Chapter 120

Luis chased after Damson, stopping him. "You can't go yet, young master. There are other things that need to be sorted out."

"Can't you just handle things yourself?" Damson asked calmly, trying to keep himself from flaring up.

"I would have, but I have a number of things to do at the office. I also have to talk to the cleaner, figure out who planted the cameras and also look for Kate."

"I'm sorry young master, I'm not trying to be rude but I have a lot on my plate at the moment. Please try to understand."

Damson hesitated for a while before responding. What else do you want to talk about? What exactly am I supposed to do?"

"You need to have a meeting with the shareholders again, but this time around they want to plead with you on something. I told them to just have the meeting with me alone but they ignored me and said it's you they want to talk to, not me."

"Do you have any idea on what they want to plead to me about? Have they been talking about anything or planning something
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