Chapter 119

Damson groaned as he pushed the body off him. He looked around frantically, hoping to see Kate around but she was long gone.

"Are you blind!? Can't you see where you're going? There is obviously enough space for two people in this hallway!" He yelled out.

Damson looked at the body he pushed off him again and the man looked familiar as he struggled to stand up.

"Luis?" He called out as the man turned to face him.

"Young master. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run you like that." Luis said hurriedly as he got on his knee, a huge gash on his forehead.

"Did you get that injury from the fall?" Damson asked, curious.

"What injury?"Luis was confused and Damson pointed to his forehead. Luis raised his hands and brushed it against his forehead just to see blood. He gasped in shock.

"I…I don't know. I think I must have hit my head from the fall." He said, bringing out his handkerchief.

"Oh my God, Kate. I lost her again. Fuck!" Damson yelled. "She was in the company, Luis. She was here and
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