All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
181 chapters
Chapter 141
Damson couldn't sleep the entire night, he kept tossing and turning on the bed. He couldn't stop thinking and worrying about how Luke had acted. He was shocked to get such a reaction from him and he couldn't help but wonder if he knew something about the bag being in the room or if he was actually the thief. What could have made him consider it? Why did he do it?Damson shook his head vigorously, he didn't want to think of that happening because he doesn't know how he'd react if it ends up being Luke that actually stole the bag. After some hours of turning and thinking, he soon fell asleep. The next morning, he jumped out of bed, looking around to see if everyone was still in the room. He was worried that they might have changed their mind on going with him to the police station. He wasn't ready to have another argument trying to convince anyone. "You took your sweet time waking up. I couldn't sleep well because I was too excited. I really want to find out who the thief is but low
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Chapter 142
Everyone kept quiet for a while before Caleb broke the silence. "Ah! I knew it. I could already tell that it was Damson. He must have thought the camera wasn't working. Thank God you found out about it and watched the footage." Damson ignored Caleb, not paying attention to him. Instead, he was paying attention to Luke who had beads of sweat forming on his head. He was also shaking his legs and biting his nails. All of a sudden, he jumped up, startling everyone. "I need to go, I'm not comfortable here. I just remembered there's also something I need to do." He said, his hands shaking but he quickly shoved them into his pockets. "I'm sorry, Luke but you can’t leave yet. I'm still talking and I'm not done." The police officer said, folding his arms. "I can't stay here any longer and I have a right not to. This is…just…just a random questioning and you can't force me to stay here." Luke saud, stuttering. "Why are you acting jittery? It's really cold here but you're sweating. Is anyt
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Chapter 143
"Why shouldn't I mention his name? Everyone is eager to find out who the real thief is and I'm also ready to let them know who the person is." Piper said, folding her arms."I know that, but please don't tell anyone it's Luke. Just explain to them that you'd rather not tell them who the real thief is. They really don't have to know exactly who did it."They won't believe me, anyone would think I'm just trying to cover up for you. If I have nothing to show or tell about the real thief, they'll automatically think it's you and I don't think you should be okay with that." "You don't have to worry about that. To be honest, I don't really care about what anyone thinks of me as long as you don't tell them that Luke was the person that stole your bag." "Why are you doing this for him? He doesn't deserve it. I can't believe you're about to get your name soiled for someone who isn't worth it. You should think about saving yourself." "Do you think he didn't actually see the videos and pictur
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Chapter 144
The days passed by in a blur, everyone was reading and writing exams. Damson had been staying in the dorm more, reading and bonding with Luke and Fred. They read together, went to the exam hall together, sat together and went to prepare for the next exam together. It was as if the incident that happened made them closer. It was the final day of their exams and they were preparing to leave the hostel when Damon asked if anyone had seen his ID card. "You were holding it yesterday. How come you can't find it?" Luke asked. "I really don't know. I might have dropped it somewhere but I don't know where." Damson replied, searching his wardrobe. "This is very wrong timing." Fred said, checking Damson's bag. "You have to find your ID card or else you won't be able to write your exam." "Did I not bring it back into the room with me? I've searched everywhere I can in this room but I can't find it. Where else can it be!?" Damson said, running his hand through his hair in frustration. Fre
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Chapter 145
Exams were finally over and everyone started to look forward to the party. They called it the party of the session and people couldn't wait for the day to come. Damson was on his bed, staring at his phone when Luke came to snatch it from him. "I've been talking to you for a while now but you aren't responding. Instead, you've just been staring at your phone. Are you good?" "What were you saying?" Damson said, sitting up and collecting his phone back. "I was lost in thoughts." "I was asking if you'd go to the party. I heard that there would be a lot of girls." Luke said, wiggling his eyebrows. "I'm not sure yet if I want to go, but let's see, I might change my mind." "You have to go, you can't bail out on me like Fred did. He won't be attending the party because he has to go to his grandmother's birthday party." "I can't go to the party alone, you have to come with me and that's final. I don't care about whatever it is you have to say." Luke said, before leaving. Damson sighed
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Chapter 146
Damson hummed a tune as he arranged his clothes in his wardrobe, folding them neatly and making sure that they weren't crumpled. He smiled satisfiedly as he finished. "You seem to be in a good mood today, what is going on? Did something good happen?" Luke asked, smiling. "Do you really have to ask? It's very obvious." Fred said, rolling his eyes. "You should know the only reason why he's smiling like that is because of a particular girl." "What girl? There's a girl in his life now or you're joking. Don't play with me this morning." "Have you been living under a rock? I can't believe you haven't heard anything yet." "Heard what? You guys are putting me in the dark. Ah, now I get it. The both of you have started to keep things from me." Fred rolled his eyes." No one is hiding anything from you. I'm pretty sure almost everyone in the school knows about it already. When I found out about it too, I was very shocked. It seems so unreal." "Okay, you have to tell me exactly what you'
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Chapter 147
Damson clenched his fist in anger as he left Damien. He couldn't believe that he was trying to get someone to invest in the land again after the huge amount of money he had given to him."Now, I can see why he's related to Caleb." Damson thought to himself. He couldn't believe he had just wasted his time going over to see him. He planned to keep a close eye on him and if he finds out that he's trying to get someone to invest in the land again, he'll collect it from him and teach him a big lesson. Damson got to the mall and his mood instantly got better because of the reason he was here. He was here to get Sasha's dress. He had combed the entire stores in the mall trying to find the perfect dress for Sasha. He had also messaged different stores online, asking to see their most expensive and beautiful dress. He finally settled on one and couldn't wait to check it out. He was about to enter the mall when he noticed Mia standing in front of a car, taking pictures. "Why do I have to alw
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Chapter 148
Damson watched Sasha as she walked out on him like she did nothing wrong. He hadn't expected to find out that his ID card was with her so he was shocked. Sge was in the class when professor Danielle had said there was no way he would write the exam without the ID card and she didn't even bring it out for him. If not the vice chancellor helped him, he would have failed.It was her audacity for him. Instead of trying to apologize for keeping it with her, she blamed him for misplacing it. Damson stood in the same position for some minutes, staring at the ID card befire he entered the mall. He went straight to the store who had the dress and coincidentally met Linda, Aria and Dorothy in the store. His countenance change and he didn't like he was meeting people that he didn't want to see at all. They all stood in front of the same cloth he had ordered for Sasha and they were gushing over it. "Oh my God. This dress is so gorgeous, I want it to be mine so badly." Aria squealed. "I kn
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Chapter 149
The girls looked at Damson, looked at the dress and looked at Damson again before bursting into laughter. They laughed to the point that tears started to fall from their eyes. "You're so funny, Damson. I know you were just trying to joke around. You're probably talking about something else." Dorothy said, holding her stomach. "Oh, now I get it. He's probably talking about a dress he rented. Are you here to pick up the clothes you rented online? If that's it, you're at the wrong store. This isn't just any store, so you can't rent here. Step out and look for the store that suits you." Linda said. "I know this isn't just any store which is why I'm here. I'm not here to pick up any rental clothes, I'm here for the dress behind you." Damson said with a straight face. "I don't know why you think I'm joking." The girls burst into laughter again. "Please, you need to stop. Everyone here knows that there's no way you can get that dress. It's even how you're serious for me. What exactly a
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Chapter 150
Dorothy snatched the receipt from Linda, curious to know if the name on it was actually different from Damson's name. Her eyes scanned the receipt before she gasped. "You liar! This dress wasn't bought by you." "If it was, it's supposed to be your name that is written here, not someone else's. Everything on the receipt down to the signature isn't for you, so why the hell did you lie!? You're so unbelievable. I'm so shocked." Linda laughed, clapping her hands. "I told you that this was too good to be true! This boy is a liar and he's so good at it that we end up falling for it most of the time. Thank God we're always very smart to not fall for it totally everytime. He is very good at doing things like this, it's in his blood." "Do you care to explain yourself instead of looking like a fool?" Aria asked, looking at Damson with disdain. Who is Luis and why is his name on this receipt instead of yours?" Damson had totally forgotten about the fact that after he had searched for the d
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