All Chapters of The Ultimate Commander Cassian: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
225 chapters
Chapter 0101
Olivia and Nathaniel reflexively avoided Cassian's gaze. Although they did not want to bow their heads, the oppressive atmosphere forced them to do so.They could no longer hurl harsh words at Cassian or Elara. There was no story of Ace ever pretending to be friendly to someone.As the administrator
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Chapter 0102
"Lord, where are you going? I can take you in the shuttle car," Ace said carefully to Cassian.The bodyguards had placed Elara's Paganigma in a special parking lot. Cassian had made no other requests than that, so Ace took the initiative to ask."My destination is close to here. No need to take a ve
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Chapter 0103
Rosalie's face turned pale as she realized what she had said. The information related to Ronin was not included in the document.Since the Great Commander's whereabouts were unknown, Weltaria was completely in Ronin's control. A bad word about the President from Rosalie could destroy the Greythorn f
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Chapter 0104
The anger instantly vanished from Scott's face, replaced by a proud smile. "As expected from my favorite granddaughter! I expected you to be able to handle the company's problems," he praised.Brandon, who had also seen his grandfather, frowned in confusion. "But Olivia has been with me and her boyf
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Chapter 0105
Ford, the fashion consultant following Hank from behind, gasped in surprise at Maverick's words. His gaze shifted to Elara, who was still sitting calmly."Who is that woman?" Ford asked the receptionist. "She's making trouble with the son of our priority customer. This could ruin the boutique's repu
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Chapter 0106
Cassian's words amazed everyone except Elara. He should have been scared since Hank had won a special national wrestling tournament award.But instead, he said something that indicated that Hank's grip was not strong. Even if Hank's glory days were in the past, it did not change the fact that he had
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Chapter 0107
The receptionist had verified Cassian's data, which meant he had come by invitation. Moreover, rooms number one to ten were only given to priority clients.One had to pay a monthly f*e of $3,000 and order a minimum of three suits every month to become a priority client. If someone could spend that k
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Chapter 0108
Victory Hills had a special area called the Social Hub for the noble community. In this area, there was a swimming pool, gym, garden, spa, private cinema, art gallery, and even a helipad for helicopters.The Social Hub also had a private yacht club close to the clubhouse, which was the central build
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Chapter 0109
Rosalie ignored the confused looks people threw at her for coming with Cassian. She led him and Elara to join the Greythorn family table.Jeremy and Ryan's faces were filled with disgust. They initially tried to respect Cassian because he had saved Dalton's life.But everything changed after they he
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Chapter 0110
The people around Garett frowned in surprise. The hospital had been secretive about Dalton's illness, so people only knew he had been sick for a while and not working on recovery.Because of this, the GT Group's situation remained safe despite the leader's absence. It would have been a different sto
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