All Chapters of My Masked Doctor System: Chapter 21 - Chapter 26
26 chapters
The Judge's Decision
After a few minutes, a voice over the intercom announced that the trial was about to start. Logan, Shania, and Troye exchanged a few final words, finished their snacks, and stood up, ready to face what was coming."Huff, just a few more hours and this will all be over," Shania said with a sigh of relief. "Don't worry, Logan. They can't charge you that easily."Shania smiled confidently, certain they would soon win the trial with Troye's help. But just as she was feeling optimistic, Troye spoke up in a hesitant tone, "Actually, Miss Moore, I can't guarantee Mr. Kane will win this trial. Please don't be overconfident."Shania frowned and asked in bewilderment, "I thought you could expose the judge's corruption with your speaking skills. Are you saying you can't—""You're mistaken," Troye interrupted, his tone tinged with offense as he sensed the accusation in Shania's words. "I can expose the judge's crimes to everyone, but he's still the one running this trial. Even if his corruption i
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Dr. Natalie Harper
Lying on the floor, his body convulsing, blood continued to spurt from the judge's mouth.The room fell silent for a moment before the officers sprang into action. Logan watched as the courtroom guards quickly surrounded Harrison, who was convulsing on the floor. Meanwhile, the people in the audience stood up from their seats, straining to get a better view."Damn, Judge Harrison's hematemesis is acting up!" one of the officers shouted in panic. "Quick, call an ambulance!" He then turned to the entire courtroom, shouting loudly, "Is there a doctor here?"Bruno immediately raised his hand confidently, thinking he would be the sole hero for Judge Harrison. However, someone else also raised their hand from the back row. "A neurologist here!" the voice shouted.Logan turned toward the voice, spotting a woman in the back corner of the courtroom with her hand raised high. Frowning, Logan realized something."Isn't that Natalie Harper, one of the most renowned doctors at Southriver Hospital
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Let Me Save his Life
All eyes fixed on Logan with curious expressions and whispers rippling through the crowd."Logan, a mere janitor, assisting Judge Harrison? Impossible," someone remarked incredulously."Perhaps he imagines mopping hospital floors has somehow imparted medical knowledge," another replied. "Still, Judge Harrison's illness is grave. Just observe how seasoned doctors like Natalie and Bruno appear to wrestle with despair.""I see. Logan is too naive if he believes he can measure up to the medical expertise of Dr. Natalie and Dr. Bruno."Despite the barrage of disparaging remarks directed his way, Logan remained unperturbed. His smile persisted, radiating unshakable confidence.The officer in front of Logan chuckled softly and asked, "I don't quite follow your reasoning. Have you pursued medical education before and obtained a medical degree?"Logan simply shook his head. The officer chuckled again, joined now by several participants behind him, who also began to laugh softly.With a restrai
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This is Logan's Trap!
Bruno abandoned his medical equipment and stood up. He waved to the perimeter guards, signaling them to let Logan through."Let him through," he ordered.Following Bruno's direct order, the guards immediately parted and allowed Logan to pass through.On the other side, Troye approached Shania, doubt evident in his voice. "Miss Moore, does Logan really have medical skills?"Shania shot Troye a sharp glance but said nothing.Troye cleared his throat, feeling uncomfortable. "I know you're angry at me for giving up so easily. I just want to make sure..."Shania sighed deeply, then spoke softly, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. You need to see it for yourself."Troye nodded slowly, refocusing on Logan, who stood close to Bruno and Natalie. Logan's eyes burned with a blend of anger and resentment aimed at Bruno. Bruno twitched nervously, attempting to conceal his unease.Logan ignored Bruno completely and turned to Natalie, who regarded him with curious eyes."Logan Maxwell," she mur
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Don't Rest Easy, Old Fart
"Logan's trap?" Natalie raised an eyebrow. "I can't believe you're talking nonsense in such a critical situation, Bruno. If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, I'll file a negative report about you!""Listen to me until I damn finish!" Bruno raised his voice. "What's gotten into you, Natalie? How can you believe that a cup of warm ginger can cure a serious internal condition like variceal hematemesis? The ginger might actually harm our patient. What if Logan is trying to kill Judge Harrison to avoid criminal charges? Haven't you thought of that?"Natalie fell silent, the truth in Bruno's words dawning on her. If Judge Harrison died, the next judge might impose a lighter sentence on Logan, or even acquit him. It made perfect sense that Logan had a motive to kill the judge.Natalie lifted her head and eyed Logan suspiciously. She hesitated before asking, "Is what Bruno said about you true?"Logan gave a cryptic smile, shrugged casually, and said, "Believe Bruno or believe me,
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Martial Art Manuals
Harrison's skin prickled as Logan's whisper cut sharply into his ear, cold, unfeeling, and arrogant. His body trembled slightly, realizing Logan was deadly serious. He felt a profound, unprecedented fear wash over him.Logan continued, "Obey me carefully, you old far. If you don't cooperate, you will die. Dismiss all of Ariana's demands against me. Do not impose any penalties that would harm me. Instead, you must ensure Ariana compensates for all of this.""But…" Harrison began to protest."Shut your mouth," Logan hissed like a snake. "Don't you realize your life and death are in my hands, old man?!"Judge Harrison immediately fell silent. Logan felt he had made himself perfectly clear. With a final pat on the judge's shoulder, he stood up and turned to face the room, surveying the gathered crowd.DING![Wow, you really know the fastest way to become popular, don't you?]Logan scratched his head, ignoring the system widget blinking in front of him.[Even though popularity gives a plea
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