luke said, pulling Damson with him. They got to the entrance of the hotel to see a lot of cars. Students were screaming at each other as they recognised themselves. Valets were trying to park the cars in the parking lot while girls ran to the Red carpet to take pictures. A taxi came to drop some students off b
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Chapter 158
Linda looked shocked to see Damson looking good in a tuxedo. She expected him to dress up shabily so she could mock him but he was looking so good that she couldn't even believe it was him. "I didn't forget what happened at the store yesterday. You must have planned it with that crazy looking woman and you're very lucky I didn't have the time to retaliate." Damson chuckled. "You didn't have our time or you were scared of her? You could have literally slapped her back or faced her but instead, you ran away. You're actually all mouth and nothing else." Linda tightened her fist, angry that Damson had the nerve to talk back. "Hold on, why are you alone, how come Sasha isn't with you?" Dorothy asked, smirking. "I thought you bought her the most expensive dress so she could wear it to the party but why can't we see her?" "Oh, yes! That's true. I can't believe I almost forgot about that. Where's your so-called girlfriend in her beautiful dress?" Linda asked too, with a sick smile, glad
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Chapter 159
Damson scoffed. "That must be a joke. You can't be serious about me not attending this party." "No one is joking here. After checking the ticket, we realized it wasn't yours. We're seeing someone else's name here which is kind of suspicious." "What the hell are you talking about? I definitely told you yesterday that Fred gave me his ticket because he found out that he won't be able to attend this party. We're not even supposed to be having this discussion right now." Damson replied. "Well, that was yesterday. Today, things have changed and you can't enter this party with someone else's ticket. You have to get yours." Damson glared at Linda. He didn't know what she was trying to play at. If she thinks he won't have a way to enter the lounge for the party, he'll prove her wrong. "Then, I'll get mine." He replied, reaching into his pocket to get his wallet. "How much is the ticket again? I'll get another one right now." "Oops, I don't think that will be possible." Dorothy said, wi
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Chapter 160
Damson chuckled, rubbing his hand over his mouth. "Can you repeat yourself, I don't think I heard you properly." The two bouncers stood right in his face flexing their muscles and trying to intimidate him. "You heard me crystal clear. I'll need you to respect yourself and leave here before I beat up your sorry ass." The first bouncer growled. Damson stared at them for a while, licking his lips. He hated that the bouncers were speaking to him rudely but what he hated more was that he had to attend this party. He wanted to disagree and stand his ground, showing that he wasn't going to go anywhere but it was risky. The bouncers might actually beat him up because it was two of them against him. He sniffed, rubbing the stubble on his jaw. "Fine, you want me to leave right? I'll leave." Linda and Dorothy shared a knowing smile, giggling. They were happy the bouncers were able to get rid of Damson. The bouncers smirked, thinking that they had made Damson scared which was why he decid
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