All Chapters of The Student Billionaire : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
181 chapters
Chapter 111
Damson shook his fist in pain as he glared at Leo who was struggling to get up, the force of the blow telling on his hand. He had been trying his best not to hit Leo because of Sasha because he didn't want her to get hurt. When Leo grabbed her by the hair, all he saw was red and was reminded of how he had treated Emily the same way. He was livid. He looked at Sasha who had her hands covering her mouth in shock. Her hair was out of place and her face was red from the force Leo had used to pull her hair. Everyone already left what they were doing and gathered around to know what was happening whispering amongst themselves. Leo staggered forward, shaking his head. He had a small cut on his lips and his face had a nasty bruise. He grabbed a fork from a nearby table and charged at Damson angrily. "How dare you hit me!?" He yelled. "I'm going to kill you today." He was about to stab Damson when two huge bouncers blocked his path, stopping him. "Let go of me right now! What the fuck do
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Chapter 112
Mr Wilson shook his head. "What do you mean? You can't have a girlfriend, it's impossible. My daughter should be your girlfriend, not anyone else." Damson chuckled dryly. "That's never going to happen. I will not be involved in your family for no reason. Never! I'd rather die single than marry your daughter." The main reason why I specially invited you to my birthday today is because I wanted you to see the promise contract your father wrote, with his official signature. We can't just go back on your father's words. That's impossible. We can't do that." "Mr Wilson, you're pushing me to the wall. I've been trying to keep my cool but you're making things worse for me. Do you know your nephew verbally, emotionally and physically abused poor girls?" "I know someone who's personally suffering from his abuse and I can't believe you're not doing anything about it or do you want to tell me you know nothing about it?" Damson demanded angrily. Mr Wilson avoided eye contact and bowed his he
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Chapter 113
The drive back to school was quiet as Sasha and Damson were both lost in their thoughts. Sasha kept replaying what Laura said to her in the bathroom back at the party in her head. She didn't know if she should believe her or not or just ask Damson straight up. She kept stealing glances at him and he soon noticed that she was looking at him often and sneakily. "Is there something on my face?" Damson asked with a smirk. "Or you can't just believe how handsome I look tonight?" Sasha rolled her eyes playfully. "You might be very handsome but you're also very proud. Your ego is really big.""Well that's not so bad, is it? It comes with the package." Damson replied cheekily. "Is there something you want to say? You've been looking at me a number of times and I could feel your gaze on me. It could drill a hole in me." "If it was about what happened at the party, I'm genuinely sorry about it. I didn't know that was how it was going to play out. I'm sorry for ruining your night." "Oh, no
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Chapter 114
Damson coughed, starting to get awkward in the car. He didn't understand why Sasha wasn't talking or choosing to leave. He wondered what was going on and if he had done something wrong. "Erm…Sasha, if it's about the money you'll have to pay in the hotel, you don't have to worry. You might think it's too expensive for just a night and I know you like to economise and manage but be rest assured I'll pay you back, I can even give you double the amount you'll pay." "Dummy." Sasha muttered. "That's not it. What you're saying isn't the reason why I don't want to leave. I can't believe I have to use all my mouth to talk. Can't you read the signals? Can't you figure out why I'm acting this way?""What….what signals? I don't understand." Damson asked, scratching his head. Sasha sighed and rubbed her temples. "I don't want to go into the hotel alone, I really don't want to sleep there alone and I want you to come with me. Let's spend the night together." "Oh, oh." Damson replied, understand
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Chapter 115
They got to the room and Damson didn't expect the bed to be quite small and he wondered how they were going to sleep on it together without being in each other's faces. "I'm going to take a shower first." He said to Sasha before he rushed inside the bathroom and let out a huge breath. "I'm not supposed to be nervous. Why am I nervous? This isn't the first time you'd be sleeping in a room with a girl. You've done this before with Mia." Damson thought to himself as he paced back and forth in the bathroom. He took his time having his bath before leaving the bathroom. He got to the room to see Sasha's back turned to him. Her hair over her shoulders and her smooth neck showing."Can you help me with my zipper? I've been struggling with it." She said to him softly. Damson cleared his throat and walked up to her, trying to figure out how to undo the zipper. He couldn't help but notice how smooth and fresh her skin was and how soft it felt when his fingers touched her. He shook his head,
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Chapter 116
The next morning, Damson woke up and looked at Sasha who was still sleeping. It wasn't in his plan to have sex with her but he couldn't control himself around her, not when she was naked. He had feelings for Sasha, but he wasn't so sure he wanted to be with her after he found out she was a very jealous person and doesn't want to hear his name and another girl's name in the same sentence.Apart from that, she was someone he would love to be with. He wasn't the type to just have sex with a girl and dump her afterwards or act like nothing happened, so he was going to take he and Sasha's relationship to the next level."Good morning, Damson." Sasha said, smiling brightly and giving him a soft kiss on the lips. "Did you sleep well?" Damson asked, rubbing her cheeks and Sasha nodded, blushing. "I have to leave soon. I have to report to work today. I hope you don't mind that I'm leaving in a hurry?" Damson asked, standing up from the bed. Luis had messaged hom to come to the office for s
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Chapter 117
Maria bit her lip in pain as Mia dragged her on the floor. The people in the cafe gasped as they watched her get pinned to the ground. "You bitch! You think you can run your mouth anyhow? Or you think since you have Caleb behind you, you can talk to me anyhow? You're mistaken!" Mia screamed as she sat on Maria and started to hit her on her face.Maria having had enough, pushed Mia off her and kicked her in the stomach, grabbing her hand twisting it. "You think I'm not saying anything because I'm a fool? I was only trying not to get fired, but you know what? Fuck that. I don't mind getting fired as long as I teach you a lesson and beat the hell out of you." "You think it's my fault Damson isn't looking or thinking about you again? After you cheated on him? I can't believe you. You're such an hypocrite and to be honest you're the shameless one here." Maria said through gritted teeth as she twisted Mia's arm further. Mia shrieked out in pain. "Let me go, let me go right now. If you br
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Chapter 118
"I can't believe you, Damson." Maria said, clenching her fist and trying to fight back tears. "Are you even talking about the fight I'm having with Mia or the fight we both had? Because you're going off point here." "You of all people should know I wouldn't hit or fight anyone without a valid reason, but you're here saying something else." "Exactly my point." Damson replied. "The Maria I know wouldn't hit anyone or even engage in public fights, embarrassing herself. You're a changed person and that's only because you've been moving with Caleb!""What is your problem with Caleb for God sake! What's your obsession with him? Is it my fault he snatched your girlfriend from you? Or is it my fault you weren't capable of treating her right? Why not just suck it up and move on? You're not the first person to get cheated on and maybe you even deserved it." Maria yelled angrily. Damson glared at her, his eyes blazing with anger. "What did you just say?" He asked, coldly. "You heard me for s
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Chapter 119
Damson groaned as he pushed the body off him. He looked around frantically, hoping to see Kate around but she was long gone. "Are you blind!? Can't you see where you're going? There is obviously enough space for two people in this hallway!" He yelled out. Damson looked at the body he pushed off him again and the man looked familiar as he struggled to stand up. "Luis?" He called out as the man turned to face him. "Young master. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run you like that." Luis said hurriedly as he got on his knee, a huge gash on his forehead. "Did you get that injury from the fall?" Damson asked, curious. "What injury?"Luis was confused and Damson pointed to his forehead. Luis raised his hands and brushed it against his forehead just to see blood. He gasped in shock. "I…I don't know. I think I must have hit my head from the fall." He said, bringing out his handkerchief. "Oh my God, Kate. I lost her again. Fuck!" Damson yelled. "She was in the company, Luis. She was here and
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Chapter 120
Luis chased after Damson, stopping him. "You can't go yet, young master. There are other things that need to be sorted out." "Can't you just handle things yourself?" Damson asked calmly, trying to keep himself from flaring up. "I would have, but I have a number of things to do at the office. I also have to talk to the cleaner, figure out who planted the cameras and also look for Kate." "I'm sorry young master, I'm not trying to be rude but I have a lot on my plate at the moment. Please try to understand."Damson hesitated for a while before responding. What else do you want to talk about? What exactly am I supposed to do?" "You need to have a meeting with the shareholders again, but this time around they want to plead with you on something. I told them to just have the meeting with me alone but they ignored me and said it's you they want to talk to, not me." "Do you have any idea on what they want to plead to me about? Have they been talking about anything or planning something
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