All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
181 chapters
Chapter 121
The man smirked at Damson, refusing to answer his question. "Thank you all for understanding." He said instead, to the people that were about to leave. "Who gave you the order to block this road? Who exactly are you working for?" Damson asked again, standing in front of the man. "I don't think I have to answer your questions and if you know what is good for you, you'll listen to me and get the hell out of this place." The man replied coldly. "How could you all just believe this man?" Damson asked loudly, stopping those that hadn't left with their car. "You'll blindly believe him and leave because of what he said?" "Who are you?" A petite woman, who was in her car, came out and confronted Damson. "You should ask the man over there, not me. He has no proof to show that he's a worker and I don't know how you can't see how shady he looks. He claims to want to work here with some other people, but I can't see them or their machines." The woman chuckled. "I think something is wrong wi
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Chapter 122
Inside the store, Leo grabbed Emily by the hair and dragged her, making her bend in an awkward angle. "You think you can escape me? Or did you think that after you embarrassed me the other day, you won't pay for it?" "Let go of my hair, Leo." Emily yelled, struggling to get out of Leo's grip. "Let me go!" "Shut up! You whore. You need to understand that you're mine. I clearly told you not to leave your job at the bank, but you ignored me. I'm in control here Emily and for not listening to me, you're going to pay dearly for it." "You can't tell me what to do, Leo. We're over and you have to deal with it. Ever since I met you, I've lived a miserable life. I had to leave my job at the bank because of you! They were not happy with your behavior. You need to stop behaving like a maniac." "You bitch!" Leo snarled, hitting Emily right in her face, making her cry out. "Do you know how stressful it was to find you? I got the info that you got a job here and to find you and not let you esca
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Chapter 123
"Oh God!" Damson breathed out as Leo laid unconsciously next to him. He saw his life flashed through his eyes. He had expected the knife to pierce his neck. "Are you okay?" Emily ran to him as he stood up from the ground. "You're losing a lot of blood, you need to go to the hospital." "I'm fine." Damson replied. "You need to call the police immediately. Leo is just unconscious and we don't know what he might do when he wakes up." Emily nodded and looked for her phone. She found it and called the police. Viktor rushed in to see Damson's hand bleeding. "Young master, we need to get you to the hospital immediately. You're losing too much blood." "I know that Viktor, I just need to talk to Emily for a moment and also make sure the police come here before I leave. It's not safe to leave her here with this psycho." Viktor nodded and left to stand outside the store."Thank you for saving me back then Emily, it was very dangerous for you to step in but you did. Without you, I could have
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Chapter 124
Mr Wilson squeezed the paper, before putting it in his pocket, making Damson laugh out loud. "Are you that dumb? You really think that's the only copy I have? You should know that I'm smarter than that.""How did you find out about this? Who informed you and why are you doing this to me?" Mr Wilson cried out, his hands shaking."There's nothing I can't find out or do, Mr Wilson. Just because I don't speak about it, doesn't mean I don't see it. You think you can outsmart me?" "Not only did you lie about the marriage contract between I and your daughter but your son also forged my father's signature. Why were you so desperate?" "I have no idea what you're talking about. My son did no such thing! He didn't do it and the marriage contract wasn't a lie. Your father promised me that you'll marry my daughter!"Damson scoffed. "I can't believe you're still trying to deny everything. I have enough proof right here with me but you're still denying it. You and my father aren't that close. You'
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Chapter 125
Leo scoffed and was about to leave the office when Mr Wilson grabbed him by his legs. "You can't leave this place yet, Leo. Get on your knees!" "I'll do no such thing. I won't kneel before this bastard!" Leo spat angrily. "Is this the reason why we came here? Was this the plan? How can you be so ridiculous, uncle!""You're the ridiculous one here!" Mr Wilson snapped. "You've done nothing but bring me trouble since you started to live with me. There's always a problem or the other every week. Now, you're about to ruin my life completely!" "Uncle, the works of your hands aren't clean! You're evil and wicked. You think I don't listen whenever you have conversations with your family. I was there in the shadows, listening to how you planned to get rid of Damson and have his company to yourself. You deserve all of this and I hope Damson does more horrible things to you." Leo was breathing heavily by the time he finished talking. He turned to leave again but Mr Wilson grabbed him. "You ha
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Chapter 126
Leo couldn't go back in to get the things he planned to take from the house, so he decided to go to one of the villas owned by Mr Wiilson. He had to sneak in to avoid the security guards because he didn't want to be caught. After successfully entering the building, he ran straight to the back door so he could get in. On getting to the back door, he typed the door security code just to find out that it was wrong. He was surprised and didn't understand what was going on. Mr Wilson had the same door code for every house he owned. The code was his wedding anniversary date and everyone in his family, including Leo knows about it. Leo tried the code over and over again but it was still saying the same thing, it was incorrect."Fuck!" Leo yelled through gritted teeth. He realized that they had changed the code and this was because they knew he was going to come to the villa. He punched the door in anger. He was very upset."If they had changed the code of the door to this villa, that m
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Chapter 127
Matt stared at Leo as he clenched and unclenched his fist, trying to control his anger. "Did you just say you need a gun?" "Yes, Matt. I need one as soon as I can. I really need it right now." "You know that's a very big request, Leo. Getting the gun isn't a problem but what do you plan to give me in return." Leo got on his feet, pacing back and forth. "I know it comes with a price, but I'm unable to access my bank accounts at the moment. Damson thinks he's smart by making my accouns blocked, but what he doesn't know is that I'll fuck him up."Matt’s head snapped up to look at Leo as he mentioned Damson's name. "Wait up, you know Damson? The student at Palmers University? Or someone else?""Oh yes, I know that bastard!" Leo said coldly. "He's the reason why my bank accounts are frozen and he's also out there to catch me at all costs. Staying behind my family's back and making them go against me." Matt burst out laughing. "Your joke isn't funny man. What do you mean he froze your b
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Chapter 128
Damson smiled at himself as he watched Damien talk about how he won't hesitate to tell Caleb that he's no longer interested in helping him. “So are you saying you can call Caleb right now and tell him you're no longer going to help him?” Damson asked, smirking. “Oh, yes. Yes I can.” Damien replied, bringing out his phone. “Do you want me to do it right now?”“Yes, go ahead with it.” Damson said. “You can also put your phone on speaker, I'd love to hear what he has to say.” Damien quickly dialed Caleb’s number. “Where are you, Damien?” Caleb's voice filled the room. “I've been waiting for you in your office for over an hour now. You promised to sign the proposal today.” “Oh yeah. I actually called you because of that. The thing is, I won't be able to help you with that anymore.” “What do you mean by that? You promised to help and told me everything was settled. Why are you saying you can't help again all of a sudden?” “I don't think I have to explain myself, Caleb. I'm not intere
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Chapter 129
"Damson? Is that you?" A familiar voice said, making Damson turn to see the person. It was the vice chancellor. Damson's eyes widened in shock, but he quickly composed himself. "Good afternoon sir, what are you doing here?" "I should be asking you that, Damson. Why are you here and not in class? Don't tell me you're missing your classes to work again. Are you here for a part time job again?" "Erm…it's not like that." Damson started to explain but the vice chancellor cut him off. "Did you follow that man over there to get a job here?" He asked, pointing at Damien. Damien was about to respond when Damson quickly responded to the vice chancellor. "Yes, yes you're right. I left school to get a job here so I could make some money." "You need to stop this behavior of yours, Damson. You can't continue like this. Working and not studying won't help you in the long run. You need to focus, graduate and get a good job. All these menial jobs won't get you a good life." "You can either drop
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Chapter 130
The ambulance soon came and rushed the vice chancellor to the hospital. Luckily for him, the bullet wasn't somewhere critical. He was attended to and rushed into surgery immediately.Damien, after finding out from the doctor in charge that the vice chancellor was going to survive, ran away. He didn't want to get involved in what had happened even after Samson had told him not to worry about anything. Damson paced back and forth in the hospital hallway, thinking about what happened. He wondered who shot the vice chancellor and why. "Was the vice chancellor involved in something illegal? Did he do something wrong to someone?" Damson sighed as he sat down. He didn't like the situation he was in at all. Was the shooter out for hom instead of the vice chancellor because if the vice chancellor hadn't come back to talk to him, the bullet would have hit his chest. Damson's eyes widened in realization. The bullet wasn't meant for the vice chancellor, it was for him. The vice chancellor w
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