All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
181 chapters
Chapter 131
"Who should be able to help?" A deep voice said and everyone turned to look at the source of the voice. A very huge man, with full hair and beards stood by the door with his hands in his pockets. "My boss is here, make sure you suck up to him." Sabrina whispered in Damson's ear. "We were just talking about something with my dad, it's nothing serious." She said sweetly to the man. "How do you feel?" The huge man asked the vice chancellor as he moved closer to his bed. "I'm doing great but right now, I need to sleep, the painkillers are kicking in and I'm getting tired. Thank you all for coming, but right now, you have to leave." "Are you sure you'd be fine alone, dad?" Sabrina asked, hesitant to leave."Yes, I'll be fine. I'm not alone, the nurses aren't far from here and if I need anything, I can easily just ring the bell. You can go." The vice chancellor said, yawning. "I'll be here tomorrow to bring you new clothes and food. You should rest now." Sabrina said, kissing the vice
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Chapter 132
The next few days passed by in a blur. Everyone in the school was busy preparing for exams as it was just right by the corner. Students were seen in groups, reading and discussing together while some read in the library and empty classes. Damson had been going to the library with Luke and Fred but it was more like they forced him so he didn't have a choice than to go with them. He spent most of the time explaining most of the subjects to them because he was smarter. After another long day in the library, Damson decided to go for a drink. His head was spinning and he just wanted a break from reading. He asked Fred and Luke to go with him but they declined because they were too tired and just wanted to go to the dorm to rest, so he had to go alone. He walked into a bar, had some drinks and left. He didn't stay for long because he had plans to explain a topic to Fred the next day because he was having issues catching up and understanding most of the topics. Damson hadn't left the are
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Chapter 133
"Did this girl just sleep off?" Damson thought to himself. He didn't expect it and since she was asleep, he thought he would be able to get out of her grip, but he was wrong, it was as if it got tighter. He tried over and over again, hoping he'd be able to get her to release him so he could be on his way but it didn't work. For someone so small and tiny, she had a very strong grip. He soon gave up and slept off too. It was the next morning and Damson woke up startled. He looked around in confusion till he realized that he was still in Sabrina’s apartment. He looked around to look for her but she was nowhere to be found. He stood up and was about to leave when she came out of the bathroom, wearing a very light shirt gown that was very light, with nothing under it. He could tell she was naked because she wasn't wearing any underwear. "You almost killed me last night, Damson. You were so heavy. How could you sleep on top of me like that?" She said, going to the kitchen. "Oh, pleas
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Chapter 134
"Sabrina, open the door and hear me out! Let me explain myself before you jump into any conclusions." Damson yelled, hitting the door but Sabriba didn't respond. He continued knocking for a while but nothing happened, Sabrina still ignored him. He gave up and left for his dorm. When he got back to his dorm, there was nobody in the room and he was surprised because he expected Fred and Luke to be around. "Did they go to the library without me?" Damson thought to himself as he removed his clothes and hopped into the shower. "I should dress up fast and join them. I had promised to explain a topic to them." He came out of the bathroom and hurriedly went to his wardrobe to put on some clothes, only to realize that he had none there, apart from the one he just removed. "Shit! Most of my clothes are at the new apartment. Why did I forget to bring them back? I'm always taking clothes away from here but I never return them ugh." Damso muttered to himself. He decided to just wear the clo
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Chapter 135
"The reason why you're still stealing is because you haven't been taught a very big lesson. You need to learn. We're going to call the police and we'll make sure we let them understand the type of person that you are so you can suffer in jail." Betty said angrily. "Can you all just stop it!" Damson yelled, calling more attention to himself from passersby. "Haven't you been listening to me at all? Do you just call people thieves without checking for facts?" "I saw this bag in my room in the dorm and I just picked it up . If I had stolen it, would I still want to carry it around? Are you all that dumb? Don't you guys think at all?""I know you're just doing this because you hate me, so I'm not surprised." He spat angrily. "Oh, please. You're just trying to get rid of the evidence that you stole the bag. Why else would you be carrying an empty bag around? There are so many things pointing at the fact that you stole this bag. Stop with your lies, Damson. Piper is just lucky to have ca
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Chapter 136
Sasha looked around angrily, waiting for someone to speak, but no one did instead they just stared at her. Sasha was respected in the school because of her beauty. Girls get jealous whenever she passes by and boys can't help but turn their heads. Everyone was shocked and surprised to see her standing up for Damson and couldn't help but wonder why and what relationship they had. "Sasha, what are you doing here?" Damson asked, breaking the silence. "You need to go back. This place isn't safe." "I don't care if it's safe or not Damson. Your pictures and videos are everywhere with people calling you names. I can't be fine with that. It doesn't make any sense. You're innocent for goodness sake!" "How do you know that he is innocent?" Linda asked angrily. "You just walked up here and started backing him up without proof to show that he's actually innocent." Sasha smirked, glaring at Linda. "Do you have proof that he stole the bag? Didn't you also just walk up to him and just call him
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Chapter 137
Piper collected the bag from Damson, turning it inside out to check if it was hers or not. Everyone kept quiet as she searched for it. All of a sudden, she growled out. "I knew it! I could tell that the bag was mine right from when I saw it with you!""Everyone, the bag is mine!" Piper yelled, raising the bag to show the letter P making everyone present burst into a fit of rage. "He's a thief! He stole the bag.""Oh my God. Can you imagine!? He denied it all through but he's really a thief." "I'm so scared that we have such a person around. He should be expelled from the school!""He must have needed the money desperately, that was why he stole the bag! His part time jobs wasn't enough""He must not be forgiven. Let's teach him a lesson." "Beat him up! So he can't try this again." Everyone was screaming and shouting at Damson who looked at the bag in shock. He had so many thoughts running in his head. He wasn't expecting the bag to belong to Piper. He picked the bag from the roo
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Chapter 138
The ride to the police station was quiet. Piper sat in front with the police officer, while Damson and Sasha sat in the back seat. Damson felt uncomfortable and didn't know if he should talk to Sasha or not. He looked at her to see her looking outside the window. She looked lost in thought. Damson was right. Sasha was lost in thought. She didn't know what would happen at the police station and she was worried that Damson might actually get arrested. She hoped that Damson didn't really steal the bag and the police officers would carry out a thorough investigation to find out who the person that truly stole the bag was. "Sasha, are you okay? You've been staring outside the window for a while now. Is everything okay?" "Oh, yes. I'm fine. I just got carried away." Sasha replied, looking at him. "I didn't steal the bag. I really didn't and if I say I understand how the bag got there, I'm lying. I'm very confused and disturbed. You believe that I didn't steal it, right?" Sasha forced
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Chapter 139
"Oh, wow. That was intense." Piper muttered after Sasha left the office angrily. "That's why I don't do relationships, there's always drama here and there." "Please, shut up." Damson snapped at her. "Hey, don't pour out your anger on me. I'm not your girlfriend and no one asked you to be fucking around." I didn't have sex with Sabrina and can you please just keep your mouth shut? I'm not in a very good mood, don't make it worse." "Whatever." Piper said, rolling her eyes. "You didn't tell me she was your girlfriend. If you had, I would have asked the question in another way but you seemed okay with her around, that's why I didn't bother.""Forget about it, officer. It's not like I knew the type of questions to expect but it's okay, you can continue with your questions." "Isn't this the part where you're supposed to run after her." Piper said, shaking her head. "You're the worst boyfriend of the year." Damson took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "Can you just continue
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Chapter 140
"Why are you acting funny, Luke? Why exactly would you not want to follow us to the police station tomorrow?" "I don't think I have to explain to you. I just don't want to go, I'm not interested in going anywhere." "But we were asked to show up. This is not just any matter. It involves the police and to clear my name, everyone in this room has to show up!" Damson yelled. "I have exams to prepare for, I don't have the time to follow you and there's nothing you can do about it. I don't care if you want to clear your name or not. Just own up to the fact that you stole the bag." "Luke! Watch what you say." Fred scolded. How could you say such a thing? You know Damson isn't a thief." "Oh please. Don't act like you've not been bothered about how he has been behaving these past few months. We were both even talking about how we were getting suspicious of him." "Remember the time we both saw him get into the luxurious car with that old man bowing to him? Isn't that something to get susp
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